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Five Frugal Things | nearly free bagels, a bob for Sonia, and more

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1. I used a $5 bagel coupon.

A new-ish bagel shop near us sent out a $5/any purchase coupon, so I went and bought six bagels for a little over a dollar total.

2. I gave Sonia a haircut.

She’s been wanting a shorter bob, but was unsure about how short she wanted to go.  So I suggested that I could cut off a little here at home, and since my services are free and readily available, I could always cut off more a few days later if she so chose.

(Apologies for the dark picture; I forgot to take a photo of her hair until late last night!)

She thought that sounded good.  And as it happens, my first try did end up being short enough for her. Excellent.

Here’s how I do a basic bob.

3. We used a coupon for a free Redbox rental.

We’d been wanting to watch the new Christopher Robin, and it came out on Redbox recently, so we rented it yesterday.

SO CUTE. We loved it.

(I’m on the hold list for the library copy, but I’m really far down the list. And we weren’t quite patient enough to wait!)

4. Mr. FG updated the Blu-ray player.

I deserve no credit for this one!

At first, our Redbox rental wouldn’t play (it just froze), so we googled and discovered that you have to update the software on Blu-ray players; otherwise they’re not able to play the newer discs, which have more stringent copyright measures.

So, he updated it and we were able to watch our rental (instead of giving up and paying to stream it!)

5. We ate a bunch of leftovers for lunch yesterday.

We had 1-2 servings left of several main dishes, so we ate up ramen bowls, polenta with tomato sauce, and pulled pork.

This makes me very happy. 😉 So many leftovers cleared all at once!

Your turn! Share your own Five Frugal Things in the comments.

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    Wednesday 5th of December 2018

    It is great that you can cut your daughter’s hair, and she is so pretty. I have boys and wished I had at least one daughter to get my girl fix. As you mentioned cutting the boys’ hair is big savings. I am not good with the scissors or clippers, so hubby is the family barber/stylist giving the boys their monthly haircuts. Like your daughter, my youngest son still in elementary school lets us know when he wants his hair cut. And he is very picky about it, thankfully he likes the way hubby does his hair. He was at school and told a classmate that he had a pretty bad haircut and he ought to have his step dad give him a haircut as he does a great job. I advised him not to make comments like that about someone’s hair and don’t go volunteering your step dad to give your classmate a haircut. About six months ago the two were arguing over whose turn it was to get their haircut first. Well hubby said he would give the first haircut and your mother will do the second one. Well they both screamed I’m first! My mother thought it was funny, but my husband threatened my children with having me cut their hair. My mother won’t trust me either. Hubby has cut her hair for her a few times, and she was at the house for me to color her hair and she mentioned she needed a trim. I offered to cut her hair for her and she gave me a very firm NO! So we save a lot of money going the DIY at home route with great results, but I am not allowed to do any cutting. My husband gets nervous when he sees me get out the scissors to trim some of my split ends. He tells me to put down the scissors and I assure him it is only to do S&D on split ends. My hair is very full and reaches past my elbows, so I would be afraid to cut my own hair, but thankfully hubby does a great job on keeping my hair trimmed and shaped every couple months, so that saves me hundreds a year and skipping the salon hassle.


    Wednesday 5th of December 2018

    Yay for a hubby who is handy with the scissors!


    Tuesday 4th of December 2018

    I was watching What Not To Wear when a woman with curly hair like mine got a haircut. I rewatched it several time and cut my own and take advantage of my curls. ! I've worn it up for years and it looks more flattering now. Thank goodness for FrizzEase. My high school days would have been less "hair-centered" with that product around!


    Wednesday 5th of December 2018

    I have curly hair and have been cutting it myself for years. A hairdresser friend showed me how years ago and I’ve been cutting it myself ever since. And I also love Frizz ease! Once my hair is dry I put some Wen on it then put the frizz ease on. The combination really keeps the curls nice, controls the frizz and make my hair shiny.


    Tuesday 4th of December 2018

    This week was some frugal some not. The not was the $1,200 emergency tree removal. With all the rain we have been having my lovely beech tree I planted 20 some years ago fell over. Good news it didn’t damage anything but it fell on our fence, which is next to a private parking lot and our private parking. So the tree had to come down ASAP before the fence gave way. Very very pleased with the tree removal service. Now I have a bunch of very expensive mulch lol! But no one and nothing got injured/damaged. On the frugal side: 1. My second hand coffee maker gave up the ghost. Got another one, programmable, from FB market place for $5. Works great. I love it! 2. Went through my gift stash last night and realized I already have quite a few gifts bought already for Christmas. 3. Went into a thrift store and spent nothing. 4. Using thrift store baskets to make up raffle baskets for 4-H event 5. Was given several bottles of various oils and two half bottles of vanilla extract from a friend who moved.


    Tuesday 4th of December 2018

    1. I found Star Wars fabric on clearance at a Walmart for $1.50/ my son will be getting a quilt for Christmas 2. Found many nice children’s books at the thrift store to add to my nieces and nephews gift bags 3. Used accumulated credit card points to reduce my bill by $400, which will pay for Christmas, as well as a good chunk of my car insurance premium that I chose to pay in a lump sum to avoid installment fees 4. Picked up turkey breasts on sale and shopped at Aldi for the first time in months...which helped me to remember why I love that store:) 5. Made stained glass window clings out of construction paper and tissue paper to decorate for Christmas and bought items at the Dollar tree to make Advent candle votives for our Advent wreath


    Tuesday 4th of December 2018

    Love the haircut! My hair is getting really long but I have put off scheduling an appt... Because it also needs the highlights touched up... the "sparkles" are really starting to overtake... I do have a $50 gift card so that will help...

    Last week was a blur... So to start my frugal ness... I worked as a sub at my kids school on my 2 days off my regular job.. I took my lunch in ( since my lunch hour is so stinking short) and did not buy any snacks at the vending machine.. Money made and saved!

    Been continuing to sort out and utilize stuff in the freezer!

    Used coupons ( that double!) to pick up deals at the store while I was getting prescriptions!

    Sorted through a shelf of stuff in the basement and started to sell stuff that is just not needed! Got hubby on board with it.. Only a few dollars here and there but more space and less dust is the best!

    Mended the tear on a tunic that fits me well.. its not noticeable so that is an outfit saved!

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