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Five Frugal Things | cloth napkins

1. I turned some towels into napkins

In the comments on a recent post, Kristin-with-an-i said she was surprised that I buy paper napkins, given that I vastly prefer dishcloths and cloth towels to paper towels.

I thought, “Hmmm, this is a fair point. Maybe I should give cloth napkins a fair shake.”

Kristin recommended cotton napkins, with patterns to hide stains. And several of you said these are easy to find at thrift stores.

So, I popped by Goodwill, and sadly, only found these buffalo-print napkins.

buffalo print napkins.

They were $2 apiece, which is dumb because these new ones are about $2 apiece!!

$2 price tag.

But the main issue is that they did not feel like cotton. However, I did find two cotton towels for $0.75 apiece.

cotton towels.

$0.75 price tags.

And it occurred to me that if I cut off the designs on both of them, they would be a square shape, just like cloth napkins are meant to be (a whole oblong towel is a little too bulky to be convenient as a napkin.)

Kristen holding up a towel.

I need an “Eat, Drink, and be Unmarried” towel, actually. Ha.

So, I cut and hemmed them, with Chiquita’s supervision.

cat watching a sewing machine.

And now I have a couple of cloth napkins to start my collection.

cloth napkins.

Since I didn’t want to waste the trimmed part of the towels, I hemmed those too and I’ll use them as small napkins or hankies.

small napkins.

White cotton is not exactly an ideal color for a napkin in terms of stain issues, so I might use some liquid dye I have on hand to make the white ones a different color. Stay tuned.

2. Zoe and I trimmed Chiquita’s nails

Her front claws get so sharp, it’s a spiky experience to have her on my lap! So, I am glad to have her nails clipped.

The trimming takes such a small amount of time if I have Zoe here to help by scruffing Chiquita’s neck.

cat nail clippers.

And it costs $0 (the clippers were $10 and paid for themselves in a single clipping session.)

3. I got $50 for doing a health assessment

My new health insurance has a rewards wellness program, and they offered $50 just for doing a “find out your body’s age” assessment online.real age screenshot.

I did it, and supposedly my body is more like 36 than 46 (who knows how accurate this is??), but regardless, I have $50 loaded into my account now.

$50 bonus.

4. I used a Sharpie on my black scrub top

When I got off a work shift recently, I noticed four little bleached spots on my scrub top. UGH.

We got some new bleach wipes at work that we have to use on the glucometers, and I must have accidentally touched my shirt with a wet glucometer.

But I tried using a black Sharpie on the spots, and thankfully, they’re pretty invisible now. Yay!

black scrub top.

I will be very careful with those bleach wipes from here on out.

5. I used a fabric shaver on my scrub top

In the spot where my badge rubs, the fabric was starting to pill. That makes me think I will not buy more of these scrubs; I’d prefer something that doesn’t pill!

pilled scrub top.

I used my handy-dandy fabric shaver, though, and now that area is pretty smooth again.

scrub top with no pills.

I have a fabric shaver from Aldi, but this one is virtually identical and it comes with two replacement blades.

Being able to de-pill clothing is a serious game-changer; I highly recommend a fabric shaver!

Your turn! What frugal things have you been up to lately?

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Marybeth from NY

Wednesday 15th of January 2025

I get cloth napkins at thrift stores and yard sales all the time. I may have a problem. I have dyed several over the years to hide stains and it works great. 1.Last night was my turn to host my 2 friends for dinner. I made pork chops($1.99 a pound), broccoli(99ยขa pound), baked(49ยข) or sweet potatoes(99ยข), and homemade applesauce that I canned in the fall. I made iced tea and we had wine Hubby made in the fall. One friend brought a chocolate cake for dessert. We played cards for 3 hours. It cost me less than a dinner out would have. Next week is another oneโ€™s house and we are watching a movie after. All of us can afford to go out but we are all smart enough not to do it often. 2. I went to Stop n Shop and remembered to use a visa gift card that had 90ยข on it. It has been in my wallet for way too long. 3. I found tissues on the clearance rack for 74ยข. They were all a little squished but we donโ€™t care. I bought all of them. Aldi hasnโ€™t had any the last 2 times I went and they are the cheapest around at $1 a box. 4. Mozzarella blocks were marked down to $2 with a use by date of 1/18. I bought 6 and threw 5 in my freezer. 5. My sister came back from 2+ weeks away. I watched her dog. She treated us to dinner. I have enough for lunch tomorrow. 6. I made lasagna for dinner for tomorrow. I work until 5 so all I have to do is cook it when I get home. I can make a salad to go with it while it cooks. I made 2 so lots of leftovers. I will freeze some after I cook them tomorrow.


Wednesday 15th of January 2025

I have used cloth napkins since I got married 30 years ago. My original set I bought on clearance at Boscovโ€™s, a local chain. They are green and whited checkered. And they are still going strong. A few have unremovable stains but still serve their purpose. Iโ€™ve picked up more over the years cheap or free at yard sales and free piles. I too had some white ones. They were very small, maybe for fancy luncheons back in the day. I tie dyed them and used them in my kids lunch box. We do use paper napkins for very very messy meals but they are extras from fast food meals that I save rather than toss. 1. Iโ€™m getting ready for a week vacation with my wonderful SIL next week. Itโ€™s to a warm sunny location. I bought sunscreen when it was on clearance in the fall so I only paid about $3 a can as apposed to full price now or more expensive at the resort. 2. Since we have been to this all inclusive resort before I know what to pack and what I donโ€™t need. Happy to say that short of a few items from the thrift store that I just wanted, I really didnโ€™t need to buy anything new for this trip. My passport is up to date and most of each day will consist of swimwear so Iโ€™ll toss in some flip flops and sundresses and call it a day. 3. I picked up several books from our local Little Free Library to take along. The bulk of my suitcase is books and my pillow. I have neck issues and donโ€™t go anywhere overnight without my own pillow! 4. I started working on the incentives from my insurance company as well. I can earn $100 a year. So I make sure to complete it. My husband also gets $100 so I keep track of his as well. And it keeps us on track for getting screenings, exams and vaccines. 5. Currently Purina has a rebate of $10 if you spend $25 on cat or dog treats. You can do it multiple times. You can also double dip as Ibotta has money back on Purina Busy Bones which my dog loves.


Wednesday 15th of January 2025

For the past 2 weeks, I have been eating down my frig and freezer! Remaking fruits and vegetables into pies and soups. So far a low spend January for food. $70, 2 weeks, 2 people. The things that were purchased were mainly specials to restock pantry, cereal, canned goods and fruit to share at church. Will continue this for rest of month as best possible to see where we end up and if we are able to reduce waste.


Wednesday 15th of January 2025

Hi, I was a private chef back in the 80's, monogrammed linen napkins every meal. So, when I married I thought, ahha, cloth napkins means one less thing to budget for (paper napkins). I made a dozen napkins out of discount or yard sale fabric. We used them for years, washed with the dish towels. For the last 20 years we daily use my handwoven napkins, and they have decades of wear left. They're beautiful, and durable, much nicer than using paper.


Wednesday 15th of January 2025

* DD wanted me to buy her a file folder for a second time this school year, since the clasp on hers broke. I said I would fix it instead, to which she was not too happy about (the horror!). And I did. I asked for a large button on my Buy Nothing group and got to work. It is now fixed, and looking good IMO.

* Same DD wanted a (third??) hairbrush at the Dollar Store, to which I said no since she already has one (or 2, or 3...). So she bought it herself (5$).

* Other DD needed new sneakers. She's really into Converse, but they are not cheap (80-110$ canadian). I did buy her 3 pairs of them, fake ones, in the last 1.5 year (she ruins them by walking in the snow... don't ask, she's 15!). So I decided to try the real ones, see if they hold better. But I waited to get a 20% coupon for my birthday + claimed a 10$ reward, so I got her a pair for 65$ taxes and shipping in. Hopefully they will fit!

* Went to Costco and stuck to the list. This is a first. Said no to DH suggestion of getting the girls some candy pouches for their lunch. If I am to pay for snacks, I want them to be at least a little healthy.

* Doing a low-buy 2025. So far so good. The only thing I paid for myself so far that is not a necessity is my gym membership cancellation fee, which was 65$. This will be saving me 180$ if I calculate what I would have had to pay for the remaining of the membership. I have all I need to work out at home and with free fitness classes offered by my city (Went to Zumba yesterday, that was fun!)

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