Ok, so, my five frugal things this time is not ALL furniture related. 😉
1. I made a two-heel, two egg lunch
Yesterday when I went to look for lunch fixings, I noticed that there were two heels left in the bread bag.
So, I fried two eggs, toasted the heels, and ate my eggs on the bread heels.
I accidentally cooked the eggs more than I wanted to, but oh well. I ate them anyway.
2. I got a free bookshelf
Some in the Buy Nothing group in my parents’ neighborhood was giving away a wooden Ikea bookshelf, and I was able to pick it up.
It was pretty wobbly, so my dad used glue and about 47 screws to reinforce it, and it is now nice and sturdy.

The white spots are just filler for all the screw holes.
I feel like I have put eleventy-twelve coats of paint on it, but that’s because bookshelves have so many corners and edges; they are very labor-intensive when it comes to painting.
3. I got an almost-free meal
During Zoe’s last evening class, I used another $15 birthday voucher to get an almost-free dinner for myself. I think my total was $2!
(Seriously, four different local restaurants sent me $15 birthday vouchers. I am living’ large lately.)
4. I chose auto-pay for my internet bill at my new house
I think this saved me something ridiculous like $20/month, so it was a no-brainer.
And besides, I like to have my bills auto-pay anyway; one less thing to think about!
5. My dad and I rescued a table leaf
If you follow me on Instagram, you already know this, but: my brother found a leaf for my table in the flooded basement of his abandoned house.
It was truly disgusting: moldy, warped, and dirty.
But with some clamping and screws compliments of my dad…
And some extremely aggressive sanding…
It’s actually turned into quite a respectable-looking table leaf.
And since it was sanded to death, I feel like all the disgusting parts are gone, and it will be quite sanitary for eating on!
One of these days I really am going to actually finish some of my painting projects, and then we can have some fun before and after posts. It’s just that right now I am about 75% done with all of the projects, so nothing is actually…DONE.
Soon, hopefully!
Sunday 8th of May 2022
Sorry, I am not posting frugal things (as you suggest!)-- cause, I cannot get over why YOU didn't keep the house? You have two girls at home-- and YOU were the one who added the window to the dining room, stripped the kitchen cabinets, struggled with the stairs, and remodeled a different bedroom every year. All the blood, sweat and tears YOU put into that house, your determined repainting of the Soffitt, the bulbs you planted. . . all of the mini and major projects your readers heard about through the years that inspired and transformed us to be better people and to do better in our daily lives!! I know you have a rental. . . and are moving on. . . But, I am a frustrated long-term fan and reader. Dang it. you deserve to keep that house--
Sunday 8th of May 2022
He has refused. And I decided it would be easier to find somewhere to rent than it would be to take on a drawn-out legal battle.
Obviously, there is way more I could say, but I'm trying to be respectful. Believe me, though, I share your feelings.
Friday 6th of May 2022
I have a somewhat "frugal" moment..Just 1. I was invited to a wedding last weekend, formal attire required. I was my sisters MOH this past August & it was a black gown. I got that sucker cleaned & wore it. I even wore a dress shoe that I had with it &dressy earrings I never wore b/c I didn't have anywhere to wear them. Total cost for the outfit: "0" as I had everything. Go me!
Bethe Sailer
Wednesday 4th of May 2022
Home-cooked meals and coffee, drinking home-brewed iced tea and water instead of soda.
Picked up and donated books to a Little Free Library.
Limiting errands to days we have to drive for work (half the week we work only from home).
Planning meals for our upcoming vacation, will pull nearly everything from our pantry and take an electric skillet and small coffeemaker. No fridge at some of our hotels, so working with mostly dry/canned goods.
In the process of rotating out winter clothes for summer - it always makes you feel like you've got new clothes!
Friday 6th of May 2022
@Bethe Sailer, one year I bought a used mini fridge off FBMarket to take on vacation. I also took a microwave, small card table and my coffee pot and made my own kitchen in the hotel room. Saved us tons of $ and we could relax in our room while we ate.
Kathy Wolfe
Wednesday 4th of May 2022
Your Dad has such a nice workshop! So glad you are finding frugal things for your new home.
Wednesday 4th of May 2022
Made tea instead of drinking canned diet soda.
Made homemade cake for my father in law’s birthday instead of buying one at the store.
It’s not really frugal to eat out but we did use a coupon for a free sandwich and lemonade at chik fil a when we picked up lunch.
Made a homemade wedding shower card instead of buying one at the store for a coworkers shower.
Stopped at the cheaper further away grocery store after work to see if they had any deals and I picked up 2 giant cauliflower heads, 3 iceberg lettuce heads, 4 tomatoes and 6 red bell peppers for $2.97. Also a package of bacon for $3.00.