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Earbuds, Pandora, Drawing Supplies…

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

Zoe drawing

One of Zoe’s summer pastimes: art at the table with a drawing tutorial on the tablet and a favorite Pandora station playing through her earbuds.

(Why yes, she IS a bit of an introvert.   How did you guess??)

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    Tuesday 7th of July 2015

    you tube Origami how to videos look great. cranes are considered very good luck birds to make. i have begun to go back to coloring again also. but i am using colored pens and fantastical pictures downloaded from the internet. i love doing this..(54yo)


    Tuesday 7th of July 2015

    We only JUST got a tablet (and the kids are rather young to use it on their own) so I got some "how to draw" books from the library and have pulled up you tube videos, too. Such a good downtime activity!

    Jennifer N

    Tuesday 7th of July 2015

    This reminds me of me as a kid - minus the pandora and tablet :-). I used to spend a lot of time recreating art projects I learned in school. I was likely listening to one of many mixed tapes I recorded on my boom box straight from the radio, haha.

    Lindsey C.

    Tuesday 7th of July 2015

    Aww, she looks just like Lisey there! So cute.


    Tuesday 7th of July 2015

    "Coloring" was one of my absolute favorite pastimes as a child, so I made sure my own kids always had crayons, paper, fun scissors, play-doh...and usually I had classical music going as well. Did you know they sell coloring books with all sorts of patterns for us older kids? Still a favorite thing to do!


    Tuesday 7th of July 2015

    Yes! A friend of mind just gave one of those to my has fancy circular patterns that you can color in.

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