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Five Frugal Things | a certified tightwad

I don’t know how exciting this list will be because shew, the first week of school was nutso for me.

Kristen wearing a backpack.

the requisite back to school photo

I don’t think I did any terribly exciting frugal things!

kristen holding chiquita.

being interrupted by Miss Chiquita

1. I bought a marked-down package of fruit bars

Zoe sometimes likes to grab these when she needs a little snack on the go, so I picked up this damaged box for $1.50. Don’t worry, it wasn’t open when I bought it.

box of fruit snacks.

Relatedly, in Amy Dacyzyn’s “Are you a tightwad?” quiz, one item on the list is, “I have a box of dented cereal in my pantry.” Ha. But I think a box of fruit bars counts as well.

And besides, we all already know I’m a certified tightwad, quiz or no quiz. 😉

(For the record, I just finished a box of shredded wheat with a damaged box!)

2. I packed all of my food (and coffee) last week

Exciting? No. But all of these packed lunches add up over time.

I probably save at least $5 every time I pack one and if I do that even four times a week, that’s $80 a month.

packed lunch.

If you add in all the coffees I avoid buying, that’s probably another $80 a month.

black coffee maker


3. I made a sandwich with two heels of bread

I told you I didn’t have anything earthshaking to share. Ha.

The last two pieces of bread were both heels, sooooo, I made a ham sandwich with them. Yay me for using up the entire loaf.

sandwich made with two bread heels.

(The loaf is Nature’s Own 100% whole wheat sandwich bread, which I buy at Sam’s Club in a two-pack, and then I freeze one. The bread is very soft, which makes it good for peanut butter and honey sandwiches. Or ham sandwiches. I also like Dave’s Killer Bread, but sometimes it feels like a little too much for a sandwich!)

4. I ordered a larger bag of kibble from Chewy

I realized the price per pound went down with a bigger bag, so that’s what I opted for. And I went through TopCashback first so I’m getting an extra 4% back on my purchase.

cat on a wooden chest.

Every little bit helps. 🙂

5. I did my personal tax return

I had to file an extension months ago because there was a delay with my blog tax return (which my CPA does). I just finally got the blog return back, so I hopped onto TurboTax and knocked out my personal return.

Kristen's kitchen table.

Yay!! I am so happy to have this task off my back. I could hire my CPA to do it, but the personal part of my return is still simple enough for me to do.

The blog return? OH HECK NO. My blog is an S-corp now and that is way, way, way over my head to manage.

Anyway, I saved where I could by DIYing my personal return.

Also, also…I’m getting a decent-sized refund this year, which is a nice surprise, of course*. I was telling one of my friends that I am so much less broke than I was at this time last year (when I was getting no child support or alimony while also paying a lot of lawyer fees).

Life has improved in so many ways and I am grateful!

*I know that technically one should adjust withholding to get a $0 tax return, but since I didn’t do that, the refund is a nice surprise. And you know I will put the money to work as soon as I get it.

Your turn! What frugal things have you been up to lately?

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Chris b

Friday 6th of September 2024

Volunteered at a church rummage sale. 1. Got a Wisconsin Badger fall jacket for $5. 2. Got some Little House books focused on daughter Rose that I want to read this winter. 3. Started using baking soda to reduce the placque on my teeth. 4. Volunteering and going to book clubs to socialize and meet people. 5. Books on Libby. 6. Football on Dofu Stream since I can't get NBC on tv.


Thursday 5th of September 2024

Late to the party, but trying to get more consistent now that the summer chaos is over.

1. I took my cans back for the deposit. Not huge $, but it does clean out stuff too. 2. We ate at quite a few free, back to school related dinners. 3. I've been going through the pantry/freezers to see what needs to be used up. So far I've mostly made unnecessary baked goods from things that don't really go in entrees, but we'll get to those later. Somehow clearing up the small things rattling around has felt more satisfying. So, I made flourless chocolate pecan cookies using some frozen egg whites and pecans. They needed three egg whites and I'd frozen them in sets of four so I doubled the recipe, used two fresh eggs, and left myself with two egg yolks in the fridge which I then put in scrambled eggs the next day for breakfast. 4. Then I made a macaroons using some more frozen egg whites and old sweetened, flaked coconut. Yes, there are still more frozen egg whites, coconut, and pecans. Clearly I overbought during the baking sales last Christmas. 5. We've been dutifully eating green/wax beans and cucumbers because that is what our garden makes best. I don't have an extensive garden, but those two items and herbs grow very well. I'm still trying to figure out what else works in my space. I did give away 10 cucumbers because we have soooo many, with just two plants.


Wednesday 4th of September 2024

I wash my gallon and quart bags . Once they are clean I put them in the fridge to be used again. If there is clean foil I fold it and use it later, sometimes I do wash it. And I keep bacon grease on the stove for seasoning and frying certain things, aka Onio, celery and such.


Wednesday 4th of September 2024

Try on clothes at store, find same or similar items on eBay at reduced cost.


Wednesday 4th of September 2024

I love to do that on eBay when I already know what size/style/color I want from a previous in-store purchase!


Tuesday 3rd of September 2024

Playing the "no refund" game is a gamble. I did estimates for better half's sole proprietorship business and got darn good at it. These days I just have extra withheld out of my paycheck to cover taxable SS. Is it worth the risk of owing, a possible penalty, AND my time to *maybe* make $100 in interest? Nope, it is not. I've got better things to do. Any tax refunds go straight to savings.

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