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Five Frugal Things | puzzles, for one!

It feels like it’s been a less-than-frugal week, but let’s see what I can come up with!

1. We watched Coco for free on Netflix.

I’d been wanting to watch this for a while and had considered going to see it when it was at the cheap theater.   But we never got around to it, which is frugal in the end if you watch it on Netflix instead.

(Assuming you already have the Netflix account, which we did!)

2. We borrowed some puzzles from my parents.

Puzzles are one of those things that you sort of hate to buy because how often do you re-do them? So we are having fun doing puzzles that my parents already owned, because they’re new to Sonia and Zoe (my fellow puzzle-doers).

3. We made hobo pies with my sister and brother-in-law and their kids.

Which is much cheaper than eating out together! They own cast-iron hobo pie makers, which we use over the fire to make ham and cheese sandwiches and also a dessert version with pie filling in the middle.

4. I made a backup dinner when my tortellini was moldy.

I boiled a pot of water, opened the tortellini, and noticed blue spots that were definitely not supposed to be there.

(Is tortellini ever supposed to have blue spots? I think not.)

I was not about to serve moldy tortellini for dinner, but I didn’t want to get takeout either.

Luckily, we had a lot of eggs and also a fair amount of random bread.   And a package of bacon.

So, bacon and French toast it was, with fresh mango on the side.

5. We are going to exchange a nail polish.

So, future frugality. 😉 Sonia picked out a shade of nail polish that looked promising, but it turned out to be not at all as advertised.

Luckily, we got it at Rite Aid, and they let you exchange cosmetics that are the wrong color/shade. So, we’ll stop by there when we’re nearby and get something that works better.

Your turn! Share your own Five Frugal Things in the comments.

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    Saturday 11th of August 2018

    1. I have been borrowing from the library again. I should do this more regularly. 2. I have made a grocery plan and am sticking to it. So Have only purchased potato, mandarins, bread and milk for this week. 3. Cooking from home and from all the veg I bought last week. 4. I cancelled a class. I will have to catch up but I am having issues with my right arm. 5. Last weekend I bought bags of milled yarn reduced from $10 to $6. I have heaps to knit for charity and I am happy about that.


    Friday 10th of August 2018

    1. I always take my own bottle of water everywhere; but I actually love tap water and don't like soda 2. Took tea in a thermos to church & plan to do this ongoing - saves $3.50 a pop 3. I take nut bars with me everywhere so if I get hungry I'm less tempted to buy snacks and if I do I often just buy a banana 4. we only have a combined fridge freezer at the moment & the freezer does not work great - only keeping bread in there at present so finding good cheap meals hard to do but started eating oatmeal for brekky and got a heap of individual soups tuna for work lunches on super specials 5. Got an unexpected large rebate for an essential bill and put it straight on to my debt


    Friday 10th of August 2018 sat for a friend for two days and got to keep all the fresh veggies, eggs, and flowers we harvested. Plus got to feed the farm animals (always a fun thing) and enjoy some time in The beautiful country (we live in the city.). 2. Used a $10 off of $10 coupon my mom sent me to get myself a new summer top and two Yanker Candle votives. 3. Packed food to eat at our 4-H fair since the only alternative is fast food. 4. Was able to find khaki pants at a thrift store ($5) for my son to wear for his 4-H Competitions. 5. Made wonderful cucumber salad with all the cukes we picked at the farm and also ate a ton of tomatoe and mayo sandwiches! 6. Traded rabbit manure (compost) for a small green house.


    Friday 10th of August 2018

    yes, I also had mine out as an adult and remember the pain. I would rather give birth again.


    Friday 10th of August 2018

    My little guy had his tonsils out last Friday, so we've been staying in a lot more than normal. Here goes my five: 1. Our basement flooded a bit after a horrendous rain storm last week, thankfully, with quick action and some fans and our dehumidifier...nothing was ruined. Our fear was that we would have to replace some of the carpet. 2. Hubby had found eggs on clearance at the store and bought a ton. Low and behold, the one thing that my little guy is eating while he's recovering is eggs!! Didn't want any of the ice cream we bought for him, just hard boiled eggs. 3. I was paid for a review that I wrote of a product (from back in June!). 4. Yesterday I brought some odds and ends to work for lunch and was quite proud of myself when I realized I could take the peaches, yogurt and some granola that I had in my desk to make myself a nice parfait (couldn't do that again if I tried) 5. The insurance company pulled through and finally totalled my husbands truck. With the money we received we were able to put down a much larger than normal amount and finally get a truck!!


    Friday 10th of August 2018

    If he needed them out, childhood is the time for it! I had mine out as an adult and oh my soul, it was rough!

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