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Five Frugal Things

This is one of those Thursdays where I feel like I might not be able to come up with five things! But since it does usually work out fine, let’s see what I think of.

1. I made dinner when I really didn’t feel like it.

Yesterday at 5:30, I was super tired (it hasn’t been a great week for sleep!), I hadn’t corrected any school yet, I’d just gotten home, and I did NOT feel like making dinner.

curried chicken

But I’d thawed a package of chicken thighs, which made me feel like there was no good way to go back on my plan.   So, I made curried chicken with couscous, with stir-fried cauliflower on the side.

2. I bought white ballet tights at Target.

The ballet school does offer white ballet tights as a special order, but they’re kind of crazy expensive.   Target has them for $5, though, and they’re the ballet-friendly type, without the differently-knit band around the upper thigh.

(You know what I’m talking about, right?   Regular tights do not work for ballet!)

3. I did not buy ballet pictures.

I always bring my girls in on picture day because they want everyone there for the group picture. But since I know how to take pretty decent pictures, I don’t buy any photos there and I just take some shots myself (not there at picture day! That would be rude.   😉 )

I can’t DIY everything in my life, but pictures are fun for me, and that makes this an easy choice.

Sonia ballet

4. I wrote a paid article.

Saving money is good and all, but frugality works best when it’s paired with some earning.

Less money going out, more coming in.

It’s a sweet combo.

5. I packed a lunch for Mr. FG, using nothing disposable.

Very occasionally, I need to use a plastic baggie in his lunch, but 97.842% of the time, his lunch contains reusable containers.

waste-free lunch

And always, always real silverware.

Plastic silverware is so annoying to use because it’s wobbly. Especially the forks.   Down with plastic forks!

Even if I wasn’t concerned about the cost/trash production, I’d still send real silverware just because it’s so much more pleasant to use.

(By the way, don’t forget that you can get a set of two stainless steel containers, perfect for lunch-packing, for only $5 when you sign up for The Mighty Fix.)


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    Anonymous but regular reader of your blog

    Wednesday 27th of April 2016

    This is actually one of my favourite regular topics to read. Thanks Kristen!


    Monday 25th of April 2016

    1. Rescued the saddest flat broom in the world out of a free pile at a yardsale. It is pretty gross, but is only going to be used for my teeny barely 1 car garage so totally cool with me. I swear when you think about things enough and wait a bit they magically appear! 2. Boyfriend brought home a whole pizza from work Saturday night. They ordered too many for the employees and since he had to stay until 4AM they gave him one :). 3. Got a discount gas card at HT (40 for 50). Love these! 4. Purchased a bottle of 7th generation dish soap at whole foods yesterday. After coupon and rebate it was only 50 cents woooo! 5. Boyfriend and I made popcorn last night as a snack for the Game of thrones season premiere, got a bag of kernels (GMO FREE MIGHT I ADD!) at the dollar tree! I don't see them all the time but when I do I grab some. Used a little bit of peanut oil in a pan, melted some butter and used on hand popcorn salt. So much better than the bagged crap which is terrible for you. Super frugal snack!


    Sunday 24th of April 2016

    1. Cooked a big batch of ground turkey and onions, used it for three easy meals this week. (chili, quesadillas, and a fun cheesy dip for chips). 2. Springtime means local produce stands are open here, I know the cheapest one, so getting all my produce there and freezing some. 3. Found some seasonal gifts still in original boxes at the local goodwill, saving them for Christmas. 4. Turning off the TV and reading a professional book for my job. Hoping that will lead to a promotion, if not, then the knowledge is good anyway. 5. Not sure if this is frugal, but paying more attention to packaging. Began refusing to buy anything in styrofoam (ie eggs) because its not recyclable here.

    Along those lines, thinking about options for dining out, because I like to eat 1/2 and take home 1/2 when I do, and often the take home things are styrofoam. Would it be weird to bring my own container?


    Saturday 23rd of April 2016

    Passover, which started last night, can be extremely expensive. Here are five ways I was frugal in planning for the eight day holiday:

    1. I was very careful about menu planning for the Seder; although pricey brisket is super traditional, it has no religious significance so I made a fancy (and more healthy) chicken dish. I also made chicken soup out of rotisserie chicken carcasses that I had frozen weeks before; it was great! No need to use fresh chicken.

    2. I bought any fancy ingredients I needed, such as dried fruit, capers, a special prepared fish, etc. from either bulk bins or a discount regional grocer.

    3. I did not have enough plates for our guests, so I bought good quality plastic "disposable" dishes from Sam's. I washed them and will reuse them for Passover next year.

    4. I don't buy fancy processed products for Passover; they are unhealthy and very expensive.

    5. My kids love pricey Passover candy. When a relative who can't cook offered to bring something, I suggested that candy


    Friday 22nd of April 2016

    1) I met up with a best friend for Happy Hour. 2) There was a mix up with our flat bread order, so we ended up getting our order corrected and keeping the error at no cost to us. 3) One of our friends showed up to do business with the restaurant and to bring them some smoked cheese that he made. 2 weeks ago, he gave me some salmon he had smoked. 4) The friend let us sample the smoked cheese. :) 5) The friend, having a business relationship with this restaurant for years, opened up his wallet and pulled out a gift card to give to us. There was enough to pay for our drinks and appetizer and another Happy Hour down the road.

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