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Clarification on yesterday’s post

As I was rereading the Q&A post from yesterday, it occurred to me that I hadn’t made something very clear. Both of those pictures (the ones of Lisey and of Zoe as a baby) I posted were taken with my old point and shoot camera. You probably could have surmised this by looking at the dates of the pictures, but I wanted to make sure you all knew that neither of them were taken with my SLR. I was just trying to illustrate what a difference some photographic knowledge made even when there was no change in the photography equipment (and the photography equipment wasn’t that great to begin with).

Since a fair number of you have said you’d appreciate some how-to’s on the subject of photography, I’ll start to work on putting those together. It won’t be a weekly thing, probably, but rather an intermittent topic, as I have time and inspiration.

A regular post is forthcoming. 😉

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