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Five Frugal Things | 50 pounds of flour!

Keep reading for the flour. 😉

1. I planted some gingerroot.

I noticed my that current pieces of ginger were getting a little dried up, but also that they looked like they were starting to sprout.

sprouted gingerroot

I did some googling and learned that ginger can indeed just be stuck in the ground and it will probably grow.

So, that’s what I did. We’ll see what happens!

2. I made banana muffins with my ripe bananas.

No one here wants to eat them when they’re this spotty. Blech.

spotted banana peels for compost

But these same bananas as banana chocolate chip muffins?

They were gone in less than 12 hours.

banana chocolate chip muffins

Weird how adding chocolate, sugar and flour makes these so much more delicious than plain bananas. 😉

3. I roasted my parsnips (plus some carrots).

Hungry Harvest has been very generous with the carrots lately, so I am working through a surplus.

And they also sent me some parsnips. I know a lot of people hate those, but I really like them.

However, I am the only one in my family who feels that way. 😉

Anyway, I sliced up all the parsnips and some of my carrots and I used my easy roasted carrots recipe to cook them.

roasted carrots and parsnips

Lisey ate the carrots, I ate the parsnips, and now my root vegetable surplus is looking a little better.

4. We used failed jam as pancake topping.

I’ve made peach freezer jam a bunch of times before, but this batch I made last August just did not jell.

I mean, it’s thicker than it would have been with no pectin, but no one in their right mind would call this jam.

peach jam

So, it’s been sitting in the chest freezer, and this week it occurred to me that soupy jam might make a really good pancake topping.

I was not wrong.

And now I’m very pleased that I have several more jars of this in the freezer.

(Speaking of homemade jam, if you want a fun project and you can get your hands on some pectin, try this recipe for homemade grape jelly, using store-bought grape juice.)

5. I ordered some flour online.

Flour has been pretty difficult to come by locally (everyone is baking now!), so I did some poking around online and found a restaurant supply website that sells 50 pound bags of King Arthur flour for a good price.

(It worked out to be about $3.65/five pounds.)

Lisey's first pizza

This is the flour I swear by for pizza dough. It seriously is a complete game changer and if you haven’t tried making pizza with it, I really think you should!

(Here’s how to make really great homemade pizza)

My order is going to be delayed until April 27 due to supply issues, but that’s fine. I definitely have enough flour left to hold me over until then.

(This is the site I ordered from; they’re all out of stock now, but you can sign up to be notified when they have more in stock. I ordered the Special Patent flour, which is the same as King Arthur Bread flour. And the Sir Galahad is the same as their all-purpose flour.)

Your turn! Share your five frugal things in the comments.

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    Rachel R.

    Saturday 18th of April 2020

    Glad you were able to find a flour fix!

    Here's my 5:

    1) The state park has been free this spring, so we go 2-3x/week! It's normally $7/visit.

    2) Found clearance sourdough bread, mushrooms, and yogurt.

    3) A friend was spring cleaning & offered her things up on facebook. We got a free Curious George DVD from her that my girls have loved during all this time in.

    4) We have had friends bring us: dinner, kid's clothes, Easter baskets, face masks, chocolate and Kleenex. God is so good! It's been one year since my husband lost his job & we are still looking for full-time employment. These blessings found on our porch have meant a lot to us, especially now!

    5) For a craft/cultural study of international jewelry making, we rolled beads from old magazine pages (cut into long triangles/rolled and glued around a pencil). It was so fun & they turned out really unique!


    Friday 17th of April 2020

    We do a lot of the DIY projects. Friday is usually, but sometimes Sunday, depending on what we have going on is pizza night during the colder months as we don’t do much baking during the hot summer months. The pizza are flatbread made with the pizza dough, but about 6” x 12” as everyone wants something different and the smaller ones allow more options without someone complaining or picking off toppings. We make up the dough from scratch, then let it rise before shaping into smaller balls to stretch out. Hubby will start to bake them and turn them once so the sauce does not make it soggy. After they are started, he finishes them on the pizza brick (450 degrees) for a crispy crust. Getting the oven up to temperature first is the secret of great pizza. Time to start the tomato plants in another couple weeks. And other plants to follow in starter paks to put in the garden. End of may, direct planting of seeds for cucumbers, beans, squash, corn and pumpkins are the plan. Hubby is keeping my teen boys well groomed, haircuts every three weeks is their schedule. I got a trim back in March, so I am not due until next month. We are eating frozen vegetables and fruits from the freezer, we need to make room for this year’s crop. We are still urning some wood during the cold nights, hope to be done in the next week.


    Friday 17th of April 2020

    Thanks for sharing, Kristen! How do you plan to store the flour?

    Randi Macdonald

    Friday 17th of April 2020

    I ordered flour last month from Azure standard. No shipping charges if you check the "drop" choice. It came on a giant truck. We met the truck behind sam's and everyone picked up their order. 25lbs of organic bread flour was 24 and change. They have a TON of items, not just flour. Cheese, grains, everything a person could possibly want.


    Saturday 18th of April 2020

    Would you mind giving us your review of the bread flour you bought from Azure Standard?

    Thank you!

    Marilyn Patterson

    Thursday 16th of April 2020

    Oatmeal cookies for my type 2 diabetic husband as a treat with milk before going to bed...

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