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Five Frugal Things

  Just five random frugal things I’ve done lately.
(A hat-tip to my friend Katy for the blog post theme.)

1. I got a Big Fat Check.

From Ebates, of course.

The name of their checks is always funny to me, because depending on how much shopping I’ve done or whether I’ve gotten any referrals, sometimes the Big Fat Check is kind of…not so big.

ebates big fat check

But I’ll take a $15 check anytime someone wants to send me one.   😉

By the way, if you’re an Ebates member, you might want to find two friends to refer, because if you do so before 9/30, you get $50.

Which is equivalent to a whole lot of shopping cashback.

(Incidentally, I do frequently find that TopCashBack has better cashback shopping rates.   But sometimes they don’t have a merchant I’m looking for, so then I revert to Ebates.)

2. I bought more bruised peaches.

There’s this produce stand near my house that almost always has a box of bruised peaches available at a discount.   A totally full box is $20, but when it’s less than full, they just kind of make up a price, and it’s usually ridiculously low.

discounted bruised peaches

The peaches are still so, so good, it would be crazy for me to buy the un-bruised ones.

Plus, when I’m done with the peaches, I bring the box back and they reuse it.

There is just nothing to dislike about this arrangement.

3. I returned a skirt.

This is not earth-shaking, but here you go:

My sister has this great skirt from Athleta, and when it went on sale, I ordered one too. Sadly, the leg openings of the shorts were too tight so off it went in exchange for a larger size.

Sweetness Skort  Athleta

The larger size fit my legs perfectly, but the the skirt was a bit too large in the hips which made it look kind of…not cute.

Apparently my hips and my legs are two different sizes?

The fit was close, and I almost decided to keep the skirt but then I realized it was sort of silly to pay $30+ for a skirt that didn’t fit perfectly.

Fortunately, I’d ordered the skirt when I ordered a swimsuit, which meant I qualified for free shipping, and Athleta offers free return and exchange shipping.   That means the whole skirt thing ended up costing me nothing except some time.

I really try to only add things I seriously love to my wardrobe because that helps me to avoid owning eleventy billion items of clothing.   So if something is a little iffy, I usually decide against it.

(Incidentally, this is even trickier to do at Goodwill because it’s easy to justify purchasing an almost-right piece of clothing because it’s only $3.   But even a $3 ill-fitting piece of clothing is a poor bargain because I won’t wear it that often and it’ll just take up space in my closet.)

4. I saved some sweet potatoes.

This past winter, I bought a bunch of organic sweet potatoes from a local farm, and somehow, the last of them never got used.

By this time they were very, um, not moist, so I peeled, boiled, and mashed them.

(I figured boiling would restore some of the long-gone moisture!)

And then I made a batch of pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, subbing the sweet potato for the pumpkin.

sweet potato muffins

I actually think these muffins are even tastier with sweet potato than pumpkin.

I had enough sweet potato to freeze for a future second batch, which is good news for my children.

5. I organized without buying anything.

Sonia and Zoe’s closet was kinda out of control.   Basically, you couldn’t even see the floor, and the closet shelves were stuffed to the gills.

But they didn’t really need a new organizational system.

They just needed less stuff.

organized closet

So we got rid of stuff.

Their closet still has the cheap wire shelving that no one lusts after, but by golly, you can see the floor now.

And there is space! For things!

Organization containers do need to be bought sometimes, but 95% of the time, I find that I can organize a space very nicely simply by getting rid of excess stuff and utilizing existing storage.


Alrighty.   That’s it for me.   How about you?

If you’d like to join me, just comment listing five frugal things you’ve been up to lately.

(If you can’t think of five, 3 is totally ok. Or 4. Or 1.   Or 2.   We’re pretty flexible around here. )


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    Laura Vanderkam

    Tuesday 16th of September 2014

    Yay for frugal things. I bought a box of peaches at Costco, and unfortunately they are mealy and not good tasting. If I freeze them, will they taste OK in smoothies or on ice cream? Seems a shame to dump them but no one wants to eat them.

    Beth B.

    Tuesday 16th of September 2014

    If it is not too much of a hassle for you, I would return them to Costco, they have a great return policy. Why should you have to put up with yucky tasty food when it is not your fault?


    Tuesday 16th of September 2014

    Yes! Freeze them and use them in smoothies. They won't add tons of great flavor (mealy peaches usually don't have much flavor) but at least you won't have to throw them out.

    Dividend Diplomats

    Monday 15th of September 2014

    Frugal Girl,

    Nice 5 things! I'm all about ebates as well and have earned about $200 back from referrals, purchasing items for people and buying my own items, it's awesome.

    How the heck did you think of making cookies with sweet potatoes?! That sounds and looks amazing, jealous and am hungry as heck thinking about it.

    I love your blog, all about frugal living, seeing value purchases and deciding between want vs needs. Hope you're having a great week, talk soon!



    Monday 15th of September 2014

    1. crazy busy canning, freezing, and cooking the garden bounty we have. 2. my husband was away for the weekend, so I volunteered to work an extra weekend at my part-time job. 3. regularly checking out our local thrift store netted me some new-to-me work-out clothes for myself, a fall coat for hubby, and a fix it and forget it cookbook. 4. collecting frozen dinner boxes from people at work to enter the pincodes on the company website and save up points for fabulous prizes. 5. making a grocery shopping list before I go, checking for things on sale and price matching flyers and using coupons when I can.


    Monday 15th of September 2014

    1. I picked kale from my garden to use in last night's soup and used dried beans in it too. 2. I did a bunch of work cleaning up my yard for the upcoming winter. I didn't feel this was particularly frugal until I was working in the front yard and noticed how many people on my street hire out even basic yard work like mowing. 3. I made a meal plan for the rest of the month. 4. We picked out a free place for the upcoming weekend's camping trip. 5. I sauteed up some leftover mushrooms and part of a zucchini to have as a snack at work today.


    Saturday 13th of September 2014

    Going to clean out youngest son's room tomorrow so he is better organized. I'll start with his book closet. I cleaned out alot from when he was a kindie and have piles more for him to sort through. Then trying to clean the closet and desk. The closet has toys everywhere and the desk has overflowing drawers. So he packs stuff on top of his dresser which is a huge pile of mess. Gotta sort it. Having a community garage sale in a few weeks....... Gonna cook scalloped potatoes and ham. Cooked a big ham a few days ago and have leftovers.... I've been doing some holiday shopping using rewards points. Got some gift cards so they were free. Found a website to do surveys and get free merchandise as well. I'm scoring big time this year. Husband out of work and it's been a issue.

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