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Do you shop on Black Friday? (+ some misc. stuff!)

1. Last year, I explained why I am not a Black Friday shopper (the only shopping I’m doing will be at the grocery store, which is lovely and un-crowded the day after Thanksgiving!).

Even though I’m not camping out at the mall this morning, I thought it would be fun to see how many of my readers are into the whole Black Friday thing, so I’m putting little poll out there.

(edit: I thought this poll would display the results so that you all could see them, but apparently it doesn’t. Boo. I’ll let you know tomorrow how the poll turned out, though.)

(edit #2: I don’t really think Black Friday is evil. I was just in a silly mood when I was making the poll).

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2. I know I said I don’t do Black Friday, but I do want to let you know about ING Direct’s Black Friday weekend deals (they’re not really consumer-y kind of deals!). There are two that especially piqued my interest.

  • $25 bonus for opening a kid’s savings account. This is perfect for my kids’ long-term savings accounts, so I signed up.
  • $30 bonus for referring a new member. Normally ING pays $10 per new referral, so this is a nice $20 boost. You referral gets a $25 bonus too, so both of you win.

I think you have to go to ING’s Black Friday page to get these deals…just to be on the safe side, go there first and click on the links they provide instead of just heading to their home page.

If you haven’t heard me blab on about the wonderfulness of ING before, you can go read my post about how I use my ING accounts. I love ING so, so much, and I want you all to experience its wonderfulness too!
3. I wanted to let you know that I recently wrote an article for BlogHer about a new Terracycle program that involves WalMart (oh the controversy!).

Today’s 365 post: She can’t be mad for long

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    Saturday 27th of November 2010

    I selected "other" because I've gone shopping on Black Friday a few times. But I don't like the crowds or the "experience" much. If there's something I've wanted for a long time, I may make the effort to get it at a great price. Otherwise, I'd rather stay home and watch football. :)


    Saturday 27th of November 2010

    I have gone the last two years but I don't get up and go really early. I was out this morning by 7 am (I am awake at that time anyway) and by that time the crowds had left our WalMart (one of the few stores in our town) and moved on I guess to other stores or breakfast perhaps. The store was not at all crowded, I got the things I planned on buying and was out the door within 1/2 an hour! And that was taking my time and wandering around looking at things. There was no line at all. I figure if they have what I want at 7 am then it was meant to be, if it is all sold out then oh well, no big deal.

    Of course I don't think I am buying what most people are buying anyway. I am not there for TVs etc. but instead was buying undershirts for my hubby and son (great prices on them and I never see them at thrift stores), 10 pack of black frames to help me fulfill my New Years Resolution of actually putting up some of the pics I keep taking, and one game for my sons DS and two for my daughters Leapster (yay for WalMarts price matching Target ads and the $10 Leapster coupon!). The only other thing I did was drop into JCPenney for the free small Mickey snowglobe they give out which will be a stocking stuffer for my daughter!

    I did do a little online shopping at Kohls (my favorite way to shop!) and got DH two new pair of work shoes as he informed me the other day that his both had holes in the bottom and the shoe repair place in town has closed. I also got an electric griddle for $6 after sale and rebate. Now I can make more than two pancakes at a time!! LOL I did save some money and calories though as I tried to go through the McDonalds drivethru for a little breakfast but my car window was stuck shut and so I took it as a sign that it wasn't meant to be and went home to my whole wheat bagel! Thank you crappy-but-paid-for-car for saving both my wallet and my waistline!


    Friday 26th of November 2010

    I do Black Friday only when I visit my in-laws. They live in rural Kentucky so the stores we hit are not that crowded. When I heard that here they have uniformed police officers standing on tables to oversee the crowds, that ended any thoughts I had about going here at home.

    The deals can be really good which brings me to purchase stuff I don't really need or hadn't even planned on buying. So my relatively new frugalness (less than a year) won out yesterday. Yep, I stayed away from the stores.

    I was, however, enticed by a grocery store deal and made it out for that. I purchased $200.00 worth of gift cards which satisfyies my relative gift giving obligations. In return, I got two $20.00 catalina coupons for groceries. $40.00 worth of free groceries and the thought of being done with my Christmas shopping has made me quite happy.


    Friday 26th of November 2010

    My 16 year old had some money to spend and wanted to see what all the hype was about. She couldn't get anyone to take her in the wee hours of the morning so when we woke up this morning at 10 we headed out. She was disappointed to see everything picked over and crowds of people hovering over the racks. I think she is cured of thinking the deals in the papers and on TV are really such a great deal.

    We did go to Michael's and she was happy to get scrapbooking stickers and supplies for 50% off and I used a 50% coupon to get a set of 3 Wilton cookie sheets for $5. I also had a house warming to go to so I used a 30% off coupon to get 5 items for $16.

    I use ING for my savings plan and I've been getting emails about the Black Friday Sales so I'm going to check them out.

    Now to finish the Thanksgiving dishes....


    Friday 26th of November 2010

    It astounds me how much junk the stores try to get rid of this time of year. Sure there are deals to be had, but you save more money if you just buy a liitle at a time when your head is clear and you actually think about what you are buying.

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