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Are you up for some miscellany?


Because that’s what I’ve got today.


First-ity-first, I want to talk more about homemade pita bread.

After breakfast yesterday, I made up another batch of dough, and this time, I slid my pizza stone into the oven when I turned it on to preheat.

I was all excited to see if this method would produce satisfying results, but I am sorry to say that this is what came out of the oven.

Yummy? Yes. Pocket bread? No.

So, I tried again, after the stone had had even more time to heat up.

But again, I ended up with a not-properly-puffed pita, and this time, the bottom was browner than I wanted it to be.

It was more like pizza.

Which, I suppose, should not be a surprise, given that it was baked on a pizza stone.

So, then I decided to try baking a pita on a wire cooling rack, and that produced much better results. The pita puffed up impressively, and the bottom was not burnt.

pizza stone pita on the left, wire rack pita on the right

I must say, though, that I was most pleased with the pitas that I cooked on my little mesh splatter screen, so I’m going to stick with that. But if you don’t own one of those, I can safely recommend using a wire cooling rack instead.

I know some of you use pizza stones with great success, but apparently I lack the necessary skilz. 😉


So, we’ve lived in this house for almost 6 years now (Holy moly! How did that happen??), and for all of those years, a rather out-of-place, out-of-control forsythia bush has lived in my side yard, right by the road (I really need to dig it up and move it somewhere better).

For some odd reason, it has taken me six years to realize that I could cut flowers off of it and bring them inside.

And now that I’ve done it, I’m kicking myself for missing out for 6 years. Hello! Free stuff, enjoying what you have, noticing the beauty where you are…that’s my gig, and somehow, I didn’t see the opportunity sitting right next to my own house.

I will remember this next spring.

Speaking of spring…

after a winter of slipper and sock encased feet, I am soaking up the delicious feeling of bare-naked feet.

Every winter I get so used to having my feet covered up at all times (ok, not in the shower, but you know what I mean), I almost forget how fabulous it is to feel the warm air on my toes.

But it all quickly comes back, and I remember that I’m a proud member of the “shoes are evil and bare feet rock” club.

(You didn’t know there was a club? There totally is, and you should join! All the cool people go barefoot, you know.)

I’m actually kidding about the club. But if you hardly ever go barefoot, I think you should try it. It feels fabulous.

These are making me laugh

On Sunday, we were at Ready, Set, Simplify’s neighborhood park, and I took some pictures of Zoe and Lisey swinging. They’re completely off-topic, but I thought I’d share them anyway.

Because looking at them keeps making me giggle.Even though they’re not exactly my best pictures ever (taking pictures of people in motion is a skill I have not quite mastered).

And that, dear readers, is all the miscellany I have for you this Thursday. 🙂

Today’s 365 post: Shoe on the Sill

Joshua’s 365 post: My Reptile Wall (the bulletin board in this picture was an old church discard, which I painted and hung up on Joshua’s wall)

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Friday 6th of January 2012

    My mother, for many years, cut forsythia before it bloomed, "forcing" the flowers to open indoors. Even the gardener didn't believe this was possible. It's a lovely early taste of spring. I think Mum even mailed some branches to relatives in colder climes, and they, too, had success in bringing a little sunshine into the house.


    Friday 8th of April 2011

    oh I do the same thing with flowers in my yard too (and my gig is pretty similar to yours!!!)! And one time, my friend had those little prickly gum balls in a crystal dish on her table and it was beautiful. Made me look at the stuff in my yard differently.

    My brother goes everywhere barefoot in the summer unless there's a sign on the door. He's hardcore. I do love me some bare feet and that's when I paint my toenails too ! fun.


    Thursday 7th of April 2011

    I absolutely love the Forsythia photo! And, yes, the photos of the girls on the swings made me giggle, too! ;) Although, the last time I was on a swing (last fall), I got a little "motion-sickness"! Guess I'm getting old... ;)


    Thursday 7th of April 2011

    Your park pictures made me giggle, too. I especially like the first one and the third one with Zoe's fun expression! I actually didn't see that you posted park pictures until after I posted mine!


    Thursday 7th of April 2011

    So, do you just bake one pita at a time on the splatter thingie? Is the time and energy ( both your's and the power company's) worth the better results you get?


    Friday 8th of April 2011

    Nope, I can fit two on the splatter screen.

    And yep, I totally think the improvement in taste is worth the time. :) Also, even factoring in oven time, I'm pretty sure I'm coming out money ahead, because the pita dough costs mere pennies.

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