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Buy these now, enjoy savings in the future!

I know a lot of you already placed an order with Grove (and some of you already got your order!   Sweet.)   But for the rest of you, I have some money-saving ideas to throw out.

Grove cleaning caddy

As you know, I am dearly in love with Mrs. Meyers dish soap, so when I posted about the Grove offer, I said that I might just buy a bunch of dish soap to meet the $20 spending requirement.

But I also thought it would be helpful to put together a couple of other ideas that would help save you more than $20 in the future.

That way, you’ll get your free cleaning kit, and the products you purchase for $20 will end up paying for themselves over time.

Diva Cup ($29.99)

This would be $9.99 over your minimum spend, obviously, but since it a) is not disposable and b) replaces most feminine supplies, it’ll pay for itself in rather short order.

(The manufacturer suggests replacing it annually, or when you see signs of wear, but I’m well over a year into using the one I ordered from Grove, and my friend Katy is a good 4-5 years into using hers.   So, don’t be put off by the annual thing…I think it’s very typical for them to last far longer!)

Grove Kitchen Towels ($9.95)

You get one free in your fall cleaning kit, but you can add a double pack to your order for $9.95.

grove collaborative kitchen towel

Kitchen towels last for years, even with regular use, and the more you use them, the less you use paper towels.

(Save the paper for really messy, greasy stuff, and use cloth towels for everything else.)

Another option: the bar mop towels (6 pack) for $14.99.


eCloth ($7.99)


This cloth is meant to be used in place of disposable products for cleaning purposes.   In fact, you can use it to clean without any cleaning sprays. Just wet it and wipe.

Foaming Hand Soap ($3.89)

Foaming hand soap lasts a lot longer than regular soap because a little goes a long way. And small children are far less likely to over-dispense with foam than with liquid (unless they decide the foam is just really fun, in which case all bets are off!)

foaming hand soap

Once you have the foaming dispenser, you can buy a refill for $6.11 or you can make your own for pennies, using Castile soap.

(Which you can also buy from Grove, for $6.69).

Castile Soap ($16.99)

(This is a really great price, by the way! It’s less than even at Amazon.)

Speaking of Castile soap…you can buy the large container for $16.99 and then use it to make myriad other cleaning supplies.     Here are 12 ideas to get you started from The Wellness Mama.


I do still think loading up your cart with Mrs. Meyer’s dish soap is a valid choice, but hey, at least you have some other ideas now. 😉

Mrs. Meyer's cleaning kit

The product links in the post above are just regular links, FYI.   You have to use the special links below to get your limited-time freebies!

Grab your concentrates cleaning kit by clicking here.

(And if you are an existing customer, click here to get your free two-pack of sponges.)


P.S. Because I can’t stop with the ideas: what about using your $20 spending to buy a gift? Grove’s 70 hour soy candles, (which burn clean, unlike paraffin), would make a lovely gift ($12.95).

grove soy candle set

Also, Grove sells a 3-pack of soy candles in a simple, yet classy box for $34.95.






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    Monday 11th of September 2017

    Just want to put in my 2 cents about Grove: I never, ever join subscription sites, but this one is so different. You don't have to receive the monthly products if you don't want to - simply change the delivery schedule to meet your needs. You can go in manually to change the date whenever you want, so there is absolutely no obligation to buy ever. And if you buy the VIP annual membership, shipping is always free and they send you several full-sized freebies throughout the year. They are even currently offering the VIP membership at half the regular price. And as someone stated above, the customer service at Grove is truly stellar - they always exceed my expectations. And no, I am not affiliated with them in any way except that I have been a truly happy customer for almost a year now. :)

    Sarah B

    Friday 14th of October 2016

    I used my first diva cup for seven years before replacing it, and it was still in good condition. I love it! I love that I no longer need to devote so much space in my purse or suitcase for feminine products when I'm out and about. :)


    Friday 14th of October 2016

    Chiming in to offer my own hearty endorsement of Diva cups! I've had mine for several years and it is in great shape. Occasional extra cleaning with baking soda is all it has needed to stay looking good. I loved it from first use, and only wish I'd known about it sooner. Would have saved a bundle on disposables!!


    Friday 14th of October 2016

    Ooh, that is awesome to hear. 7 years totally makes it worth the price and then some!


    Thursday 13th of October 2016

    I love my diva cup more than is appropriate for a femanine product. It is so much easier and cheaper and more comfortable and safer than tampons. It's a game changer, ladies, go for it.

    Brook Hart

    Thursday 13th of October 2016

    I have used my Diva cup for years. I loved it and made a mental note of every store in town that had a sink in the individual booths in case I needed to freshen up. ( Think larger handicapped booths ) I recently helped my daughter move to a new apartment .I discovered hers in her personal care items. At 21 she has changed over to it. She says it is one of the best things I taught her abought. Not nearly as gross as you might think . She says it makes pool parties a no worry event. I cant even imagine what her lifetime savings will be.


    Thursday 13th of October 2016

    Well, I need to rescind my comment above, they have absolutely sterling customer service! I got a response back to my email today & they said they will comp me the items I didn't intend to order plus give me a $10.00 comp on another order. I think it was mostly my fault for not understanding the site, i just got really confused somehow. But they responded to my frustrations very kindly & I appreciate that so much. I wasn't trying to get anything for free, just wanted to figure out why I had so much trouble....But they are great. I was too impatient. They are a small company & the lady who emailed me back actually remembered speaking to me on the phone! I really appreciate them & will try to figure out the site for the future as their prices are great!


    Thursday 13th of October 2016

    Yay! I am so very happy that they took good care of you. Grove's customer service people are marvelous.

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