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Five Frugal Things | cat cookies: crunchy again!

1. I re-crisped some cat cookies

cat cookies.

The last of the Trader Joe’s chocolate cat cookies had gotten a little soggy when we had that string of super humid weather.

Then neither Zoe nor I really wanted to eat them. So, I baked them in my toaster oven for a few minutes, let them cool, and they were marvelously crunchy again.

Which means they have now all been eaten. 🙂

2. I bought a dented container of oats

Most times, the clearance rack at Safeway is full of things that I don’t use.

But this time, there was a dented canister of store-brand oatmeal. Sweet!

cannister of oatmeal.

3. I went on a reward-redeeming spree

I don’t think I’d ever cashed out my Upside cash back, so I had $180 in there. I redeemed that for an Amazon gift card, which is basically as good as cash.

gas tank.

(Upside gives you discounted offers on gas at select stations. I suggest using GasBuddy first to check prices in your area to compare if the Upside deals are the best or not. Click here to download the free Upside app, and use code 97N2J to get an extra $0.15 off per gallon on your first purchase.)

I also redeemed my Fetch rewards for a $50 Amazon gift card and a $50 Starbucks gift card. Points in those types of programs sometimes become less valuable over time, so it didn’t make sense to keep hoarding the points like I had been for so long.

4. I moved my tax refund to my high-yield savings account

My taxes got done late this year, as I’ve mentioned earlier (Yes, I did file an extension, so I wasn’t in trouble for the late filing. Do not worry. 😉 )

My refund had been sitting in my checking account for the last month and I realized I should pick up that money and plunk it into the high-yield savings account. Duh!

My high-yield savings account is mainly there to hold money for a future down payment on a house, so my tax refund is just going into that fund.

5. I found a Chipotle gift card!

In redeeming my Fetch rewards, I realized I had a partially used Chipotle gift card sitting in my Fetch account from a while back. Whoops.

So, Zoe and I redeemed it. 🙂

Kristen holding a chipotle bag.

Honorable mentions: I packed my lunch and my coffee for school yesterday. And I walked to and from school.

I probably will walk again today because class starts at 8 am and that does not allow time for a regular walk/workout before school.

Your turn! What frugal things have you been up to lately?

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Fru-gal Lisa

Wednesday 23rd of October 2024

How I envy you getting to walk to work! I have to drive halfway across town for my school jobs. My store job would almost be walkable except that there isn't any way I could avoid crossing several mega-busy streets -- all with three or more lanes -- and likely getting run over. This past week I had to have a CT scan and a student radiology tech was there along with a more experienced employee. They have to put some kind of dye/contrast material in your vein before you get the scan. They asked me if it'd be OK for the student to learn on me, and I said yes. My arm vein rolled, she got flustered, had to stick and stick and re-stick me again (ouch! ouch! ouch!) but I thought of you, Kristen, and only said encouraging things. Eventually the experienced tech had to take over, and even she had trouble. I ended up with a small bruise (which has already vanished) but we got finished with the scan. Still awaiting the results; pray I'm cancer-free. (The oncologist thinks I am, but he ordered the scan to be 100% sure.) --This Saturday was yard work and I cut up and sacked most of the last of the huge pile of branches. Probably one more week to go and I will have that huge pile hauled away at no extra charge. Said branches are now at the curb awaiting the city yard waste/garbage collection. Had we taken them to the landfill ourselves, the fee would've been about $100. --Since it was a full moon, I also dug up some "volunteer" plants and transplanted them in the flower bed. These are some kind of pretty shrub and they grow really large. They will be fantastic foundation plantings if they live, all the more so since they were free. --Hired 2 teen boys to cut my grass this time. --My friend has to sometimes visit the food bank. Like me, she lives alone. She ended up with way more jugs of milk than she can possibly drink or freeze and more produce than she can eat before it spoils. We worked out a trade: She gave me 2 gal. of milk, a big bag of grapes and a squash, and enough leftovers for a one-woman feast -- a slice of cake, two corn fritters, and some spaghetti (probably enough for 2 meals); I went to our store and bought a dozen of the huge 99 cent packages of popsicles and gave those to her. She sells the popsicles to the children around her neighborhood for something like 50 cents each and this helps her pay her utilities. -- It was Pajama Day at the middle school where I sub, and I was able to find some out of season PJs and a robe that was suitable for wearing in public. Had fun and it didn't cost me any money for the outfit. --



Tuesday 22nd of October 2024

My 5โ€ฆ. 1. Took vacation days all this week so I wouldnโ€™t lose themโ€ฆlosing them definitely would not have been frugal. 2. Used two of the days to finish painting our deck. This has been an all summer project that needed to be completed ASAP since nice weather days are numbered at this point. Doing it myself saved big $$. 3. DH and I leave for a long weekend vacation tomorrow evening with friends of ours. Booked tickets when Southwest was doing a free companion ticket for later this winter so that will be frugal for a warm getaway mid-winter. 4. Booked a rental car with points so I only had to pay for one day instead of four. Will split the one day cost with our friends. 5. The usualโ€ฆ.eating at home and avoiding food waste.

Lindsay B

Tuesday 22nd of October 2024

@BonG, nice work taking your vacation days! I sometimes read that people here in the US often don't use their vacation and I always wonder why not... it's paid time off!


Tuesday 22nd of October 2024

Nothing too exciting on my end, but Iโ€™ve kept up good habits: walking commutes, mostly packed lunches, making tea in the break room at work or skipping afternoon caffeine altogether instead of buying coffee, borrowing books from friends and the library instead of buying, sharing snacks or home-cooked meals with friends instead of going out for meals or drinks.


Tuesday 22nd of October 2024

1. Took my husband's watch to have the battery replaced (he has the watch that needs a special tool to take the back off and put back on, otherwise I'd do it myself). We thought the battery died a lot sooner than usual and it turns out we were right; it was last replaced December 2023, so the store didn't charge us for a new battery as it was still under a one year warranty. 2. Used some CVS bucks and a coupon + sale to buy 2 sticks of deodorant for my husband/son, paid $3.23 and got back $4 CVS bucks. 3. Did some baking and made a batch of granola which helped use up some random pantry items that have been sitting there for a while. 4. Ordered dinner after my son's soccer game last weekend to be picked up on the way home. Downloaded the app for ease of ordering and they had a 50% off coupon to apply to our order! The dinner lasted us 2.5 meals. 5. My son needed a physical copy of a book they're reading in class so I bought a used copy from Better World Books with another book to qualify for free shipping and 15% off and paid with a gift card my mom gave me. Unfortunately the other book was for my older son's collection and wasn't in the greatest shape so it may end up being donated but at least I didn't spend money out of pocket.

Frugal fail: lost track of some library book due dates and ended up having to pay a small fine. But at least it goes to my local library which I make very heavy use of, so I don't mind.

Central Calif. Artist Jana

Tuesday 22nd of October 2024

@DebbieR, I've never heard of Better World Books, but use Thriftbooks regularly. Thank you for mentioning them; I now have more than one place to look (yikes, another temptation).


Tuesday 22nd of October 2024

Worst frugal week ever.

Bought two new loveseats. Our couch was old and so uncomfortable. And our laptop broke and had to be replaced.

We used savings and are back in low spend mode.


Tuesday 22nd of October 2024

@Stephanie, But having comfortable seats to relax in is worth it. My mom once bought a pair of sofas "off the truck" and they were AWFUL.

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