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Five Frugal Things | Not pictureless this time!

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I couldn’t do two pictureless Five Frugal Things in a row!

1. I price-matched printer ink.

I needed ink for my color printer, and I saw that Office Depot’s price slightly beat Amazon’s price. But when I got to the store, the price was $7 higher.

I asked about the difference, and they adjusted the price to match the website. Yay!

2. I got $0.50 pens.

While I was at Office Depot, I scanned the sale ad to see if any of their back to school cheap stuff was useful to me.

(Things like portable pencil sharpeners or pencil pouches aren’t necessary for homeschooled kiddos.)

I saw that ballpoint pens were $0.50, so I picked up two boxes of those.

3. We got some cheap shorts for Mr. FG.

He needed some new exercise shorts, and the lovely thing about discovering this in August is that shorts are all on clearance!

So, $11 later, he has a new pair of Fila shorts. Schweet.

4. I made a return and did not buy anything new.

I ordered four clearance swimsuits from Lands’ End for Sonia and Zoe to wear next year, but the two tankinis were clearly going to be too wide even with one more year’s worth of growth.


So, I returned them to Sears, and though I did browse around a bit, I didn’t buy anything.

Sonia and Zoe have been eyeing this super adorable shirt, but they didn’t happen to have it in store.   I would probably have cracked if they had ’em at the Sears Lands’ End shop.

(Not affiliated, but Lands End does have some super cheap prices on their kids suits right now, and if you have super narrow kids like mine, I highly recommend checking out their slim sizes. They’ve been lifesavers for us.)

5. I made muffins for lunch.

Around 11:00 yesterday morning, I realized that we didn’t really have much in the way of food around for lunch.   So, I made a batch of muffins, which used up some plain yogurt and also some lemons from my Hungry Harvest box.

I don’t do tons of sweet baking, which meant that these were very cheerfully received. 😉


Your turn!



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    Monday 4th of September 2017

    Just want all of you to know that these five frugal things posts are super inspiring and full of great ideas, thank you all!!


    Saturday 2nd of September 2017

    1. Found a working lamp with shade in a neighbors trash. It's perfect for my office!! 2. Watched the weather and only did wash on days I could line dry outside 3. Repurposed metal corner shelves from old gazebo into ledges in son's rabbit cages 4. Got some nice purple beans free from local Freestore. They were de-lush! And free!! 5. Working on using up food in chest freezer thus decreasing food spending.


    Friday 1st of September 2017

    I prepared four tasty crockpot freezer meals enough for a whole week. Prepping a lot of meals at once saves me money and reduces my stress levels on busy week nights. It also reduces the risk of me buying take-out on my way home from work because I know there's dinner waiting for us at home. :)

    Sue Button

    Friday 1st of September 2017

    Thanks for mentioning Lands' End, I didn't even realise I could buy in the UK. But I went on and found some reduced rash tops for next years. Thank you :D Sue x

    Profesora H-B

    Thursday 31st of August 2017

    More Hurricane Harvey related frugality. We have been helping friends with clean up, so it hasn't been as easy to stay frugal as I'd like.

    1) Bought diapers and other supplies for a friend using Cartwheel coupons. I don't usually shop at Target, but we were in a hurry to deliver cleaning supplies from Home Depot to two other friends and Target is next door.

    2) We planned our running around to maximize fuel economy.

    3) I checked with someone before running out to buy clothes for a displaced family. Donations started coming in, so I didn't need to go out right away.

    4) I did NOT buy dinner tonight, even though I am exhausted.

    And one not frugal thing...I delivered clean laundry to a family and then locked my keys in my running car. *facepalm*


    Friday 1st of September 2017

    That is so kind of you to help!

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