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Bringing some spring inside

This year, I managed to remember to cut some of the beautiful things in my yard.



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    Laura Vanderkam

    Thursday 29th of March 2012

    We brought a few magnolia blooms inside and put them in a little glass bowl. Lovely to walk past and smell it. But having the blooms outside is nice too -- encourages me to get outdoors and bury my head in the flowering trees!


    Monday 26th of March 2012

    Beautiful! I wish I could bring spring inside, but if I did that it would be consumed by my cats (who think that anything that smells like outside needs to be inside their digestive tracts....)

    Thanks for the bright, happy pictures!!

    Stacy S

    Monday 26th of March 2012

    Funny, we are having a few cold days in Ontario, so yesterday I let the girls cut a few daffodils to bring in - they're lovely and bright on my dining room table!


    Monday 26th of March 2012

    Gorgeous photos and beautiful vases, Kristen! Thanks for sharing.

    Elspeth @ paper armour

    Monday 26th of March 2012

    I have a tradition of buying myself spring flowers (tulips or daffodils) on Easter. Living in the city, I don't have flowers or any dirt to put them in, and I don't buy flowers all the time because they're so expensive for something that will only live a week or two. They make me so happy and celebratory, so it's a perfect Easter tradition. :)

    As the Lenten season progresses, I find myself wanting the flowers more and more, which I've been pleased to discover is a great way to stay mindful of what Lent and Easter are all about.

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