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First of all, it’s KristEn.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

And secondly, I have never in my life had DISH tv, which makes it a little odd to ask me to come back.


Interestingly enough, they haven’t just sent me one letter.   I’ve gotten something like 4-5 of them in the last few weeks.

$19.99 isn’t a bad deal, to be sure, but I prefer our Netflix/Roku setup simply because it gives us fewer TV-watching options.   More options would almost certainly equal more time spent watching TV.

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    Wednesday 20th of August 2014

    I have a love hate relationship with Dish. They are a million times better than any cable company (and I've tried them all) but shew that bill.

    The best though is when you get the come back to us emails in your name and you have the service in your husbands name.


    Tuesday 19th of August 2014

    Like several of the other commenters, I've tried and tried to get off their mailing list. Sooo frustrating!


    Tuesday 19th of August 2014

    Hi, We used to be faithful direct tv customers but cut the satellite cord several years ago and are perfectly happy with our choice.All of the satellite and cable companies are pressing hard for new customers as they just lost over 300,000 customers in the last year. The reason we canceled our service was that we were soooooo tired of subsidizing all of the garbage tv - there is so very much of it - ugh! :-(


    Tuesday 19th of August 2014

    It simply boggles my mind how much "junk" mail comes to my address and on our hardwire and cell phones !

    Gladys (The Pinay Mom)

    Tuesday 19th of August 2014

    I used to work for them and since we bought a house we only have cable that is way cheaper.Although we don't get all the channels we used to have but we're happy to watch local and some sports channels (for my husband).I thought we would never make it without DVR (recorder) but so far we're doing okay.Normally Dish and DirecTV run these promotions ($19.99 for a month) but wait until you read the disclosures,you have to lock in for 2 years and the cancellation fee is $240,I think. I wish I could encourage my husband to give up TV completely.

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