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Cookie Answers (and Thankful Thursday)

Hello, everyone!

Thanks for playing along with our cookie game yesterday. 🙂 No one got all the answers correct, so I spent a long time poring through the comments this morning trying to figure out who got the closest. 

Christmas cookie

Brooke was the first reader to get only two wrong; she got me and Sonia reversed, but got everything else right!

But then Sara was the first one to get just one wrong; she only missed the Beaker cookie. Good job, Sara! You’ve been emailed.

Here are the correct matches:

Cookies labeled with contest answers.

I love that lots of you realized that #2 and #4 were both made by the same person! Lisey must have a style. 😉 Also, you might know that Lisey loves Sesame Street/Muppets, so there was a small clue there about the Beaker cookie. 

I usually link to the recipe we use, but I neglected to do that. Whoops. Here’s the cut-out sugar cookie and frosting recipe.

Alrighty…on to Thankful Thursday!

This week, I’m thankful:

that Lisey still lives close enough to decorate cookies with us

Once she graduates, she plans to live all over the place…California, Hawaii, Florida, and who knows where else. Next Christmas, she should still be pretty local, but after that, we may have to end the cookie contest due to too few cookie artists. 🙂

that we were able to give our blow-up Santa to our neighbors

Our kids are a little too old to love yard blow-ups, so I gave our Santa to our neighbors across the street. They have three young kids so they’re at a perfect stage of life for an obnoxious yard blow-up.

A blow-up santa.

From when we first bought him; we gave him a test run inside!

that the shortest day has passed

We are now en route to the longest day of the year. Woohoo!

It’s slow going at first (by the end of January, we will only have gained about 30 minutes of daylight), but at least we are headed in a brighter direction.

that Lisey is back home for winter break

I’m so glad to have one of my birdies back in the nest for a few weeks. 🙂

that I don’t have travel plans right now

The lines for the free drive-up testing have been unbelievably long every time I’ve driven by lately, so I’m thankful I’m don’t have to try to get a molecular test for travel purposes right now.

I really hate waiting in lines!

(I had to take Sonia for a test there a few months ago, and it took three hours even then. I cannot even IMAGINE how long the wait is now.)

that it’s so easy to get a booster

Sonia’s got an appointment coming up for a booster, and I was remembering the headache it was to get her initial shots…a long drive to stand in a long line at a mass vax site. Now it’s just a quick drive to a local drugstore, which is way, way, way easier.

(again with me not doing great at standing in lines. Ha.)

for medical podcasts

I’m in-between semesters, but I’ve been binge-listening to Dr. Mike and Dr. Matt’s Medical Podcast, partially just for fun, and partially to get a head-start on next semester. They don’t publish episodes very often, but they have a pretty big backlog for me to work through, and since they’re both A&P professors, the content is pretty much all relevant for me.

The episodes are almost always over an hour, so they do take a while to get through. And since both of the doctors have Aussie accents, I cannot manage to listen to them on double speed (2x is what I do with most podcasts!)

Something funny I realized while listening to Dr. Mike talk…if you say, “an iron ion” with an Australian accent, it just sounds like you are saying, “an ion ion”.

for a sunny day yesterday

Tuesday, it was cloudy and rainy, which always makes me feel a little more crabby. But Wednesday, there was lots of sunshine and life felt much more cheerful.

I try to see drizzly days as cozy but man, it just does not work for me. I still end up kind of, “womp-womp” despite my best efforts.

So. Yay for sunshine!!

What are you thankful for this week?

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Saturday 25th of December 2021

A few medical podcasts you might enjoy!

* Sawbones - husband (non-MD) and wife (MD) dive into medical stuff * Healthful Woman - maternal fetal medicine doc talks about female-specific medical issues, most often dealing with pregnancy


Sunday 26th of December 2021

Oh yes, I love Sawbones! So hilarious.

And I will check out the Healthful Woman podcast. Thank you!


Friday 24th of December 2021

Kristen, thank you for your great blog. Wishing you and your a very happy Christmas and holiday.

1. Iโ€™m glad I was able to have a turkey dinner tonight. Tomorrow, my kids voted for steak and potatoes, and Christmas we will have tamales.

2. My sister is in town and we will get to see her and my niece for Christmas Eve lunch tomorrow.

3. My youngest is getting some much needed support with a great therapist. I think it will make a big difference in their life and happiness going forward.

4. The presents are largely wrapped. I got some super things for my husband who is a hard working person who asks for very little and never buys anything for himself. I think the kids will be delighted too.

5. I was able to see cousins and my aunt yesterday. I am so lucky to have some great family members.


Thursday 23rd of December 2021

Oooh, I only mixed up Sonia and Zoe! Cool!

Grateful for veterinarians. My puppy had to go in for sedated x-rays today and they were so kind to both of us. The industry is a mess right now but vets are still going above and beyond.

Also grateful to my friend who walked with me and spent most of the day talking so I wouldn't spend the entire day worrying while waiting for news. It was so, so helpful.

And finally, grateful that although we still don't know what's causing her persistent limp, we did learn that it's unlikely to be an orthopedic issue, which is a relief. Now I can enjoy a long weekend without the appointment hanging over me!


Thursday 23rd of December 2021


Darkest day is OVER

Son is off his submarine and can spend holidays with his darling wife

Other son is home for a few weeks due to college break

That I have a break to rest and recharge too

Ali M

Thursday 23rd of December 2021

oh snap!! I worked 2 hectic night shifts in a row and missed the contest!!

lucky re boosters. Here is Canada it is survival of the craftiest....i.e. who is best at finding an appointment. Lucky for me, I have an in as a HCW. Also have an in for testing....impossible to find here as our numbers are skyrocketing!!

love to all over the holidays!!

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