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Five Frugal Things | free Oreos, for one

I realized last night that we hadn’t had one of these in the last two weeks.  I am here to rectify that today!

1. I had a very frugal CVS trip.

Sonia needed some sulfate-free shampoo for her dyed hair (Lisey took her to get strawberry blonde done as Sonia’s birthday present), so I popped into CVS.

The color is redder than it looks in this photo!

I had a mailer coupon, plus I loaded up some coupons on the app and also printed some coupons from the kiosk in the store.

Between the CVS coupons, the manufacturer’s coupons, and sales, I got three shampoos (naturally, I chose the containers that were 30% larger!), one conditioner, an eyeliner, and an eyebrow pencil for $6 total.

And I got $5 in Extra Care Bucks for use on a future purchase.

Plus I had a CVS gift card from a previous price adjustment, so this cost me nothing out of pocket.

(If you shop at CVS, definitely download the app. It’s super easy to look for digital coupons that way.)

2. I went to the library during Zoe’s dance class.

Starbucks and the library both provide a dry, warm place to read/use my laptop while Zoe is at dance.

But one is free and the other is not. 😉

3. I got a free package of Oreos.

I needed some Oreos for a dessert I was making and was pleased to see they were marked on sale.

But when I got to the register, they were not ringing up at 2/$5.

This store has a correct pricing guarantee, so once I went to customer service, I received one package free and one at the sale price.

4.I ordered discounted jeans at Old Navy.

Lisey needed some new high-waisted black jeans, so I made sure to order them during the 40% off sale that Old Navy was having.

I ordered a few clearance pairs for myself too, which hopefully will fit.  They’re not here yet because…I chose the slower shipping, which is free.

I would much rather wait than pay for shipping!

5. I…

…brewed coffee at home, packed leftovers in Mr. FG’s lunch, froze chicken bones for future stock-making, contacted Amazon about an error in my order and got a new item shipped out, used an Amazon gift card from TopCashback to order some bumper plates for my barbell, and discovered I had enough points for a $25 Amazon gift card at Swagbucks. Yay!

Your turn, friends. Share your own five frugal things in the comments.

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    Jennifer Y.

    Monday 11th of March 2019

    March tends to be very spendy in my house because it is birthday season. But here goes....

    1. Cooked a large batch of beans so I have homemade lunch for the week - no eating out. 2. Cleaned out my fridge and pantry and cooked a few meals with what I had on hand - again, no eating out. 3. I used up about 95% of the fruit and veggies received in my first shipment from Misfits Market (an organic produce rescue/delivery service). I just received the second shipment and look forward to using up new to me veggies, such as sunchokes. 4. I stopped using disposable dryer sheets and now use a wool dryer ball, a gift from a co-worker. I don't think I am saving big money with this switch, but I am using a little less trash as a result. 5. Stuck to my grocery list while at the supermarket. I was right on budget and now I am optimistic that I can trim my weekly grocery spending a bit.


    Monday 11th of March 2019

    Umm lets see.. 1. Checked my receipt & realised I was charged for a bunch of spinach I didn't buy - really glad I'm getting good at checking... 2. Redeemed a free loaf of bread from a loyalty card I'd forgotten about 3. With drought, fires, & floods fruit & veg are getting expensive so I shopped very carefully today to buy some of the cheapest options 4. REALLY wanted hot chips & went to buy but they were closed for a public holiday - went to my sisters & she cooked oven fries for me for free! 5. Spent some lovely hours skyping family interstate


    Friday 8th of March 2019

    Hmmm... I feel like this is going to be tough this time around...

    1. I picked up my discount cauliflower before my rain check expired. They were $3.88 each at the time and I paid $1.50 each. 2. I cleaned out my main floor freezer and made a priority list of things to use up. 3. I made vegetable broth with scraps and actually used it all. 4. I had some wiper blade issues on a snowy day while I was away visiting my mom. Hubby gave remote support and I ended up picking up a new one at Walmart instead of paying someone to replace it (since I had no idea how... hello YouTube). 5. I managed some airline claims for my mom, and she got a decent refund from their bereavement travel policy.

    Huh, maybe it wasn’t so hard to come up with a list of five after all!


    Friday 8th of March 2019

    Did you know that when the CVS coupon says "$X off on $Y amount", it doesn't have to be exactly $Y? Not even all the sales clerks know. So if you're close, have the clerk scan the coupon anyway.

    1. Did pretty well on toothpaste at CVS. 3 tubes Colgate for $4.50 plus 2 EB for later. Saved $3 by insisting the clerk scan the $3/$10 when the purchase was $9.95. However, I didn't know I had a 40% of item in my account; it got "wasted" on a $1 bottle of soda. Oh, well.

    2. Ate dinner at home despite frequently working late this week.

    3. Knitting socks for myself from leftovers from large projects. My athletic socks were leaving my ankles cold, and I'm frustrated by the intricate, slow-moving sweater I'm making, so knitting simple socks from stash yarn seemed just the ticket.


    ... this window has been open for an hour and I still can't think of anything else ...

    ... maybe the reason I can't think of frugal things is that I didn't buy anything other than food and toothpaste ...

    The usual: still rocking the library, using the stash of on-sale meat from the freezer, working hard to avoid food waste, brown bagging lunch and snacks.


    Friday 8th of March 2019

    Can you give the recipe to your homebrewed coffee? It looks delish! Is it half and half? Give us noobs a walkthrough to coffee-brewing!!


    Friday 8th of March 2019

    I don't have much of a recipe. I'm a noob too...just started drinking in the last year. I follow the instructions that came with my coffee maker and add sugar and heavy cream (or half and half if we are out of cream).

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