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Factor in the gas cost, Kristen!

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

That’s what I have to remind myself of when I have a book or two overdue.

overdue fine at the library


My gut reaction to seeing that a book is nearly overdue: “Oh, I really have to get that book back before I get a fine!”.

But then I remind myself that I’m gonna spend a lot more than $0.25 cents in gas by making a special trip to the library.

It’s easy to forget about the hidden costs of driving when the fine is right there in black and white.   At least, it is for me!

(Now, that time when I had 88 books overdue because of headlice?   That was worth a trip to the library right then and there.)


P.S. I do renew my books online all the time, but sometimes I can’t because I’ve renewed them too many times, or because someone else has a hold on the book.

P.P.S. Lisey and I posted a recipe for Skillet Apple Crisp over on her blog.   Easy, and it makes just the right amount for our family!

skillet apple crisp

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    Saturday 15th of November 2014

    And it's not just gas costs that factors into cost per mile. There's also the eventual maintenance required by driving, as well as devaluation of your car. It's why the IRS cost per mile estimate for reimbursement of driving as a business expense is set at 56 cents per mile - even if you only got a terrible 10 mpg on your car with gasoline at $3 a gallon, it would still only cost 30 cents a mile.

    Joy Clark

    Friday 14th of November 2014

    Can't you renew them online?


    Friday 14th of November 2014

    Yup! But like I said in the post, sometimes things on are on hold, or I've renewed them the maximum number of times. So then I'm out of luck.


    Thursday 13th of November 2014

    Whenever I run out of online renewals and I can't get to the library, I just give them a call and they renew it via phone! It is helpful! :)

    A Frugal Family's Journey

    Thursday 13th of November 2014

    Nice reminder to all. There are hidden costs in almost everything we do that we all often do not account for. To save gas these days, we always try to run more than one errand at once.

    Just thankful that oil prices have finally seem to have retreated...they are below $3.00/gal here in California for the first time in a VERY long time. :)


    Thursday 13th of November 2014

    Our main library is downtown, and except on Sunday you have to pay for parking. So I often get books there on Sunday and return them to another branch (which is OK) with free parking. They are about equidistant from my house in opposite directions, but the free parking branch is smaller with less selection (I like to browse in fiction).

    I set up a smart phone calendar reminder starting 5 days before the book is due. That helps.

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