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Ebook Schtuff


I thought it would never happen, but I am pleased to say that my ebook is done! YAAAAY!

Just this morning I finally got my page numbers fixed up (they were all kinds of wonky before) and I got all my links to be clickable in a PDF format. Phew.

edit: Argh! I cannot for the life of me remove the page number from my title page. I tried clicking the “different first page” button, but Word insists on number my title page. Any ideas, Word experts??)

Angela Barton kindly edited my book for me and caught all sorts of sloppy punctuation errors and typos…I’m very grateful for her help. After you look at an ebook for months, your eyes sort of start to glaze over and you just can’t see things anymore. She has an eagle eye, so if you need some editing help, I’d definitely recommend her.

I need to get the shopping cart end of things set up for my book and test it out just to make sure everything is working properly, and then we’ll be in business.

If all goes well, tomorrow will be the official launch day (well, it’s not going to be that official).

Why am I telling you that today?

Because for the first 24 hours, I’ll be giving you loyal readers a coupon code to buy the book for 50% off.

So, if you’re the sort of reader that pops in every few days, make sure you stop in tomorrow so that you don’t miss the 50% off deal.

Also, come back this afternoon for the second post in my REI series…I’ll show you what we did with our REI gear!

Today’s 365 post: Tie-Dying Fun


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    Frugal Down Under

    Thursday 8th of September 2011

    That's fantastic.

    I've been waiting for you to say it was finished as you follow through with everything you say.

    I'm amazed at how much you do with 4 happy children around you. You Inspire me :-)


    Thursday 8th of September 2011

    congrats :)


    Wednesday 7th of September 2011

    Thanks for the mention, Kristen. It was great working with you, and I'm so excited about your ebook. I'm definitely going to be placing an order for several as gifts.

    Readers, you will not be disappointed! The ebook is chock full of great ideas, inspiration, and encouragement, all in an organized and fun fashion, in typical FG style. I recommend ordering now for the holidays!


    Wednesday 7th of September 2011

    Congratulations! It looks really interesting.


    Wednesday 7th of September 2011

    Way to go!!! cAN You do a blog about doing an ebook or email me?

    yay!! cheers

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