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Five Frugal Things | by the seat of my pants

A lot of weeks when I sit down to write my Five Frugal Things post, I have a good idea of what I’m gonna include.

But this last week has been a doozy (I feel like I am saying that a lot lately…) and so I’m sitting here with no plan.

morning sun.

This FFT fare might be not-too-exciting. But let’s see what I can come up with!

1. I made chicken broth from two rotisserie chicken carcasses

I had two chicken’s worth of bones in my chest freezer, and on Sunday I took them out and made a little batch of chicken broth.

A pot of chicken broth.


This is the method I always use (and it IS more of a method than a recipe! I don’t usually measure anything for my broth.)

2. I used the chicken broth to make a pot of soup

I had some aging celery in my veggie drawer, so this was perfect! I used the broth I’d made on Sunday, all the celery, plus some carrots (and of course, some chicken and noodles).

Did I add cream to my bowl?

chicken noodle soup.

Yup. I may never eat a cream-less chicken noodle soup again!

3. I walked to school yesterday

And back home again, obviously. Ha.

Kristen's feet on a path in the woods.

This is not impressively frugal because, well, any destination that is walkable is also not a far drive. I don’t use that much gas making the five minute trip to college in my van!

It’s really more of a win on the efficiency front; I get my exercise in while also hauling myself to school.

But hey, driving 0 miles is always cheaper than driving >0 miles.

4. I packed my lunch

Yesterday, I packed my lunch, as I usually do.

I carried it in an old insulated lunch bag that one of my kids used to use.

salad in a metal container.

And I packed everything in reusable containers, including the stainless steel tiffin-style container I got at Goodwill ages ago.

5. I made a batch of yogurt on Sunday

You might be wondering, “Why is Kristen making yogurt and broth while she’s so busy with school?”

yogurt topped with berries.

Well, some of my schoolwork (the reading) can be done through my earbuds. And that means I can do some little kitchen tasks while learning nursing concepts.

Also: yogurt and broth require very little hands-on time; they just require a lengthy cooking/incubating time.

Here’s how I make yogurt without a yogurt maker or an instant pot.


Well. They might not be super exciting/creative, but I did make it to five things. 🙂

Your turn! What frugal things have you been up to lately?

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Sunday 12th of November 2023

I washed both cars wit my garden hose, rad and towels. You don't need to go through 10 dollar car wash Everytime.

Lindsay B

Wednesday 8th of November 2023

1. I have been finishing up food odds and ends from when my parents were visiting. My mom likes to cook very specific recipes that end up with little dribs and drabs of ingredients, which drives me crazy but I appreciate her cooking so I just try to clear out the odds and ends when she leaves. I’ve finished some sour cream, almond milk, cinnamon sugar, and a few other things I don’t remember.

2. I had my biannual dental checkup and cleaning. Fortunately this is covered at no charge through our insurance.

3. Picked up my free card of the month from Hallmark, and also a birthday card for my husband because I had a $3 off coupon from them. I needed to buy his card anyway (we don’t do gifts), so this was nice timing.

4. Cut into my fish oil supplement bottle with scissors, and carefully pried apart as many capsules as I could from the melted blob at the bottom. I mentioned in a previous FFT that Vitacost graciously refunded me the total cost, but I’ve been trying to use what I could despite the general fishy yuck factor. Only about 20 more capsules to go!

5. I’d saved a deodorant/antiperspirant that didn’t work well during our warm summer months. Now that it’s cooler, I can try to finish it up.

6. I use my half birthday for some birthday freebies, so I picked up a freebie dessert yesterday while running errands.


Wednesday 8th of November 2023

1. Our community held its biannual recycling event this past weekend and I was able to get rid of 7 boxes of old electronics! Most of it was stuff from my parents' house cleanout (think old VCR from the 80's, VHS tapes, cassette tapes and camcorders!) but I was glad it didn't have to go to a landfill. 2. My son asked for a pair of flannel pj pants which were on sale at Old Navy. I ordered online with store pick up. When I went to pick it up, I noticed the same pair was on sale for a cheaper price in store than online. So I bought the pair in the store and will let the online order lapse (if I don't go pickup within 5 days, they will cancel the order), saving $3. 3. My husband and I just moved my MIL from her house to live in an independent living apartment closer to us (we're in that season of life). She gave us food left in her fridge and pantry that she could not finish, including a box of crepes, cereal and a loaf of bread. She also gave my husband a bag of things she no longer wanted, including a nice digital alarm clock and some Euros, which will be useful for my trip to Europe next spring. 4. Redeemed Swagbucks and ibotta credit for $35 into my paypal account. 5. Used a Starbucks gift card for buy a drink for my husband while he accompanied me on a grocery shopping trip. Redeemed Fetch points for another Starbucks gift card for my monthly drink and occasional treat for the family.

Heidi Louise

Wednesday 8th of November 2023

@DebbieR, What a relief to get the electronics sent to where at least some parts of them can be recycled. I had not seen VHS tapes in a list for electronic recycling before. I will keep an eye out for that when my county's next time comes around, as we have a box of tapes that got wet in the basement.


Tuesday 7th of November 2023

1. My son dyed his hair by himself.

2. Found that there is a recycle thing for appliances for free, they should be picking up my broken double oven tomorrow.

3. Pasta

4. Eggs

5. 50 off 100 at groceries with my month of free prime with coupon FRESH50. Woo woo!

Lazy Budget Chef

Tuesday 7th of November 2023

1. Made vegetarian chili from stuff we had on hand for a pot luck. We ate the leftovers a few days later when we needed a quick dinner idea. 2. I cleaned and carefully packed away my camping equipment after my side hustle show closed. I want to continue to keep everything in good condition to use next season. 3. When buy. ing utility shelves, the salesperson asked of I needed a fourth and pointed out a discounted open box set. I only planned on buying 3 but I saved $70 on it and we planned on putting in more shelves in future. 4. My husband harvested all of his hot peppers before we got our first freeze. 5. Due to a time crunch, I bought groceries from 2 stores using Instcart. I accepted the free trail of free delivery for my orders and cancelled it a few days later

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