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Five Frugal Things

1. I made croutons.

I had a couple of whole wheat rolls that were getting a bit dry. So, I cut them up into cubes and threw them into my bread cube bag in the freezer.

But then I though, hey, why not just go ahead and make croutons now?

And that’s what I did.

I’m happy to say my bread cube bag is empty. Woo!

2. I organized my fridge.

I went grocery shopping yesterday, and I knew if I added my new groceries to the fridge without some organization, I was bound to lose some food.

So, I made it more orderly, I froze a few things,   I cut some produce up for snacking on, and I prepped some veggies to eat with dinner.

And now I know exactly what’s in my fridge again.   I kind of can’t do that too often!

3. I got started on my taxes.

I have seriously been procrastinating on this task, largely because I know I’m going to owe money.

But I got the ball rolling last night, and I think I’ll probably manage to get filed in the next couple of days.

Getting started is the hardest part!

(I use TurboTax because I am way too chicken to deal with actual tax forms, thank you very much.)

4. I shopped at Aldi.

As I was shopping there yesterday, I thought about how weird it would be to move somewhere with no Aldi. I would seriously miss it!

Aldi makes so many great items affordable, and I’m super happy I have one nearby.

5. I…

….packed a lunch for Mr. FG, added mashed sweet potatoes to my dinner plan because they needed to be used, drank tea brewed from tea bags (so inexpensive!), ordered some mothballs to try to combat my squirrel van-wire-chewing problem, and made a from-scratch dinner at home.

Your turn! Share your five frugal things in the comments!

P.S. Sonia’s got a blog post up, where you can meet Bernard and Bean.

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    Ms. Frugal Asian Finance

    Sunday 2nd of April 2017

    My husband and I did our taxes using the paid version of TurboTax too. It saved us so much time and preempted many heated arguments like what happened in the past.

    I also love your 'Five frugal things' series. It inspires me to cut costs even more for my family. Thanks for sharing!


    Saturday 18th of March 2017

    Just found your blog and I love it, esp this post where people list their 5 frugal things and meals. It inspires and encourages me. Let me see if I have 5 things I can list: 1. Weather has been nice here in NorCal so I haven't had to use the heater. Today it's 68* and front door has been open to enjoy fresh air. Dog loves to lay in front too. 2. Been sick several days from work so no gas used in commute/errands. 3. Not much appetite so just eating some leftovers. 4. Cleared out some books and clothes for donation to SPCA. 5. Perusing recipe sites for healthier meals I need to try; not necessary frugal but need to do so for health reasons. Thank you again for a wonderful site and I look forward to reading much more,


    Friday 17th of March 2017

    I am way behind on this, but I love to challenge myself to find our 5 frugal things.

    1. Found an interest free medical credit card to help with some unexpected dental expenses. I've been living with pain from two teeth for about a year now and this morning at my dental check up, I was told that there is no turning back now. If I've been experiencing the type of pain I described, I desperately need a root canal and crown. The final costs after insurance is more than we have in savings, so the dentist introduced me to this interest free medical credit card. Do I want credit card debt? no, but interest free is better than nothing I guess.

    2. Because of the large winter storm we had this week, my son missed two days of daycare. Becuase the center was closed, they do not charge me! $68 saved.

    3. Consolidated 4 errands this morning on the to and from the dentist. I've been trying to get a return package to the post office all week. Finally done!

    4. Because we had an issue with a toy that we purchased for our son at Christmas time, I emailed Mattel and opened a ticket. Because I followed their instructions of sending the toy back and tracking the package, I received a nice $25 manufacturer's coupon for another Mattel toy. Though it does expire in May, I will buy something ahead for my son's birthday. Yea for companies who stand behind their products!

    5. The snow storm that kept us at home for two days also allowed me not to use up gas to go to work/school/church etc.

    Randi MacDonald

    Wednesday 15th of March 2017

    We recently got an Aldi and its been pretty empty during the day. A lot of people are not too thrilled with the store.


    Wednesday 15th of March 2017

    I lived in New York, in an area where there were a few Aldi stores, then moved to rural Maine. There aren't any Aldi stores in Maine. Every time my husband and I visit New York, we make sure to stop by Aldi and load up on our favorite items. We LOVE most of their chocolate products. If you end up deciding to trap the squirrel(s) with a live trap(i.e. Havahart), mixing peanut butter and Fluff has worked well for us. It's sticky enough that they settle in to devour it, rather than grab it and go. Well, those are red squirrels... Good luck!

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