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Five Frugal Things | Leaves, a longboard, cheap weights, and more!

1. We cleared our own leaves.

For a variety of reasons, we never cleaned up our yard leaves last fall.

So I got an estimate from someone to blow them and take them away for yard waste recycling.

$300, they said.

Which suddenly made me want to pick up our leaf blower. 😉

leaf blowing; a dirty business

So this weekend, Mr. FG and I worked together and got the yard taken care of. Is it quite as tidy as it would have been if we hired someone?


But we still have our $300.

2. I helped Zoe buy a used longboard.

She tried out her cousin’s board a few weeks ago and decided she wanted to buy one.

But new is not in Zoe’s budget at this point, so I helped her find one on Facebook marketplace.

And $40 later, she’s up and running!

3. I got change plates for $2.99 apiece.

I needed some 2.5 pound barbell plates because my 5 pound set was working out to be too much increase all at once for some exercises.

Amazon’s cheapest were $15 apiece, which just seemed ridiculous to me for such small weights.

So I did some googling and discovered that Dick’s Sporting Goods had some for $2.99 each.


I ordered online and chose free store pick-up since I was going to be near a Dick’s location the next day.

4. We got phone chargers on clearance.

You know how charging cables fall apart over time? Especially Apple ones?

Well, Zoe and Sonia were down to sharing one charger (they have our old phones, so their cords were pretty elderly.)

So Mr. FG and I stopped at Target and found some braided Belkin chargers on clearance. Yay!

They’re cheaper than the type that come with iPhones, and they hold up better over time.

Of course, I used my Target debit card for an extra 5% off. Every little bit helps!

5. I pulled up a coupon when we ate out.

We happened to go to a restaurant we rarely visit, but I remembered I was on their email list. So I searched on my phone, found the most recent email, and discovered it had a $5/$20 purchase. Yay!

Your turn! Share your own Five Frugal Things in the comments.

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    Monday 1st of April 2019

    $300 for leaf blowing?! Glad you mustered up the courage to do it yourselves.

    I feel the yard clean up savings. Putting in the effort and getting your workout in the backyard saves a LOT of money!

    We are cutting our cedar hedge that lines our property way back and it's a crazy job. However, I think the cost to hire someone else to do it would be astronomical.

    We also turned our power off for a day to test the limits of our solar panels, made pizza and cake for a double birthday party, shared meals at a restaurant, and ate leftovers.

    Rachel R.

    Monday 1st of April 2019

    Here's our 5 this week:

    1) We paid down a ton of credit card debt--3 months out from paying off this card, Lord willing.

    2) Scored clearance bread, batteries, and cheese at Kroger.

    3) I have consistently been making hot breakfast to save money & have better morning nutrition. We did a lot of cereal/pre-made store frozen food in the past.

    4) Used a gift card we've been saving for swim lessons.

    5) Used a gift card I had been saving for over a year (!) for new sandals, socks and pot holders. Grown-up joys:) Oh & used my phone too to get 15% off in store.


    Monday 1st of April 2019

    1. Chose to get bumped from a flight last year. Got 800 credit. Just flew to Dallas for three people for nearly free. 2. Since bags fly free on SOUTHWEST we packed an extra small suitcase with snacks purchased on sale at home. 3. Used and got 30.00 of food for 10.00. 4. Got an entire outfit ( dress. Necklace. Bracelet. Earrings. Clutch. And shoes)for my son’s upcoming wedding for 125 dollars total. Careful shopping. Coupons. Sales. Etc. will need to spend a bit more on minor alterations. 5. Made a sheet pan dinner from carrots potatoes onions and peppers that all needed to be used up. Mixed them with kielbasa purchased on markdown. Olive oil and ranch powder, garlic and pepper. It was good!


    Monday 1st of April 2019

    1. I ordered bulbs to plant on sale from Holland Bulbs. Will plant tomorrow. Got the bargains. Buy any and all colors not let what is fashionable touch me. 2. Two nice winter sweaters at goodwill. One grey. One red. Tues is old folks discount day. 3. Redecorated bath with laundry basket and hamper from thrift. Also found classy framed iris picture for bath wall for 1.99. 4. Went to seniors yoga at community center. 5.00 for hour workout, good conversation and delightful new friends. 5. Bought rice noodles at dollar store. Look for them in a small box. 6. Dug and divided day lilies and iris for sale at Elks club. They all sold.


    Monday 1st of April 2019

    1. I ordered bulbs to plant on sale from Holland Bulbs. Will plant tomorrow. Got the bargains. Buy any and all colors not let what is fashionable touch me. 2. Two nice winter sweaters at goodwill. One grey. One red. Tues is old folks discount day. 3. Redecorated bath with laundry basket and hamper from thrift. Also found classy framed iris picture for bath wall for 1.99. 4. Went to seniors yoga at community center. 5.00 for hour workout, good conversation and delightful new friends. 5. Bought rice noodles at dollar store. Look for them in a small box.

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