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Five Frugal Things | Much eBaying has happened.

Good Monday to you, friends! I know not everyone feels this way, but I love Mondays.

They’re like a mini New Year every seven days…a fresh start!   A week of possibilities stretching out in front of me!

1. I helped Lisey list a bunch of books on eBay.

She’s been cleaning out her room, and she found 7 book sets she wanted to sell (Sonia and Zoe have outgrown these books too, so no point in keeping them.)

She hadn’t ever sold anything on eBay before, so yesterday I got her started with the first two, and she took over from there.

One set sold within just a few hours, so we’ll pack it up and ship it today!

2. I helped Lisey do her taxes for free.

This is her first year filing, and I helped her learn how to use TurboTax.


TurboTax is actually free for people who, like Lisey, have simple returns.

(She has exactly one tax document. Lucky girl! I have around 9283725.)

3. I planned out my meals for the week and made an Aldi list.

I squeaked by ok last week without visiting Aldi, but I don’t want to do that two weeks in a row, or my budget will suffer!

4. I listed a Star Wars movie on eBay.

Mr. FG and Sonia and Zoe have been working through the Star Wars movies, and instead of paying $20 for the digital version, we’ve been buying the physical copy because it’s cheaper.

(This makes zero sense to me. How is it cheaper to buy a manufactured copy than to get a digital download?   What gives, Amazon??)

Anyway, they’ve been watching the movies and then I list them on eBay. Thus far, we’re just about breaking even, which is pretty great.

5. I used my Old Navy card for 40% off.

Lisey needed some new jeans and a couple of other things, so I used my Old Navy card to pay.

(They were offering a 40% off discount if you used that card.)

I also had a $20 reward on the card, so I used that toward my purchase.

Of course, I’ll pay the credit card right away. Because interest will negate a discount in a hot minute.

Your turn! Share your own Five Frugal Things in the comments.

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    Wednesday 31st of January 2018

    1. I've been organizing lots lately & have cleared out some storage bins. So now I have "new" organizing space vs. needing to purchase more bins.

    2. I designated a library materials bin that will hopefully help curb list items/late fees:)

    3. We were gifted some curriculum & clothes this week. Definitely helps build our stashes.

    4. I washed my towels with a vinegar rinse (in place of softener) to get them fluffy & newish feeling again. Love that trick!

    5. Making nearly all coffee & meals at home, like always.

    Profesora H-B

    Tuesday 30th of January 2018

    1) We got our tax return and my only splurge was to buy a pint of grape tomatoes for lunch. I think $1.69 is a much better splurge than buying my whole wish list!

    2) I brought hot cocoa packets in my purse so I wasn't tempted to buy overpriced hot cocoa to keep me warm in my freezing flex office.

    3) I packed my lunch.

    4) I am drinking water out of my insulated steel tumbler again today.

    5) I am still using my old phone because I can't bring myself to upgrade yet. I'm waiting for the next Samsung models to come out before pulling the trigger on the oldest one available through our provider. (Or figuring out a more reasonably priced pay-as-you-go plan...)


    Tuesday 30th of January 2018

    Hi! Just curious about why you don’t just borrow the movies from the library?


    Tuesday 30th of January 2018

    Ooh, that's a good idea! Our library doesn't have a super extensive DVD collection these days, but I could check and see if they have the next one we need.

    Jessica S

    Tuesday 30th of January 2018

    I read all these yesterday and got bummed that I was not very frugal! BUT.. 1-I did throw away all the B1G1 free coupons from McDonalds that I received from filling out a survey... they expired.. unused! 2- We did not go out to eat at the place husband wanted to once I figured out the buffet prices for all of us.. he agreed NOT gonna happen. Still ended up eating out but at a place that was new to us, with 2 coupons and it was yummy and less than half of the other place! 3-stopped at the Goodwill in the *swanky* area and daughter found a bunch of stuff she can use.. and needs.. so that was a very beneficial trip! 4-I have been purse shopping but just cannot pull the trigger on the ones I like.. b/c it just seems too $$.. I found exactly what I was looking for at swanky Goodwill! It was a name brand, Excellent used condition and only cost me $8.00(of my Christmas money) and 5 minutes of my night scrubbing the outside with Lysol wipes and spraying the inside with Lysol... 5-I did buy some clothing with my Christmas money.. even on sale it is spendy.. but when you are a harder to fit body.. you do what you gotta do. The manager ran my transaction a few ways to find which way saved me the most.. my coupons or the store sales...So I saved $46 in the end...


    Tuesday 30th of January 2018

    1. Used some beads I bought at a yard sale last summer to make fish necklaces for my Sunday school class. 2. Bought a beautiful quilt and a bag of Duplo blocks for $3 each at the thrift store last week. 3. Switched the location of my cheese/meat drawer in the refrigerator to the lower more stabler shelf, in hopes of prolonging my refrigerator life. All of my shelves/drawers have cracks in them and if I lose one's not going to be pretty! 4. Reorganized my homeschool supplies and found a lot of things we forgot about, but actually needed this week...neatness can be very frugal... 5. Saved $2 a pound on chicken breast by grinding up my own chicken


    Thursday 1st of February 2018

    So agree that neatness is frugal, many's the time I've found things tidying I forgot about that I would have bought more of if I hadn't.

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