1. I picked up an end table on the buy-nothing group
I joined the Buy Nothing group in my parents’ neighborhood so that I could give away some sheets my mom no longer needed.
And when I saw that someone was giving away an end table, I asked if I could have it.
Do I have somewhere to rent yet? Nope.*
*not for lack of trying!!
But I think that the living room wherever I eventually rent could probably use an end table.
And free is a very good price.
If I do end up not needing it, well, I can just re-gift it on the Buy Nothing group!
2. I bought a $0.99 package of bagels
I found a bag of six bakery cheese bagels marked down to $0.99, so I picked them up, brought them home, sliced them, and then frozen them in bags of two.
That way they will stay as fresh as possible.
I thought they might be a little bit lackluster, given that they were on the markdown rack, but they are super tasty once you toast them! Definitely a good use of $0.99.
And this is why I always take a peek at the clearance rack when I am in a grocery store. It only takes a minute, and sometimes you find really awesome deals.
(Of course, sometimes everything on the rack is terrible, but hey, if you find nothing, you have only lost a minute of your day.)
3. I installed the Mezeh app and saved $3
Last week I hung out at Mezeh while I was waiting for Zoe at her class, so I installed the app for the first time and used a $3 discount on my bowl.
And I chose to drink water, even though Mezeh does have a bunch of interesting-looking drinks. I might get one of those next time. 😉

from a time when I DID buy a fun drink with Sonia.
If a restaurant just has the usual soda/tea offerings at the fountain drink station, I am not remotely tempted to buy a drink. Sprite, root beer, Coke…BORING.
But Mezeh has drinks like mango punch, lemongrass berry, or berry watermelon, and those are the kinds of beverages that are tempting to me: fun flavors and not so much sugar.
4. Zoe and I used some notecards from the abandoned house
She has a horticulture exam tomorrow, so when I was helping her study, we made some flash cards, and we used a package that I rescued from the treasure house (as my sister-in-law likes to call it!)
Mercifully, they were still in the shrink-wrapped package, so they did not reek of smoke/old house.
5. I…
- used my fabric shaver
- brewed my own coffee at home
- read library books for entertainment
- submitted some healthcare forms to Cigna for reimbursement
Wednesday 6th of April 2022
My frugal five: 1. Ordered a free energy kit from my electric utility. It will have things such as LED bulbs and night lights, power strip, and a couple of other things. 2. Used my credit card points to get $50 in Panera gift cards - only $22 points each. $50 in Shell gas cards and $50 for Outback for a special treat. 3. Got 6 rolls of Scott paper towels for $3.75 using a Walgreens booklet coupon. 4. Got a $5 off $5 coupon from Walgreens. 5. Dh did the taxes with an on sale version of Turbo Tax. We have to pay the feds but will get some money back from the state.
Wednesday 6th of April 2022
Used up the last bit of a container of ricotta in some pancakes so it didn’t go bad.
I remembered to renew our library books so I don’t have to pay a fine. I am very bad at remembering to do this, but I did today!
Made some homemade birthday cards instead of buying them.
Made the switch from using predominantly canned beans to mostly dried beans. It requires a little more planning to take them out and soak them overnight, but they are cheaper. I still have the cans for last minute meals but I have been able to meal plan and use mainly the dried ones.
Went to Costco when my tank was empty so I could fill up on gas at a good price.
Wednesday 6th of April 2022
Replaced a zipper on son's blue jeans. Not as hard as you would think. Bought and cooked a package of chuck steaks from the clearance bin at grocers. 50% off items close to sell by date. Half went in freezer for another day. Used $10 dollars worth of coupons for stuff I actually need. Usually don't bother as seldom things I need or use. Passed up an item I actually like and do use as the price nearly doubled. Accompanied family members to the local Ice cream shop but passed on actually buying any. The important thing was being with them not indulging in 7 dollar ice creams.
Wednesday 6th of April 2022
Be very cautious with "second-hand items" or resale store "bargains"; bed bugs are no bargain!
Wednesday 6th of April 2022
Oh yes; I would not consider a secondhand mattress or upholstered furniture. But wood furniture I am totally ok with!
Wednesday 6th of April 2022
Yay for free furniture! I'm sure you will work your magic and it will look beautiful wherever you end up nesting!
1. I submitted a receipt for a rapid covid test to my employer for reimbursement. I was initially told to get a rapid test and if it was negative, I could return to the office. I did, it was, and I returned to the office with my test results. I was then told the test had to be a PCR test (which I was able to get at my local pharmacy for free!) and I would have to leave the office until I had a negative test result. Since I was told (incorrectly) to get the rapid test at first, my employer agreed to reimburse me for the cost.
2. I have been getting all of my books through Kindle Unlimited or Book-Bub. All of which have been free. :-)
3. Recently had hardwood floors installed in my house and the contractor offered me a significant discount if I could pay in cash. Why, yes. Yes, I can! (My contractor has done work for me for years so I trust him implicitly; but I still made sure to get signed receipts.)
4. I made a full pan of lasagna for dinner (for two people) and individually wrapped and froze the leftovers for quick dinners in the future.
5. I paid off a debt 3 years early which (a) eliminated a monthly payment; and (b) saved me a TON in interest charges. #doublefrugalwin