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Five Frugal Things | I sold old glasses!

1. I sold a pair of Sonia’s old glasses

Katy, of The Non-Consumer Advocate, gave me this idea. I listed this pair quite some time ago, and when the “you sold an item!” email came through, I almost wondered if I still had the glasses.

But mercifully, I did. So, I packaged them up in an extra glasses case and mailed them off.

turquoise and brown glasses in a case.

This is how small they were:

a pair of kid glasses in Kristen's hand.

This is how old they were:

sonia 12

2. I finally used my credit union’s free bill pay feature!

Remember how last time I had a water bill, I mailed my payment, but mail delays made the payment late?

(Our water department charges a fee for online payments and I have been too petty to pay it.)

So, after paying a late fee the last time, I was finally motivated to sign up for my credit union’s free bill-pay, and so this time around, I paid my water bill instantaneously online, for $0.


3. I used my CVS deals on hair products

I had a bunch of CVS Extrabucks on my card (things like a $5 reward for filling prescriptions), so I got two Maui Moisture hair products plus a color-safe shampoo for Zoe (she’s in a hair-dying phase of life!) for $7.59, plus I got $4 of ExtraBucks Rewards with the purchase.

Maui Moisture bottles usually cost $6-$7 apiece even at Target, so this was a really good deal.

4. I fixed another towel

YES. Seriously. Another one of our very new towels (a bath towel this time) had a seam come apart.

I swear they use dissolving thread in these modern towel factories!

A bath towel in need of repair.

(Faithful readers will remember that this “I fixed a towel.” item has been in my five frugal things posts a lot of times.)

Happily, this is a very quick and easy fix, so I can’t complain too much. I’m just grateful I have a sewing machine since that makes it a two-minute job.

A mended white bath towel.

5. I fixed a rip in my joggers

A ripped pair of black joggers.

You know the ones; an old pair from American Giant. Usually, they rip because of old age, but this time, the rip was caused by nature.

When I was on a snowy walk last week, admiring the beauty, a thorny branch next to the path got stuck in my pants and caused a rip.

Your turn! What frugal things have you been up to?

And also: do your kitchen and bath towels come apart all the time too?

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    Friday 14th of January 2022

    I fixed some towels today! Yes, even our newer ones seem to fall apart quickly. Annoying.

    The ones I fixed today were shredded around the edges because they are 7-10+ years old. I have a serger and learned how to use it for a rolled hem. It cuts off the edges and a rolled hem is easy to do on one layer of fabric. Thank you to YouTube creators that reminded me how to thread the serger and taught me what tension settings to use. The towels live on to see another day!


    Thursday 13th of January 2022

    I cut all my sponges and Swedish dish cloths in half. They get so dirty so quickly!


    Wednesday 12th of January 2022

    The Food Edition: 1. I had leftover egg/dairy/cinnamon mixture from making French toast. Usually, I just throw it out. This time, I measured it out and followed the ratio of flour, baking soda & baking powder to make it into pancakes the next morning. 2. I had a half of serving of apple crisp left, so I chopped it up and added it to the pancake batter. It was really tasty. 3. Picked up a free item (12 pack of seltzer) from monthly Star Market membership bonus (worth $4.99). Realized partner has his own membership and therefore eligible for one as well, so sent him back the next day. We were restrained both times and bought nothing else. 4. Partner was making ribollita and using kale, but not the stems. I had him save the stems and I worked them into the broccoli cheddar soup that I made to eat at work this week (budget bytes recipes). 5. Agreed to attend a job interview (practical) at work. Since I work at a culinary college, the practical is being served a dinner in our high end French restaurant. So yes, to a free delicious meal.


    Wednesday 12th of January 2022

    I don't think I have any glasses to attempt to sell, but I do have a Vera Bradley glass case that I will attempt. (I sell anything on Ebay that I think will bring a buck or two) 1. Found a local hardware store who was selling at home covid kits. I bought two of them just in case to later NEED them. I am thankful that our pediatrician will write a school note with a picture of a home kit. Low and behold both kids are down and out! Saves me so much money over paying $80 per kid for a rapid test at a walk in clinic. 2. We are working on eating what we have at home until our trip to Disney at the end of the month. Hubby has been pulling meat out left and right. Sometimes we have to determine what it is before he cooks it!!! (We aren't picky eaters) 3. Had issues with a Disney gift card and FINALLY talked to the right person who helped me with it. Whew...glad that $100 is now good to use! 4. A lovely co-worker is continuing to give me clothes to either use myself or Ebay. It's like Christmas when she brings the bins in! 5. Another co-worker brought in some extra corn tortillas from her house. She only needed a few for a recipe and thought of me! I love free food.


    Wednesday 12th of January 2022

    Shopped at Aldi. Sold four thrift store finds on eBay. Decided to try to eat from the freezer for two meals. Poblano corn chowder one night, and a beef roast I bought on sale and froze before Christmas another night. Resisted the takeout urge that was very strong tonight! Made a quick sauté of spicy smoked sausage and peppers, with dirty rice and French bread. My daughter cut my hair and waxed my eyebrows, as she always does. This is frugal because it’s one of our trades we do. I pick up my grandson Tucker from school and babysit for two hours until she picks him up. She “pays” me in her expert services. (she’s licensed but not practicing at the moment). It’s a big win for me because I get to see Tuck every day.

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