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Before it expires

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

I kind of appreciate that Groupons come with expiration dates, because they make me do things I might not otherwise find time for.

bowling groupon

I might think, “Oh, we should take the kids bowling sometime!” and never get around to it, but if I buy a Groupon for bowling, then my frugal nature forces me to use the Groupon before it expires.

Same goes for the My Publisher books…I probably wouldn’t have finished more than one or two without those pesky expiration dates, but as it stands, I have 14 of those books lined up on my shelf.

Apparently, I do best with a little nudging.

(To clarify, Groupons don’t expire in one sense: the amount you pay for the voucher is always available.   But the bonus amount does expire, and we all know I wouldn’t want to miss out on the bonus.   😉 )


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    Tuesday 12th of August 2014

    Just out of curiosity, did you ever get around to trying out Shutterly or Snapfish in comparison to the My Publisher? I've recently gone back and forth over what to do with ALL of these photos and that they are getting all messed up in the jumble and I would REALLY like another way to organize them. And when I saw that My Publisher... well, I thought I may have found a perfect way to do that besides just on some thumb drive or disk! But first... were you able to compare? Could you do a review?


    Tuesday 12th of August 2014

    I did make a Shutterfly book and a Picaboo book, and overall, I prefer My Publisher. I think the print quality is better, although I will say that Shutterfly's program has more scrapbook-y type elements you can add to your pages. But to me that wasn't worth compromising the print quality.


    Tuesday 12th of August 2014

    I totally agree! I kept saying I wanted to make a photo book with my wedding pictures so I bought a My Publisher Groupon. I started working on it right away, but left it untouched for weeks. The day before the expiration, I got busy and finished it. So I guess a little nudging helps me, too. Oh, and the book came out beautifully. Thanks for the recommendation to use this company.

    Hannah @ eat, drink and save money

    Tuesday 12th of August 2014

    We are the same way! Especially with restaurants. As a foodie, I always have a running list of places to try, but we rarely get around to going out with a baby. The Groupons inspire me to do take out or ask a family member to babysit. It is good for my marriage!

    Deb @ Saving the Crumbs

    Tuesday 12th of August 2014

    I'm with you on that one! Things like Groupon help me be a little more adventuresome in trying new things. I just have to be careful I don't start spending too much on "unnecessary" things just because they're on sale or have a coupon! :-/ There's always that challenge of finding a balance between "want" vs. "need", "fun" vs. "frugal", but there definitely is a balance which I think you exemplify well in this blog! :-)

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