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Daffodils are perfect for me.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

picking spring daffodils

We’ve established before that I am very not awesome at gardening, but despite that fact, our daffodils manage to be beautiful each year.   (Mostly because they require no attention. 😉 )

And voles don’t eat them, which is the main survival requirement for anything in our yard.

cut daffodils

P.S. I found this helpful list of bulbs that voles hate. Based on this, I’m definitely not wasting money on tulips anymore and I think I might add some muscari to our yard this fall.

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    Glory Lennon

    Thursday 17th of April 2014

    Being an ardent (and frugal!) gardener, and one who takes every opportunity to encourage others to garden as a stress relieving activity and a frugal fun way to grow a few veggies--kids love eating what they themselves can grow--I can offer you a few seeds of mole-proof, deer-proof and fool proof flowers which require as little care as your daffies do. I can even send you Muscari (aka grape hyacinth) seeds, all from my own garden. You have my email, let me know. :)


    Thursday 17th of April 2014

    Oh, you can grow those from seed? Is it hard? I assumed I needed bulbs. And I would love to hear what pest-proof flowers you recommend! I am so frustrated with trying to grow anything because the voles keep eating it all.


    Tuesday 15th of April 2014

    Daffodils are one of my favorite no fuss flowers. My only complaint is they never last long enough for me.

    Gladys (The Pinay Mom)

    Tuesday 15th of April 2014

    I don't have luck growing flowers (for some reason) but hopefully this year they will survive.


    Tuesday 15th of April 2014

    Oh, muscari - so THAT's what's growing. I also recommend snow drops; I see them all the time in my neighborhood. You'd have quite a nice range of colors and blooms through the long late winter/early spring season.


    Tuesday 15th of April 2014


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