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Five Frugal Things

It’s a Five Frugal Things Thursday this week.   Here we go!

1. I crisped up some spinach.

The last of a bag of spinach from my produce box was getting a bit sad-looking, so I put the leaves into a container with cold water, and voila! They were crisp and fresh again.

spinach crisping

Even though I’ve done this 39874 times (or so), I’m still always amazed at the way a little soak in cold water revives leafy greens.

I also did this with a red pepper that was getting a bit…flexible.   Peppers should not be flexible.

I cut a slice off, set the pepper in water, and an hour or two later, it too was crispy again.

So magical.

2. I made rice pudding.

I had some rice leftover from when I made hibachi, and we got some Chinese food over the weekend as well, and of course we had leftover rice.

So, I cooked it up into some rice pudding.

rice pudding with leftover Chinese rice

This is more of method than a recipe (which is unusual for me!).   I dump the rice into a pot with a hefty sprinkling of cinnamon and a bit of salt, cover it with milk, and cook it on low until it’s pudding-y.

My kids like to eat it warm or cold, sprinkled with cinnamon sugar.

3. I fixed my bench pad.

We got our table and chairs from Crate and Barrel and while we’ve been quite happy with the actual furniture, the pads have been less than fabulous.

I’ve had shrinkage issues (despite washing in cold water and air-drying!), and recently one of the ties came off.

crate and barrel bench pad shrink

I sewed it back on, which was a quick job. It’s not really that big of a deal, but it’s kind of annoying to buy something that’s not cheap and then have issues with it.

<shakes fist at Crate and Barrel>

4. We fixed an electric razor.

Joshua’s been using an electric razor that used to be Mr. FG’s, and it’s been working out great for him.

Except, the foil that covers the blade totally bit the dust.

replace electric razor blade foil

Knowing very little about electric razors, I thought it needed to be replaced.   But Mr. FG told me that you could buy replacement parts.


He ordered one online (the foil came with a new trimmer piece too), and once it arrived, installing it was a piece of cake.

replacement Braun electric razor foil

The product website says you should order a new foil and trimmer piece every three months, but that seems a bit excessive to me, especially when the person using the shaver doesn’t exactly have a hefty beard to shave.

(Also, Mr. FG pointed out that they DO have a vested interest in you buying replacement pieces frequently, so….)

5. I modified a dress for Lisey.

A friend had given her a cute dress with a bird pattern, but it was a rather boxy cut, which doesn’t tend to work for anyone in my house.

I took it in at the sides and back, and now I think it’ll work pretty well for her.

bird dress

And maybe it’ll work for Sonia and Zoe too, down the road!


Your turn!   Share your own Five Frugal Things in the comments.

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    Wednesday 29th of June 2016

    Awesome tip Kristen! I have never tried that with spinach leaves! I always threw them in the freezer for my smoothies once they started to wilt. Thanks for the tip!

    Millennial Moola

    Thursday 16th of June 2016

    1. Made chicken tomato pasta dish for dinner 2. Had it for lunch as well 3. Ate other leftovers for dinner the next night. 4. Didn't spend any money on food the past three days, except a 99 cent frosty from Wendy's 5. Had date night at the Barcade, where we played galaga a few times at 25 cents a pop


    Tuesday 7th of June 2016

    1. Made brownies from leftover Easter chocolates, and random other bits of chocolate in the pantry for Memorial day BBQ. 2. Made homemade vanilla extract from vanilla beans and vodka. 3. Have avoided taking spending (fun) money out of the checking account for three months (there is a usual budgeted amount), by going through spare change. 4. Found two pairs of boys' dress shoes at great prices at Marshall's. 5. Am getting enough greens out of the garden now to serve huge daily salads. We're especially loving the lacinato kale.


    Sunday 5th of June 2016

    1. Had an very frugal at-home weekend, except for my visiting brother taking us out for supper Friday evening. I brought home enough leftovers for two days of lunch. 2. Altered a pair of seldom-worn pants to make them comfortable for wearing often, which helped out my tiny work wardrobe. 3. Bathed and groomed our dogs at home today. Got to wear the $2 rubber lab apron bought at the thrift shop to keep my clothes clean and dry. I love that thing! 4. Used the rice cooker (a cheap one bought at the drug store several years ago) and the slow cooker to help make meals today for the coming week. Gotta love those electronic kitchen assistants. :) 5. Have been wearing all weekend a pair of comfy old Clark's sandals that I rescued by hand-stitching and gluing a broken strap back together last fall.


    Saturday 4th of June 2016

    Gosh, I'm trying to see what frugal things i did this week.

    1) I clean with white vinegar. It's a nice streak-free cleaner for my stainless steel appliances. Plus, it cost me $1.00 for a quart of it. 2) I bought a basil plant for $2.99 for when we make grilled bruschetta. And my chicken basil dish. I give it some water, sun and some found plant food that was in my junk drawer so it should be a happy plant. 3) I know it's v-e-r-y early to be thinking about the holiday season but i have been doing online surveys and such to get the family free gift cards and comic books. Old comic books. They will love them! I'm surprised to see what people want to get rid of and since the kids like comics, it's a perfect site. 4) I cut DS2 hair outside with my clippers. I paid $20 for them about 4 years ago and it saves me a ton. I used to pay $12.95 + $3 tip for his haircuts.... Not any more! 5) The parsley that i planted in my outdoor wine bucket is sprouting this year. It survived the harsh winter and snow and I'm surprised it came up. Mind you, i have purple daisies growing there too. They'll have to share. :)

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