Hey everyone!
If you follow me on social media, you know that I have been spending these last days sanding and painting my free furniture.
Which means that I really don’t have a whole lot else to report in the way of frugality.
When I was about to get started on this project, I realized that I do not have my usual painting clothes with me.
The usual:
But I did have this old striped shirt, which had recently sprouted multiple armpit holes.
So I cut the arms off (it was a warm day) and now I have a new ugly shirt to wear for painting.
Anyway. None of the pieces I’m working on are done yet, but I am making good progress.
A sneak peek of the part I’m happiest about: the stained tabletop!

I did stain both sides, of course. The picture is just mid-project.
Hopefully I will have some finished pieces to show you in a week or so.
Bethe Sailer
Thursday 28th of April 2022
Made carrot, banana and pineapple muffins from gleaned fruit.
Made coconut "milk" to use in pancakes with 1 tblsp coconut flour/1 cup warm water - we were out of the good stuff (Blue Diamond), and I thought, "Why not?" It was...maybe not great for drinking, but just fine for cooking.
Put together a birthday basket for my daughter using items from the gift box, and used recycled wrapping.
Four flights, four airports in two days, (funeral) no spending aside from plane tickets. Fortunately all eating was family meals or breakfast offered by hotel.
Summer pajama shorts by cutting the legs off an old, thin, much mended pair of hand-me-down flannel pj pants. Just need to hem them, but wearing already. Now to use the rest of the legs for something else...hmmm.
Home-cooked meals and coffee, drinking home-brewed iced tea and water instead of soda.
Wednesday 27th of April 2022
Outstanding work! Man, this makes me realize how a lot of my furniture looks a lot like the before pics you posted. LOL You are making me want to learn how to refinish. Can't wait to see the results.
And happy birthday and congratulations on the lease!
Liz B.
Wednesday 27th of April 2022
@Amanda, I was thinking the same thing about my kitchen table.....though my table top isn't even as nice as Kristen's salvaged table! Lol!
Wednesday 27th of April 2022
This looks beautiful. You are inspiring me!
Tuesday 26th of April 2022
Kristen- Are you SURE you've never sanded before? You look like a pro!
My fab five this week: 1) Saving gas by bringing our son to the bus stop so he can get to college... Otherwise, I'd have to drive to the train station, which is 20 x the distance.... Now, if there is no bus driver (which has happened), then I must drive to the train location. 2) My sis sent me a vacuum sealer. She gifted me her dehydrator, which gets used 6-7x/week for fruits. Now, I have a new toy. 3) I got a tiny blueberry bush and wanted to put it in a bucket, but I couldn't figure out how to drill holes in it for proper drainage. For now, that cute plant resides in a mason jar. 4) Speaking of drilling holes in buckets....I couldn't figure out the drill because the chuck is loose but there's a way to tighten it that involves turning it, putting the bit in and trying to start and reverse it, etc....The instructions over the phone were confusing. So, I threw up my hands, used my CC rewards and got a free drill on Amazon. Should be here in a few days. 5) I was given a very old fairy tale book dated 1909. I was going to donate it but instead, found a young girl who is into old books and was even named after a fictional tv character. I told her she could have it.
Tuesday 26th of April 2022
Looking good!
1. Had a late Easter celebration. I save all my plastic eggs to reuse every year so I don't have to buy more. Also keeps that extra plastic from going in the trash.
2. Walmart had Dickies work pants on clearance for $7 a pair. My husband needed new work pants so it was a good deal.
3. Received free jars of baby food and oatmeal from an in-law that wouldn't be using them.
4. Redeemed a $5 gift card from Kitchen Insiders.
5. Enjoyed a lot of free outside time when the weather was nice.