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Five Frugal Things

As always, hat tip to The NonConsumer Advocate for the Five Frugal Things idea.


I cooked dinner every night last week (I made homemade pizza on Friday instead of ordering out too!*) and I also packed Mr. FG’s lunch every single day.

*Sometimes if my Friday is crazy, we order pizza instead of making it from scratch.

homemade pizza


I sold an out-of-print book on for $35.


I installed a new kitchen faucet myself.

Which mainly consisted of two hours working on taking the old one out, and 20 minutes putting the new one in.

removing old faucet

The good news is that I adore my new faucet!

(More on that soon.)

But I’m never gonna pursue plumbing as a career because…yuck.


I kinda sorta skipped grocery shopping last week (just picked up a few things), which forced us to eat up more of the food in the fridge.

Less food wasted, less money spent!


Mr. FG let me know about an AdoramaPix photo book Groupon, so I bought one.   Yay! I just ADORE the print quality of Adorama’s photo books, and I’m pleased to have one for a discount.

I ordered the 12×12 size, which I’ve never used before.   But I’m always up for a new photo book experiment.   😉


Alrighty…your turn.   List five frugal things of your own in the comments, and inspire us!

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    Dawn Ellingtond

    Friday 17th of April 2015

    1. Did not grocery shop this week. Just bought apples, bananas and spinach to get us through the week. I am trying to use up the extra food in our house before it spoils.

    2. Washed three loads of laundry and hung them on the line to dry.

    3. Planted 30 tomato plants in my garden that I started from seed.

    4. Husband and I packed our lunches all week.

    5. Planted flower seeds that I got on clearance last year in my flower pots instead of buying flowers from the nursery (which can be very expensive $75). I hope they come up!!


    Tuesday 14th of April 2015

    Savannah, Financial Peace University was a fabulous experience that probably saved our marriage. We took it at another church and convinced our own church to implement the program. Hope all goes well for you!

    1. I started Weight Watchers about 2months ago and I've lost a pants size! I altered some of my pants instead of buying new, and bought a great Goodwill dress in my new size for $5.

    2. Ate all meals at home/Brownback to office last week!

    3. Contacted Replacements about some family crystal none of us want; fortunately, Replacements does. Ergo we'll have about $70 coming in AND freed up space.

    4. They don't generally do this, but the dry cleaner said I've returned so many hangers over the years that she'd clean the business dress I brought gratis. Like someone else said, it wasn't' t a frugal thing, it was environmental and yielded frugal fruit.

    5. Gathered everything frayed and ripped (towels, scarves, jeans, etc.), got out the sewing machine and fixed it all.


    Tuesday 14th of April 2015

    1. I used fruits I had put up last year for breakfast this week. (Canned peaches and frozen blueberries)

    2. Experimented with making underwear. I know, it's kinda crazy, but at $3-5 a pair for womens undies...

    3. Sold a bunch of extra stuff online and in a yard sale.

    4. Used up a few barbeque chicken drumsticks into a chicken salad. The bbq addition was yummy!

    5. Turned off the AC every time we left the house for more than an hour or two.


    Tuesday 14th of April 2015

    Good for you, installing your own faucet. I tried to do the same and after two trips to the hardware store for advice and to purchase a special wrench I ended up calling a plumber anyway. I just could not get the old corroded fittings off.

    Stephany H.

    Monday 13th of April 2015

    Hi! Thanks for sharing everyone - I love hearing how creative y'all are! Here is my Frugal Five: 1) When traveling with my family out-of-state last week, I packed food from home to eat at the rest stops. That saved time and money. 2) I made my own dishwasher detergent. 3) I made my own laundry detergent. 4) My local thrift shop gives out a "50% off one item" coupon on its donation receipts. I used that coupon to buy an item that was only $10 to being with. It was a steal at $5, and I would have paid well over $50 if I bought the item at retail. Which I wouldn't have, so it saved me the time and trouble of making it myself. 5) I have been very patient with my ailing Washing Machine. Read below...

    About a year ago my ten year old front-loading washing machine started making this terrible banging noise when I ran it. Not having much experience with washers, I called our Very Reliable appliance repair guy. He told me that the Main Rear Bearing is going, and it would cost about the price of a new machine ($900) to fix it because the whole washer would need to come apart. He also said this piece is very large, heavy, and hard to work with. He said I could get 2-3 more years out of it if I babied it. Which I have been doing. My husband is an engineer, and is able to fix/do almost everything around here - except for fix washing machines. He went to work and asked his engineer colleagues if they have any experience with this problem, and they all pretty much agreed with our repair man.

    I am wondering if any of you FG readers might have any advice, insight, or repair experience to offer. I always appreciate reading what you have to say :-) Thanks in advance!


    Tuesday 14th of April 2015

    If you have/decide to purchase a new machine, ask for discounted scratch and dent models. We have done this for all of our appliances and often get better quality for less than a basic model.


    Tuesday 14th of April 2015

    Oh man, that stinks! That's crazy that it costs that much to repair the bearing. My washer is very basic and comes apart pretty easily.

    I'd be inclined to maybe look for a reliable model used, or if you go new, I'd do a lot of reading to find out what washer is actually worth buying (it seems like a lot of the new ones fall apart quickly and/or don't get the clothes very clean.)


    Monday 13th of April 2015

    If you are looking for a washing machine you can find one for under 100 in craigslist if it last a couple of years it is a win on your part most should...

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