I know, it’s been two weeks since my last freezer update. I needed an extra week to work on my last self-assigned pile of freezer food. 😉
Here’s how things are going with my last collection of frozen food.
Bread Cubes
When I have bread odds and ends, I usually cut them up into cubes and add them to a bag in my freezer.
Which is a good plan but the cubes do eventually need to be used when the bag is full.
I used most of them to make a half-pan of Pioneer Woman’s overnight French toast when Zoe had a friend sleep over.
And I used the rest of them to make some homemade croutons for a salad we had with dinner.
Homemade croutons are so good. And they’re so much easier to eat than the ones from the store, which are impossible to poke with a fork!
I started these on the stovetop and then put them in the toaster oven for their final crisping. A toaster oven sure is handy for small batches!
Here’s what I started with.
I suppose there are creative things one could do with this, but I’ve just been faithfully using it up in smoothies!
So many smoothies.

I swear these are all different smoothies! They just kinda look the same every time.
I also had a smoothie on the go…

Worry not. My car was parked when I took this photo. 😉
By the way, if you ever need to disguise something like kale in a smoothie, pineapple helps a lot. It has a flavor that comes through pretty strong!
Anyway…I have less than half a pound of pineapple left.
Last time around, I still had a pound and a half of peaches in this bag.
But I am happy to say, I used up every last one in smoothies! Yay for an empty bag.
Banana Slices
Next up, a bag of banana slices, which I am sorry to say I have not touched at all.
Squash Rolls
I think there were around eight in this bag to start with, and I’m down to one!
Here’s what they look like freshly-baked. And here’s the recipe if you want to take a peek.
Mostly I just ate them toasted and spread with butter, but I also used some to make sort of an avocado toast sandwich.
Of course I put an egg on my avocado toast. We would expect no less from me. 😉
So, overall I did pretty well! I used up everything except for the bananas and part of the bag of pineapple. Oh, and the one butternut squash roll.
Batch #3 of freezer food
Allllrighty. Time for another collection of things to use up.
In addition to the bananas, pineapple, and the one squash roll, I have a fresh set of frozen food to tackle.
Beef Jerky
I think I had frozen this because I bought a big bag and I knew Zoe and I wouldn’t eat it in time. So, I’m thawing it and she and I can both snack on it. This should be easy!
Sun-Dried Tomatoes
I found a partial jar of these in the freezer, and since I’ve been adding them to my mashed potatoes of late, they should be simple to use up.
Ummmm….as I was searching through my freezer yesterday, I actually found several more bags of peaches!
I think I must have grabbed them from the freezer at my other house, because I know I didn’t freeze this many peaches last summer.
I see more peach smoothies in my future. 😉
Hot Dog Buns
I do not know why I have hot dog buns; I never buy hot dogs, and I can’t think of anything else I make that requires hot dog buns.
So, hmmm. I could use these to make garlic toast.
I could cut them up into bread cubes.
I could make small pizza subs with them.
Flank Steak
Guys, this is a VERY old piece of flank steak.
It’s from the freezer at my other house, and I know that it had been in that freezer for quite some time.
Soooo, I’m thinking it’s gonna need some serious marinade to be tasty. What would you do with it?
Got ideas for me? I’m open to suggestions!
P.S. Thanks for following along with my freezer challenges. I am 1000% more likely to actually follow through on these when I know I’m gonna give you all a report. I appreciate the virtual accountability!
Friday 4th of August 2023
I need a smoothie recipe or a formula for good smoothies. You all have inspired me to eat more fruit via smoothie's..
Ellie in AR
Thursday 3rd of August 2023
Great job rotating through all of your "frozen assets", Kristen. I suggest marinating the flank steak in teriyaki sauce, grilling and slicing it thin. Pair with brown rice and broccoli for some homemade Chinese fakeout.
Deb Wright
Thursday 3rd of August 2023
For your sliced bananas, mix a cup of oats (any kind except steel cut) with slices that would equal one banana. Add cinnamon, vanilla, chocolate chips, etc. as you wish or just keep it plain. Roll into 8 balls and put them on a very, very well greased cookie sheet, and flatten so they look like cookies. Bake at 350 for about 15 to 20 mins. These are perfect healthy breakfast on the go! Enjoy and, also, good luck with that flank steak. Eager to see what you do with that.
Thursday 3rd of August 2023
Use the pineapple in a frozen pina colada! Frozen peach margarita an option too.
Interesting/medical fact - pineapple eats your face :-) that tingly feeling when you eat pineapple is its enzymes breaking down your lips/mouth. I still love pineapple though.
Donna Luke-Peterson
Thursday 3rd of August 2023
First, make peach cobbler or jam with those peaches!
I’d marinate the flank steak in case it might be tasting old a bit, and grill/broil/fry a bit, and add it to ramen or yakisoba or other stir fried noodle fish. Lo mein, japchae, that kind of thing.