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Five Frugal Things | a tidy-the-fridge edition

On Sunday afternoon, I put my earbuds in, set my phone to play the audio version of a chapter in my book (Caring for the Older Patient, if you are curious!) and set about organizing/cleaning my fridge and prepping the contents for use.

Kristen smiling at the camera.

I always appreciate the efficiency of combining a head task (listening to the textbook chapter) with a body task (the fridge work, which is largely mindless).

I have a terrible time paying attention to audio versions of learning unless my body is busy, so this is a perfect combo for me. And I always listen to things at 2x speed, which is fast enough to tickle my brain appropriately. 🙂

Kristen pointing to her earbuds.

earbuds from eBay, because Shelley chewed through my original pair years ago

This was a very lonnnnnnnng textbook chapter, so I got a lot of food tasks done.

1. Kale two ways

I used part of my Hungry Harvest kale to make this kale salad from Gimme Some Oven.

Gimme some Oven kale salad

I did not have enough craisins, so I used a combo of craisins and raisins.

Also, I had no lemons, but I did have some limes that were going a bit soft, so I juiced those and used them in place of the called-for lemon juice.

And as always, I used onion instead of shallots because onions are always what I have around. 🙂

I used the rest of the kale in a small batch of Zuppa Toscana-ish soup, which also handily used up some marked-down Italian sausage, some homemade chicken broth, and some potatoes from my Hungry Harvest box.

Yay me!

I did not have any bacon handy, so mine is a no-bacon version this time.

2. I cut up some mangoes

I had two huge mangoes that had gotten ripe at a time when I didn’t have a sec to cut them up.

Sooo, I did both of them at once and now I am rich in ready-to-eat mango.

mango in glass containers.

3. I roasted sweet potatoes

While I was cooking, I threw the three Hungry Harvest sweet potatoes into the toaster oven.

Now they’re in my fridge ready for me to grab; I like to make a quick mashed sweet potato eat with my eggs some mornings, or sometimes I slice and brown them to go with my eggs.

eggs and sweet potatoes.

4. I froze some bananas

The last bunch of bananas I bought turned spotty brown seemingly overnight.

Or maybe I just was so busy that I accidentally ignored my bananas for a few days. I don’t know!

I’d thrown them in the fridge as soon as I saw they were going spotty, and on Sunday I sliced and froze them to use in smoothies or to make this strawberry vanilla banana “ice cream”.

5. I made a batch of granola and a batch of yogurt

I may not make everything from scratch these days, but granola and yogurt are two of my stand-bys. Ok, and also chicken broth; I’m pretty consistent with that.

This is the granola I make; it is so quick to throw together and it requires no stirring during baking. PERFECT.

granola in glass jars.

And here is how I make yogurt without a yogurt machine.

Since I spent this time prepping food, now I have quick and easy options to grab, and that makes it easier to avoid waste, and also to avoid buying food outside of the house.

fridge shelves with glass containers on them.

I just noticed I didn’t push several of those lids down all the way! I know that will make some of you twitchy. Sorry. 😉

Plus, several of these efforts help support my goal of always eating more fruits and veggies. Anything that helps me eat more kale is a win in my book. 😉

Your turn! What frugal things have you been up to lately?

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Tuesday 17th of September 2024

I need to do a better job with frugality especially now that my husband is working less. And I have one kid approaching driving age…need to save money where I can to spend on insurance…and a car she can drive. Let’s see…. -I picked up some fast and easy to make things for the freezer in case plans go awry…cheaper than takeout -I organized the freezer and pantry and have been planning meals around using up that food - I found water bottles that my son cannot easily break and have been patiently buying some when they go on sale - I was able to join a Bible study group While my kids are doing youth group and awanas at our church. So it’s less running around. We all go to one location to do our Sunday activities.


Tuesday 17th of September 2024

Yup! The lids made me twitchy! Haha! Great prepping. I used to be good at this and you are inspiring me to get back at it. Where’s Chiquita during all this?


Tuesday 17th of September 2024

Amazingly she was not bothering me during my prep. She was snoozing!


Tuesday 17th of September 2024

I'll try to come up with FFT... 1. I got a gift card from donating blood which I used at the convenience store for my purchase. 2. We haven't had to run our AC unit to sleep at night for a few weeks, saving us on our electric bill. 3. We applied for a low mileage rate on Hubby's truck since it qualified, thus saving $ on our monthly insurance bill. 4. The food pantry that operates out of my work building gifted me peaches, potatoes, green grapes, macaroni salad and 6 ears of corn which wouldn't last until the next food distribution. We also got a bag of zucchini from hubby's coworker's garden. 5. I froze over-ripe bananas for future baking.

Lindsay B

Tuesday 17th of September 2024

1. We’ve had some low humidity weather and it’s been wonderful to open up the windows at night to cool the house down rather than turn on the AC.

2. I made a use-it-up Indian stew using two mini eggplants, some of my massive haul of gifted peppers, and some of the previously chopped and frozen kale and golden oyster mushrooms. It was a nice departure from our usual meal rotation and I find it challenging to use fresh produce before it goes off. I usually prefer frozen for that reason, but won’t say no to free food!

3. Picked up a free monthly Hallmark card and used a coupon to purchase an anniversary card for a reasonable price.

4. Also in the spirit of not saying no to free food! After choir practice last night someone was giving away “half a ton” of vegetables from his car and I was the only one interested! I came away with a massive amount of fruit and vegetables– a whole flat of grapes, an entire banana box filled with swiss chard, eggplants, potatoes, turnips, lettuce, celery, bananas, bell peppers, broccoli, and I’m probably forgetting something else. And cottage cheese and english muffins. I think he’s a bit of a food activist and tries to salvage food from various distribution points that would otherwise be thrown away, so I’m guessing more free food could be in my future. But now I need to do some massive food prep a la Kristen!

5. Finally managed to cut my toddler’s hair despite many protests and much wiggling. Not specifically frugal as it’s not like we would have paid anyone else to do it, but it was at least satisfying. It is definitely a hack job!

Frugal “fail”: I accidentally had some Starbucks stars expire before I could redeem them for a pastry. I really like their ham and cheese croissants but would not ever pay OOP for one.


Tuesday 17th of September 2024

I never, ever listen to anything that has to be piped into my ears. I would like to be more efficient, as you are with cleaning and listening (at 2X speed, no less!) but the few times I have tried it, all I did was obsess about how soon I could yank the ear buds out.

1. Sold some jewelry on eBay. It belonged to my grandmother, one piece dating back from before the Tsar was overthrown (she was 13 when that happened, so since she lived to be 99 and 11 months, I heard a lot about those times in Russia). I have never worn any of the items, because I prefer rings to other ornamentation. Still, I felt sad about getting rid of her stuff. No other relatives wanted it so I finally let it go. My hesitation faded when I realized it could possibly end up in the dump if someone thought it was costume jewelry when it is really intricate and ornate solid silver and amber. She literally saved this stuff by burying it in a park and then retrieving after the war. Then she sewed it up in the hems of her clothing to get it to the US without having it stolen. I felt like attaching a history card to each piece. She would be glad to know we made money from the sale of it. 2. Did the semi-annual inventory of our chest freezer so are eating out of that now that I can plan meals better. I also realized I do not need to buy more butter, as we have 23 pounds of it frozen. Also, more than 40 pounds of salmon. Nothing needed to be discarded due to freezer burn. 3. Free evening entertainment sitting on the porch, drinking hot chocolate and watching the northern lights. They are common but this week the display has been especially colorful. Easier to do now, when it is in the 30s than when it is in the minus 30s! 4. Accepted another breastless rotisserie chicken carcass from the bachelor who won't eat any of the rest of the bird. We had two meals from it plus it is now in the slow cooker making stock. 5. library for books and puzzles.

Frugal fail: I don't know what happened to our rescue Dane surrounding his claws, but he absolutely goes nuts if you try to clip them. We have tried every trick, including slathering peanut butter on the husband's forehead so the dog would get distracted and lick it off while husband did a quick trim. There is a nail clipping service that will come to your house, so we tried that. It worked once when he first came and was younger and had been starved so was lighter. Even then it was a struggle. We called them again but this time it was a $50 fail. Three of us could not restrain his 185 pounds and we quickly stopped before we terrorized him even more. Next stop, the vet later this week. They can lightly tranquilize him, to the tune of $100. Poor guy. He is still a puppy at 14 months so I had hopes of training him to accept clipping but no luck so far.

A. Marie

Tuesday 17th of September 2024

@Lindsey, first, I'm with you about audio anything in general and audio via earbuds in particular. I can't listen to most podcasts, even in my areas of great interest--first because I'm eye-minded rather than ear-minded, and second because the podcast hosts on the few podcasts I've tried won't shut up long enough to let their guests (the ones I really want to hear) get a word in edgewise. :-(

And second, I send my sympathy re: the continuing struggles with Clobber Paws. Poor CP, and poor you and the husband.


Tuesday 17th of September 2024

@Lindsey, Wow, that’s some dog you have. I love the visual of peanut butter forehead. I hope you took video.

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