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a pictureless Five Frugal Things

I had an appointment this morning, so I’m late to the blogging game! No pictures. But I promise this won’t continue.

1. I listed books on

I’ve been consistently shipping out books sold on this summer.


My beloved is closing forever on August 31st, so I listed some schoolbooks on Amazon and moved some of my listings over to Amazon as well.

The listing process there is pretty easy, and I’m noticing that things sell faster on Amazon (I shipped two already!), probably due to the higher traffic volume.

So, maybe this won’t be a super painful switch.   We’ll see.

2. I used up the last of my bruised peach purchase.

I got another big box of bruised peaches this week, and I’ve been busily freezing them (and we’re eating a lot of them too!)

Totally worth the $15.

3. I paid a medical bill with our HSA.

We have a pretty high deductible this year, so we still haven’t met it. But luckily there IS money in our HSA to cover bills.

4. I tried to save money on Lisey’s textbooks.

Sadly, there were no deals to be found on either of the ones she needs.   And one is that annoying type that’s shrink-wrapped, hole-punched pages without a cover.   Not re-sale friendly at all, though you know I will try!

5. I…

….cooked at home, made chicken taco leftovers into a pretty darn delicious salad just now, organized my fridge so that I know what’s in it, froze extra watermelon, and redeemed my TopCashBack (affiliate link) money for an Amazon gift card (small bonus if you do that instead of cash!)

How about you? Share in the comments!

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    Thursday 21st of September 2017

    I started selling my college textbooks recently on Amazon (I've never tried selling on, and I must say, watch out for their fees. Make sure you look at those when you list your items. I sold one book for $8 (there was a TON of them listed for low prices, so I went with market price, just wanted it out of my house) and didn't realize Amazon would charge me $4.60 in selling fees. Ugh.


    Thursday 21st of September 2017

    I have found for books like that, they are easier to resell by listing on Craigslist and posting flyers at the beginning of the semester near the classroom that I had. Then the next semester students can easily see what I have for them to buy from the same teacher.

    Thankfully my Comp 2 teacher this semester is using all online resources instead of assigning a book.


    Tuesday 29th of August 2017

    1. Made a lovely flower bouquet for my kitchen table from grocery store freebies & garden flowers.

    2. Froze a stash of sale blueberries for smoothies or oatmeal.

    3. Made breakfast for dinner 1 night this week & eating lots of cheaper protein (eggs, chicken drumsticks on sale) for meals.

    4. Bought a shower gift from garage sale. New & name brand.

    5. When life got crazy bought Little Caesars for dinner vs. higher fast food splurge. Also bought store brand frozen pizza. Back to school is not for the faint of heart!

    Bethany @ CuteCapsuleLife

    Friday 25th of August 2017

    I did NOT know was shutting down!! Ive nevertheless sold on amazon - can you tell us more about that sometime?


    Friday 25th of August 2017

    1. Packed lunch, snacks and drinks to take along to the local fair while we volunteered at the rabbit tent at our local fair. We still got some fun food, like fried Oreos, but didn't have to buy all our meals there. 2. Waited to ride the rides at said fair till the half price ride bands went in sale. 3. Used our free parking pass we got for exhibiting rabbits at the fair to park for free, saving $4 a day, total saved $24. 4 watched the weather and only did wash on days I could line dry it outside. 5. Made a veggie and fruit platter for a picnic out of what was in the fridge rather than buying a pre made one at the store.

    Also a thought on the loose leaf "text book" keeping it and selling it on a three ring binder would keep it in pretty good shape.

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