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Five Frugal Things | including two accidental frugalities!

1. I saved $40 at Old Navy

This was rather inadvertent, but I’m including it anyway!

Zoe needed a few fall wardrobe items as did Sonia, so we stopped in at Old Navy.   When I got to the register, the cashier asked if I had any Super Cash, so I searched in my email on my phone and sure enough, I had a $40/$100 coupon.


Thank you, dear cashier.

2. We shopped the clearance rack at Old Navy.

Often the stuff on the clearance racks is there for an obvious reason (“Hmm, I can see why no one wanted to buy this shirt style!”), but we managed to find a couple of great things for Zoe, one being a shirt for $1.97.

I don’t spend hours searching through those racks…I find that a fairly cursory look is enough to tell me if there are any possibilities.

3. I got my eyebrow pencil for half off.

I also don’t deserve much credit for this one. 😉 Sonia found out I was going to be near Ulta Beauty and she told me they were having a one day 50% off sale on the eyebrow pencil that I use.

My current pencil isn’t quite worn down yet, but I bought one because 50% off is awesome and because having a backup is lovely.

4. We bought some grocery markdowns.

Sonia and I had to hit the grocery store for some dinner ingredients, and while we were there, we poked through the markdown cart.

We picked up some rice cakes for $0.80 plus two boxes of marked-down cereal (the boxes were a bit damaged.)

5. I filled out a sponsored post form.

I have a contact that emails me every now and then with information about companies that would like me to write a post about their product/service.

The nice thing is, this person really thinks about what would be a good fit for me and my readers, so the things she sends my way are usually things I want to say yes to (like TurboTax.)

Anyway, there’s a form to fill out for her to present to the company, and I filled one out for a bank that encourages consistent savings deposits (why yes, I CAN get behind that message!).

Your turn! Share your Five Frugal Things in the comments.

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    Sunday 16th of September 2018

    Late to the party but here goes:

    1. Breakfasts and lunches were made and or brought to work and included much free stuff (eggs, cereal, sour cream) and, of course, beloved markdowns -- salad, organic frozen stuff, etc.

    2. Trying to use up stuff in the freezer and pantry -- so spaghetti sauce with marked down shrooms and onions on marked down pasta for one day, and the leftovers with last bits of frozen tortellini of uncertain vintage tossed in. Buying just enough fresh stuff for me since husband is away and not wasting much.

    3. Watching wonderful free stuff on Amazon and Netflix -- well, we've already paid. And using Movie pass from daughter to see movies on the big screen.

    4. Not spending too much for classroom -- which is full to bursting and needs nothing.

    5. Did not spend much on clothes to start the new year -- just 2 marked down pants and 1 capri on deep discount at Penney's. No new shoes or other stuff and guess what? no one seems to care ;)

    6. Oh, booked flight to visit my 92 year old mom and used my CC points -- only costing me $104 for round trip Los Angeles to Boston and back. Now if I can find a reasonable car rental . . .


    Tuesday 11th of September 2018

    1. Picked up a lunch box for work. I haven't needed an insulated lunch box in years. We have a fridge at my new job but it doesn't work very well and I don't want to risk getting sick from food not being kept cold properly. Our grocery store had back to school supplies on clearance so my lunch box was only $3! Savings-$7 2. Used ibotta for some grocery purchases as I do each week. This week wasn't as good as previous weeks but every penny adds up and I almost have enough for another $50 Amazon gift card. 3. Picked up a bathing suit top at goodwill for $1. I can no longer wear the type that tie around my neck due to some issues with neck pain. I have slowly been eliminating and replacing them with other styles of bikini and bathing suit tops as I find them for a reasonable price. I now have 3 different tops which is plenty to choose from. 4. My mother offered me a large stash of material while we were visiting her recently. I of course accepted. She has decided to only purchase what she needs for specific projects and not keep any extra on hand just hanging around for no reason. I was so excited as I have been working with a lot of my scrap fabric. Can't wait to dive in and see what goodies are in there. 5. Packed lunches for work everyday and didn't buy any new clothes other than 1 pair of replacement pajama bottoms on clearnance for $1.75.

    Samantha Kelley

    Tuesday 11th of September 2018

    We travled to Vegas this weekend and had a great time!

    1. Our flight and hotels were paid with credit card rewards. One of SO's cards got us access to an airport lounge so that we could snack a little bit before our flight out.

    2. I wanted to visit the Atomic Testing Museum and after a quick Google found out there were tickets on Groupon. I'm signed up for Groupon student so I got additional 25% off each ticket.

    3. We wanted to hit up a buffet at least once so on the first full day there we used it as our only meal. We were able to add on unlimited wine for 13 bucks a piece. We definitely got our fill!

    4. One of SO's credit cards offers a $15 Uber credit every month. He also got a 40% off promotion that lasted the entire time we were in Vegas. The credit ended up covering most of our ground transportation.

    5. I brought an empty Nalgene bottle to refill and carry along with us so that I wouldn't have to by any bottled water. We also realized that if we stayed at the game table that we liked, a server would come around and give us free drinks. We made sure to tip but it really helped our entertainment budget.


    Tuesday 11th of September 2018

    Five things? 1.) I fixed my paper shredder. I dug chunks of paper out, banged on it (just right, apparently), and oiled it. It was a last-ditch effort; it's pretty old. 2.) I thawed a chuck roast, and cut a couple of steaks from it for Sunday dinner. There were some leftover pieces, and I used that to make a "leftover soup" from the fridge (Instant Pot, yay!) along with onions, tomatoes, a little pasta, partial packages of frozen vegetables. We'll have that for today's lunch, too. 3.) Charlie, the puppy, got into poison ivy outside, and shared it with me (from his fur). My legs are a mess, but I'm trying to deal with it on my own rather than go to the doctor this time. My Medicare is delayed (their error), so I don't have insurance right now. Or prescription coverage. I rummaged through the medicine chest for itch stuff. 4.) The weather has cooperated for a few days, so the AC is off and the windows are open. Very nice. It's been a weird summer. 5.) My husband retired a month ago; I'm still adjusting to having him home. He had traveled with his business at least 2-3 days a week, so there are extra meals, food, etc. He had a company vehicle, company uniforms, and an expense account - so now we REALLY have to economize. And there was paid health insurance.


    Tuesday 11th of September 2018

    1. Delaying purchasing some needed kitchen appliances to give me more time to work out which ones would suit me best 2. Reviewing my budget currently & tallying my spending thus far to see where I need to tweak my spending 3. Mowed my lawn myself with my push mower 4. Wonderful friend cooked me chicken biryani for dinner as I've just moved & my home is a tad chaotic & under-applianced - see 1. 5. Blast from the past; an old friend rang me tonight & we plan to catch up & I suggested a mid morning walk along the beach on our day off ( I have been eating out with people a bit lately & time to do something cheaper & more active :)

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