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Bucket List Update #1 |Mid-July

My annual summer bucket list isn’t a list of things I want to do before I die; rather, it’s a list of things I want to do before summer kicks the bucket.

swimming pool

It’s only been about two weeks since I made my list, so I haven’t made super great progress yet.


Plan/Sign Up for 2016-2017 school.

Current status: Joshua and I met with an advisor, we got him signed up for classes, and they’re paid for.   We just need to wait for the bookstore sale to start so we can buy him his books, and then he’ll be good to go.   And I think I’m good to go for his home curriculum in the fall too.

My next big step is to figure out tutorial options for Lisey, as that’s uncharted territory for me.

Joshua: I’ve got to sign him up for college classes and also get curriculum for some subjects he’ll still be doing at home.

Lisey: I think I’m going to have her take a few classes at a tutorial, so I need to figure all of that out. And then I’ll need to sort out what books/resources she needs for her at-home classes.

Sonia and Zoe: They’re easy! Nothing much is going to change for them this year, so I mainly need to buy some consumables and then we’ll be good to go.

Declutter my house.

decluttering papers

I did my linen closet and coat closet already, plus the kids’ bathroom, so here’s what’s left:

  • my room
  • the living room (was very easy because I don’t have a lot of storage in the living room)
  • the kitchen
  • Sonia and Zoe’s room
  • the office
  • the laundry room
  • my bathroom (should be quick and easy because it’s tiny. Not much stuff can go in there!)
  • the under-stairs closet

Make photo books.

Nothing done here.

My Publisher photo book covers

Make new chore lists.

Not yet.

Teach my kids to do their own laundry.

Done!   They’re still learning the ins and outs of this, and we haven’t quite got things down to a pat routine, but we are well on our way.

costco laundry detergent

Power-wash and restain the deck.


Paint my front door. And the trim above it.


Paint my mailbox and post, and buy new numbers for it.


Paint my laundry room.


unheated laundry room

Do you see the tan paint there on the back wall? I’m going to cover it all!

Get my kids to the pool at least once a week.

We’re averaging more like twice a week, so, I am doing awesome at this thus far.

Keep my kids supplied with books.

I have a full library basket for Sonia and Zoe.   I’m needing to come up with some more good books for Lisey and Joshua, though.

summer reading

Go see three movies.

We’ve been to two so far, which means I’m quite on track for the summer: We saw the BFG at a matinee, and Alice Through The Looking Glass at the cheap theater.

I am kind of dying to see The Secret Life of Pets, but I might be able to be patient enough to wait for it to hit the cheap theater. 😉

Write to my grandpa three times.

My dad told me that my grandpa is really having trouble reading these days, so I think instead of writing three times, I’m going to send a letter and some photos with my dad when he visits my grandpa.


If you have a summer bucket list, feel free to share your progress here each month too (and link us up to your bucket list if you blog!)

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    Wednesday 13th of July 2016

    What is a tutorial? Online learning? Just curious! I like hearing about homeschooling. Those of us in traditional schools also have decisions like college enrollment in HS, etc, so it is interesting!


    Wednesday 13th of July 2016

    I agree-Dory was kind of disappointing. And Pets, although cute, was not at all what the advertisements portrayed.


    Wednesday 13th of July 2016

    We found Dory so/so. We loved Jungle Book. (kids 8, 14)


    Wednesday 13th of July 2016

    Could you somehow record your letters to your grandfather? Does he have an old tape player that you could record something on and let him listen to you letters? Maybe the kids could read something to him too.

    Bethany Brown

    Wednesday 13th of July 2016

    I'm not sure how tech savvy your grandpa is but my favorite memory of my granddaddy is the recorded letters he used to send me! Of course back then he used a tape recorder and mailed them to me, and unless you both have that equipment you'd have to do something more electronic. But you could make some recordings on your phone, send them to your dad, and have your dad play them for him...Just a thought. It's nice to hear someone's voice and be able to replay it whenever you feel like it.

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