Apples, that is.
1. I got 48 pounds of apples for $14
I’ve struck out a few times when stopping for apples lately, but yesterday my stop paid off!

This is what 48 pounds of apples looks like.
The produce stand had two boxes of bruised apples, and rather than weighing them and going by the pound, the owner just said, “How about $14?”
Well, yes, that would be just fine by me.
I weighed them when I got home and figured that I’d paid $0.29/pound, which is seriously fantastic.
2. I used Honey to save $10 on a Novica purchase
Novica sent me a $50 voucher for me and also one for you guys (giveaway coming up).
Of course, I have Honey installed on my browser, and as a result, I got a $10 coupon on top of my $50 voucher.
So, Sonia got a necklace and earrings, and I got a pair of earrings, and our out of pocket was less than $5. Yay!
(Honey is a coupon-code finding extention for your browser. I find it way easier than using coupon code sites, and way more effective. Lisey first discovered it and shared it with me.)
3. I bought another pair of Converse on eBay
I did not technically need another pair, so the frugality of this is questionable.
I had just bought a white pair from eBay last week to replace my seriously old Converse (see above photo), but then there was this pair of red ones from eBay that were calling my name.
So, now those are on their way to me as well. 😉
My net cost for these two pairs of shoes is still less than what one new pair of Converse would cost me, so I guess you can look at it as me getting two pairs for the price of one.
Definitely not frugal: There’s a pair of mint green Converse on my eBay watch list. I do not need three pairs of Converse.
4. I said yes to a book offer on eBay
This makes the third book to sell in a week’s time. And all of the books I sold recently are ones I listed quite some time ago.
eBay is often a slow game; patience wins!
(Feeling patient? Here’s how to sell books on eBay.)
5. Mr. FG patched the drywall holes around the new windows
Did I mention I have new windows?
I did? Well, who cares. Here’s a photo anyway.

Gratuitous window photo. I am zero sorry.
The electrician had a heck of a time rerouting the wire, and that resulted in three wall holes. Sigh.
Wouldn’t it be nice if drywall repair was included in plumbing and electrical work??
Mr. FG patched the holes using some leftover drywall we’ve been storing in the shed, and once they’re ready for paint, I’ll use the paint I’ve been saving since we painted that room in 2011.
(I’m 99% sure the paint is still usable because I have stored it properly; it just might need a little thinning. Stay tune for an update!)
Your turn! What frugal things have you been up to?
P.S. It’s ok if it’s not five. Share however many you’d like.
Randi Macdonald
Sunday 1st of November 2020
What kind of apples?
Monday 2nd of November 2020
They were a mix of things; quite a few honeycrisp, some Golden Delicious, and some I have no idea at all!
Luckily, for applesauce purposes, it doesn't much matter, as long as we're not talking Granny Smith apples.
Bethe Sailer
Saturday 31st of October 2020
This is the first time I have posted, but I read FFT often - it's really a mood-lifter to read about others being frugal too. 1. Hard freeze and snow this week. Starting two days before and in between work time, I worked my way through the garden harvesting vegetables and cutting all the flowers. 2. Using some of those flowers, made a lovely arrangement as a birthday gift for a friend. Used a gifted vintage McCoy vase and a homemade card, so no $ spent at all. 3. Processed some vegetables from the garden: dried chives from the garden, blanched and froze tomato greens (great sub for spinach). 4. Made salsa verde with harvested tomatillos and jalapenos. Froze some, and used the rest to make two 9" x 13" pans of "Pasta con Salsa Verde (!)" We had no corn tortillas for enchiladas, no ground corn to make any, so I rooted around in the pantry and thought, "Manicotti and Lasagna, why not?" Filling for both with ground beef, riced cauliflower, chives, garlic, cumin, bread crumbs and a couple of eggs. Husband is L/F, so no cheese used. It was pretty good and fed us for four nights. 5. Dug up and potted ten small and medium sized vegetables from the garden, using home composted potting soil, recycled plant pots and growing them in sunny windows. Bell peppers, jalapeno, tomatoes, basil and tomatillo - I figured, "What's the worst that could happen - they'll die in the freeze, it's worth a shot." They are doing just fine, maybe there will be a bit of fresh homegrown veg in the winter months.
Friday 30th of October 2020
1. Only bought lunch once this week -yay! 2. Made healthier mayo with yogurt, honey & lemon that I already had 3. Been actually eating the apples in my fridge...:) I don't know why I often don't as everytime I eat one I think how much I like it & should do this more often.. 4. Made cheese & vegemite toasties instead of buying the scrolls 5. Sent my nephew a free virtual birthday card & ended the free trial on time & he loved it (I had arranged delivery of his present direct to his mom) plus mail is taking a long time here so he got it on the day which was great
Friday 30th of October 2020
With apples on (we have a small 12 tree orchard) I have been making applesauce and using the peels and cores to make apple cider vinegar.
Shandry Bullock
Friday 30th of October 2020
Used paint from 2010 to paint shutters. $0 update to faded shutters. Used different can of paint from 2010 to touch up walls in house. Cannot see the touch ups. Win win. Maybe we can go 10 more years without repainting walls.