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Five Frugal Things for the third week in February

Well, really it’s mostly just from the past two days, since we’re not very far into the week!

1. I cut up stale bread for future crouton-making.

I had a few homemade whole wheat rolls that were getting a bit dry, so I cubed them and stuck ’em in the freezer for the next time I need garlic croutons.

2. I organized my fridge and took inventory.

Knowing what’s in my fridge is about 95% of the battle in avoiding food waste. If I regularly inventory the contents, I am way, way more likely to use those contents.

Case in point: after organizing the fridge, I cut up a cucumber that I found, prepared some mushrooms for sauteeing, and cut carrots up into sticks.   It’s all stuff I’d have forgotten about otherwise.

3. I froze spinach that was getting to be elderly.

It wasn’t bad yet, but its shelf-life was running out.   So, I put it into a (re-used) plastic bag and froze it.   For smoothies, it doesn’t matter one iota if the spinach has been frozen or not.

spinach for smoothies

And since I make green smoothies every weekday morning, there’s a 0% chance I’ll let this spinach get freezer burnt.

4. I used a CVS $5 coupon.

I used a promotional offer ($10 off of $15) to try their curbside pickup service, and shortly thereafter, they sent me a survey which I filled out to get the $5 coupon.

Incidentally, I’ve recently discovered that CVS will send electronic receipts (yay for less paper clutter) and also that you can load coupons and such directly onto your CVS card instead of having to print them.

So when I see an email offer come thru, I just click thru and add it to my card in case I end up needing to stop at CVS. So convenient!

(I am not affiliated with CVS.)

5. I….

…used some frozen homemade bread crumbs to top a sauteed mushroom recipe, filled up with gas at Costco while I was close by, dropped some men’s clothes at the shelter when I was nearby, and dropped off Goodwill donations when I was already going to be in the area.


Readers, the floor is yours!


Don't throw your bread away!

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    Thursday 2nd of March 2017

    These posts are some of my favorites, plus reading what others do. You're too young to remember The Tightwad Gazette, but may have seen it in book form. I read it and followed her ideas religiously when I was a stay-at-home mom to 3 under 4. One of the things she said that I will always remember is that being frugal is almost always (though not ALWAYS) good for the environment and healthier. Reusing, recycling, walking instead of driving, line drying laundry...

    My 5 things this past week: 1-made croutons from stale bread 2-while the oven was on, decided to make granola 3-the bread that was actually going a little moldy will go to the chickens 4-instead of going out to eat on Saturday, we are having a potluck with neighbors and playing games here 5-bought an antenna for the guest room TV so we can stop paying the ransom to the cable company each month (it only gets used about once a month)

    Keep up the ideas and keep being an inspiration!


    Thursday 2nd of March 2017

    Yep, I have the book that compiles all the issues into one big volume!


    Monday 27th of February 2017

    1. Made rice pudding with leftover rice. 2. Made a bunch of thank you cards from paper I already had on hand and a couple of rubber stamps. 3. We're sending gifts back to the US with our in-laws. They'll mail them from there so we don't have to pay for international shipping (we live in Africa). 4. Watered our plants with used water, like the water I rinse vegetables with. 5. Made a casserole with leftover bread.


    Thursday 23rd of February 2017

    Deep sighs from SoCal -- too many fails to list. But managed to eke out a couple of wins:

    1. Library books returned on time after several months to finish one mammoth epic.

    2. Credit card paid in full on time by phone avoiding any interest charges.

    3. Breakfasts during the week used up last of free cereal, milk, free grapefruits, eggs and last of Aldi's pumpernickel bread. Also last of some delicious pineapple jelly which must be replaced.

    4. Forced self to make lunches most work days (salads) except for one Del Taco slip. As for dinners, ahem, husband out of town so I visited a pal over the long weekend and celebrated a positive review at work with dinner and brunch out. Also brunch with fabulous daughter. Yeah, not my finest week . . .

    5. . . but the upside is: very little spent on groceries -- under 20 dollars. Also, very little waste. Okay, reaching here but will make Frugalwoods robo-meal for dinner tonight and subsequent work lunches using Aldi's super cheap' shrooms, canned beans and last of bargain-bin barley. Which sounds like an Edward Lear character.

    6. Bought seriously reduced Valentine's chocolate for work and will use my last 62 cent quick bread mix to bring for treats tomorrow. Picked up reduced white choc. chips to mix in and use for icing if I do manage to turn them into biscotti per the side-of-the-box.

    You all rock -- and inspire!


    Thursday 23rd of February 2017

    1. Sold an item on ebay 2. Going to physical therapy. It costs $$ but far less than surgery, and its working. :) 3. Having friends over for DH bday. Making the main dish and signature drink, others are byob and bringing a side dish. 4. Our workplace has a "free pile" in one of the workrooms. Got rid of 6 (why do I have 6?) hair dryer diffusers and some matcha tea, got a few magazines to read and return. 5.Used wrinkly cherry tomatoes in a pasta dish. So good.

    I appreciate how friendly and positive you are, Kristen! This blog has an encouraging vibe.


    Thursday 23rd of February 2017

    Aww, thank you for your encouragement. I really, really appreciate it!

    Barbara Ferguson

    Thursday 23rd of February 2017

    1. Hung 3 loads of laundry on line on a lovely windy day. Love the smell on sheets! 2. Donated tea bags I can no longer drink after cleaning ONE shelf. It's a start towards decluttering. 3. Made a quick stir fry with leftover shrimp, rice, and veggies lurking in fridge, along with one bag of frozen stir fry veggies. Improvised sauce. 4. Made soup out of leftover corn beef and cabbage/carrots. Also an improvised task. Not as good as the one I made last year after St. Patrick's Day. :-( 5. Mended the hole in shirt made by the dry cleaners when they failed to unbutton collar first. Sewed button back on. Put button back on a pair of slacks. Yay, 2 things off that pile! 6. Made a couple of mini boxes (ornaments) out of my stash of Christmas cards to give back to the senders. They are too cute.


    Thursday 23rd of February 2017

    Thank you for the tea! You can declutter tea my way any time. ;)

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