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Five Frugal Things

life factory water bottle mighty fix

So, every other Thursday, I usually do a Five Frugal Things post.   Yesterday, I was gone most of the day, though, so this might be a little challenging.   I seem to do more frugal things when I stay home.

We’ll see what I can come up with!


I took the girls to a museum during a homeschool program, which meant that admission fees were a fraction of what they usually are.

I mean, it was still more expensive than a normal homeschool day, but it was far less pricey than it would normally have been.


I packed a lunch for all of us, using non-disposable containers and water bottles.   And one plastic sandwich bag, because I don’t have enough reusables. 😉

mighty fix lunch bags


Since I knew I was going to be out all day on Wednesday (museum trip plus dance class), on Tuesday, I made a pot of clam chowder and a loaf of English muffin bread.

I put the clam chowder in the fridge, so when we got home yesterday, all I had to do was heat up the soup, toast the bread, and throw together a salad.

clam chowder

Wednesday Kristen was very glad that Tuesday Kristen thought ahead.

Because otherwise Wednesday Kristen might have had trouble getting dinner done.


I filled my van up with gas at Costco, since it was on my way.   Costco pretty much always has the cheapest gas price around, but since it takes gas to drive (Captain Obvious, reporting for duty!), it’s rarely worth it to go out of my way to fill up.

So when my tank starts to get a little low, I try to think about when I might be near Costco, or I think about whether I have any other errands in the same area that might make it worth driving.

If not, I just fill up at the cheapest station I’ll be near.


I wore

  • Goodwill jeans
  • Converse that I bought on clearance 3.5 years ago*
  • a Lands’ End long sleeved v-neck that I bought last spring on an end-of-season clearance sale
  • my American Giant hoodie.

*I go barefoot so much, my shoes last forever

American Giant Zip up jacket

This is not a picture from yesterday, but I just realized that it IS almost the same outfit. Those are Goodwill jeans too, but the tshirt is a short-sleeved v-neck from American Giant.

Anyway, my outfit yesterday was kind of like the cheap, cheap, cheap, expensive outfit I posted about a few years ago…mostly clearance/second-hand stuff with one high-quality splurge.

Well, that was easier than I thought it would be.   Yay!


Want to give it a try?   Share five frugal things of your own in the comments.


P.S. I hear that there are still some free Mrs. Meyer’s cleaning sets available from ePantry, so you can still snag one for yourself.   They’ll be available until either they sell out, or 6pm tomorrow rolls around, whichever happens first.

And existing customers, you can get your set for 50% off here.

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    Friday 8th of January 2016

    Ps & Whites get washed in Hot /warm water & Only when a Full load OR They get added to the Sheets in a load.


    Friday 8th of January 2016

    My 5 Frugal things ( but not in order ) 1) I too shop Goodwill / Tag Sales for Clothes / Jeans & goodies 2) I keep an Up to date Inventory of my Pantry /Freezer. When I shop from my pantry I sub or add to my list. (( I keep it in my Notes on my IPod yes iPod as I hv a Dumb phone. Then when I'm out Shopping the List is on my IPod. 3) along w- my Pantry /Freezer Inventory on my iPod. I keep my NEED List ( Shopping list ) for the Stores I shop at ~> SaveMart, Target, Costco, $ Tree, $ General & Trader Joes. That way when I'm at 1 of the stores I have a ready to go list on me. 4) I Hate Throwing Food Away. So we Stretch more Meals so out now. So after Dinner immediately put leftovers into Portions for Work Lunches OR decide if enough for another Evning for Dinner. 5) I have a HE Front Loader Washer & have recently since Oct. cut back on Detergent use. I use Gain Original I like the Smell & the Way it cleans. So if I fill the Washer 3/4 Full ( which is a full load bcuz u need room to let the clothes toss around n get cleaned n rinsed out good ) I will use 3/4 Scoop of a 1/4cup measuring cup. 1/2 load full 1/2 Scoop of the 1/4 cup & I wash Everything in Cold Water Except Towels & Sheets & in those loads I add other things if needed.

    Thank Kristen, I love all the Tips & things you Share & thank you to all Ur Readers with their ideas as well I really enjoy this !


    Friday 8th of January 2016

    1. Made my own coffee every day this week instead of buying coffee or redbull 2. Hit HT for super doubles scoring just a few goodies at great prices 3. Bought discount gift cards before buying some necessities 4. Made homemade chicken wings for dinner tonight instead of going out! 5. Filled up on gas in the town where I work vs where I live because it's 25 cents cheaper a gallon!


    Friday 8th of January 2016

    1. mended 2 flat flannel sheets. Now I can put them back into rotation and now don't have to buy new. One of them is from a set from my parents. They were going to toss the entire set because the fitted sheet had a hole. Fixed that before in the cold hit, and yes -- I got a free set of flannel sheets. 2. walked in my neighborhood -- so no fancy gym membership 3. still eating holiday leftovers -- easy and very frugal 4. sewing gift bags. Bought the material for $1/yard, and I'm starting on them now to be ready for Christmas 2016. 5. I think living in a really cold house counts -- hence the need for flannel sheets. 6. Oh just thought of another. Bought some rain pants at Costco to replace old ones that were flaking away. Comparison shopped and found the rain pants and jacket set was cheaper than getting just the pants from other places. So I got the jacket for free. Wearing that now. However the pants are too long, so I sewed additional velcro so the pants will be tighter around the ankle and hopefully not drag on the floor.

    Stephanie L

    Friday 8th of January 2016

    1. I got promoted! Most of the raise is going into retirement savings/other savings. 2. I'm selling off a bunch of clothes. 3. The market had a bag of "deli turkey scraps" - turkey cut too thin, too thick, the heel end, whatever - super cheap. I've had a turkey sandwich for lunch every day this week. 4. The new puppy LOVES tennis balls. The hubs asked around to see if anyone had some old ones and got a bagful from a friend. 5. Does detailing my own car count, since I've never in my life paid to have it done? I'm counting it. ;) Undoubtedly a pro would do a better job, but I've seen what they charge and I just can't imagine it would be worth it.


    Friday 8th of January 2016

    Congratulations on the promotion! Yay!!!!

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