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Couldn’t you just look at the sky forever?

If you’ve been a reader for a while, you probably know about my love for clouds.   I don’t like the rainy, dreary sort, but the kind that appear on sunny days?   Oh, I love them!

There’s such a variety and they never get old to me.   I’m not very good at photographing them, but I try, and even when I don’t get my camera out, I soak in the view.

on clouds

A thing I like about these scenes is that they are available to everyone, everywhere.   You don’t have to be rich or famous to take in the glorious scenery above our heads…you just have to take a minute to stop, look, and be amazed.


P.S.  Today is the the release date for Crystal Paine’s new book, Money-Making Mom!   I just finished reading my review copy on Sunday, and I’ll share my thoughts about the book soon.

P.P.S  On Saturday, I actually wrote a blog post (!).   I almost never blog on Saturdays, but I wanted to share pictures of our carved pumpkins, since that’s kind of a yearly tradition around here.   So, in case you missed that, click here to check ’em out.

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    Molly F.C.

    Wednesday 11th of November 2015

    Barb, it IS "sunny, not stormy weather." Too much multitasking leads to mistakes. I love songs of the Big Band era.

    Robyn S

    Wednesday 4th of November 2015

    As I'm apt to say..."We don't look up enough." I love looking at the sky!


    Wednesday 4th of November 2015

    When I was younger, my dad would just look into the woods behind our house. As a young kid, I wondered what he was looking at ... it was just a bunch of trees. Nowadays, I do the same thing. There's something calming about staring into the woods or the ocean or the clouds, I love it now.


    Tuesday 3rd of November 2015

    Kristen really enjoy reading your blog, it's both interesting and informative..& always soo visual with your great photos..thank you for sharing with us..from an Irish fan :-)


    Tuesday 3rd of November 2015

    I LOVE looking at clouds!

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