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Baby Basils

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.


Aren’t they cute?

Basil is so easy to grow, even my black-thumbed self can do it.


P.S. Gianormous congrats to Pam H, the winner of the Ting smartphone giveaway.   Pam, you’ve been emailed.

And the rest of you…I am totally amazed at the amount of money you could save by switching to Ting (some of you could save $3,000+ over two years!).   So, even if you have to go buy new phones in order to switch, you’ll still be way money ahead.   I personally am totally thrilled with the refurbed iPhone 4s’s Mr. FG and I bought through Amazon.

(In case you missed it, here are all the details about the Ting phone plan that Mr. FG and I are using, and which is costing us a whopping $21/month for both phones!)


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    A frugal family's journey

    Tuesday 1st of April 2014

    Very nice! My wife has been bugging me to start an herb garden for her but the problem is we don't have an area in our house with enough sunshine. Outside, rabbits would be all over them. :(


    Thursday 27th of March 2014

    Is it really easy?! I'll have to try it... I looooove fresh basil and have a total black thumb myself!


    Thursday 27th of March 2014

    Yep-I've managed to grow basil for a bunch of years in a row, and I am nowhere near an awesome gardener.

    Katie | The Surly Housewife

    Wednesday 26th of March 2014

    Ahhh gardening. Can't wait! If winter would just go away! Need to get started on my herbs. Thanks for the reminder :)

    Deborah C. Williams

    Tuesday 25th of March 2014

    Enjoyed seeing you and Katy meet up...wish I could have been there to meet both of you as I have been a fan of both for a long time!!! I live in Virginia and this would have been great if I were not home preparing for knee replacement surgery(insert sad face)..maybe next time!!!

    Liz @ Economies of Kale

    Tuesday 25th of March 2014

    Basil seems to thrive on neglect, which is great for my garden too :)

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