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Five Frugal Things | a bit sparse

As you know, my semester is done now, and I know that’s going to allow for more in the way of frugal activities for me.

But I am only a few days into my break, so I feel like I don’t have a lot to share with you at this point!

cup of coffee.

1. I canceled a trial membership on time

I said yes to a trial membership to take advantage of a free delivery, and as we all know, this is a bit risky.

It’s so so easy to lose track of a free trial and then boom, you are charged for a year!

I put a reminder in on my phone as soon as I started the free trial, though, and so I cancelled it with plenty of time left. Whew.

2.  I moved all my savings to a CIT bank account

I opened a CIT Platinum savings account, on the advice of Matt and Joel from How to Money….because I want to take advantage of these interest rates that are around 5%!

3.  I planted my store-bought basil in a pot

I had bought one of those little basil plants (the kind in a little plastic bag), and once I had used what I needed for cooking, I stuck the remaining plants into a pot of dirt.

basil plants.

Some of the plants didn’t make it, but two have survived, and hopefully no squirrels will dig them up before they get strong.

Speaking of which: is there a way to prevent squirrels from doing this? They love to dig in my pots and it is a little annoying because they keep destroying my plants.

Also, as you can see in the picture, something is eating the leaves. What do I do about that?

(I am not close to being a gardening expert, as you can tell. 😉 )

4. Umm…I passed all my classes?

I told you it’s a little sparse over here on the frugal front! Heh.

But as we have discussed many times before, passing classes is most definitely a financial win.

screenshot of college summary.

This is particularly true in nursing school; we are allowed to fail one class in the entire program, and then it has to be repeated, which puts the student a semester behind.

But worse than that, any fails after that get you immediately booted from the program. So then not only have you had to pay for a class that you didn’t pass, but also all the money you paid for your classes previously is wasted.

5. I did the usuals…



  • eating down my fridge
  • making my coffee at home
  • making yogurt
  • drinking water from my metal bottle instead of buying bottles of water
  • washing my clothes in cold water

And so on.

But probably by next week, I will have some slightly more interesting things to share! 🙂

Your turn! What frugal things have you been up to?

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Mary ann

Saturday 25th of May 2024

I am frugal but some things I'm not. My spouse has alzheimers and you don't always have it your way as the disease more of a need and I'm tired.


Friday 24th of May 2024

I've never had my leftover basil take in just soil. Sometimes Perlite works best for me! I love all your tips, thanks for sharing, and congratulations on a 4.0 that is so impressive!


Wednesday 22nd of May 2024

If you have a rock garden, or can find some small rocks while on your walks, put them around the perimeter of your pot to cover the dirt. I also stick plastic forks a few inches apart that are pointy side up and sticking out above the lip of the pot. These two things usually stop them from digging.


Tuesday 21st of May 2024

I used to take hair from my hairbrush,snip it up into little pieces,and sprinkle it on my garden. Supposedly the human scent scares off animals.


Tuesday 21st of May 2024

*Sold six items on eBay. *Shopped at good old Aldi. *Cooked from scratch. *Involuntarily went 21 hours without electricity due to the tornado in Houston. Lol *Had no takeout all week. It helped that no restaurants were open around us due to the storm! I have a gas stove so we managed fine.

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