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Five Frugal Things | one last birthday freebie!

1. I got free soup and bread

I think this is the last of my birthday freebies; this one gets to me in April but doesn’t expire until June, so it’s always the last one I use.

It’s a $15 credit to use at a local Italian restaurant, so I always use it to get some soup.

bowl of soup.

Evidence of inflation: I used to be able to get a bowl of crab soup AND a bowl of pasta e fagioli with the offer, but this year, I could only get the cream of crab.

But that is fine; it’s super delicious and it comes with some delightful bread and dipping oil.

bread wrapped in foil.

10/10, would recommend. 🙂

2. I did some produce prepping

I put my earbuds in, listened to some podcasts, and worked on turning my raw produce into something quick and easy to grab.

containers of prepped produce.


  • made a jar of this vinaigrette so I can easily use up my lettuce for breakfast salads
  • made a batch of carrot salad
  • made a bowl of kale salad
  • baked a bunch of sweet potatoes in my toaster oven
  • cut up my remaining watermelon

jar of salad dressing.

On a watermelon note, I know I have said this a lot of times but MAN, I love my silicone watermelon cover.

silicone watermelon cover

It works great on half a melon and equally well on a quarter melon, and it is the most mess-free way possible to store a partial watermelon.

Lekue silicone lid on watermelon quarter

I have the 10.2 inch one and it works great for most melons that I’ve bought.

I’ve been using mine for years, and since it’s a thick, quality silicone, it’s no worse for the wear. I would 100% buy one again!

3. I used a welcome offer at a grocery store

I signed up for a bonus card at a grocery store I don’t frequent super often, and they gave me an introductory $5/$30 coupon.

So of course, I scanned the ad for loss leaders and scrolled through the app for coupons to maximize my discounted shopping trip. 😉

4. I cleaned out my desk and found some gift cards!

In the summer, I usually try to do a systematic declutter of my house, and I decided to start with my desk.

gift card on desk.

Well, I found $175 of unredeemed Amazon gift cards in my drawers, plus $26 of Whole Foods credit, plus $100 of Darden restaurant credit. SWEET.

I added the Amazon cards to my account, and I put the other gift cards out where I can see them so that I will actually remember to use them.

whole foods gift card.

I’ve read that the average person has $175 of unredeemed gift cards, and well, I certainly was part of that statistic!

5. I went to a free outdoor symphony performance

sun behind trees on a field.

I got there early enough to snag free parking, and while I was waiting for the concert to start, I read a book and ate my sandwich/fruit that I packed.

picnic dinner.

It was beautiful weather, which is not a guarantee in June.

pathway by the water.

In the summer, I notice and appreciate every single low-humidity day we get.

Your turn! What frugal things have you been up to?

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Lee Ann

Monday 17th of June 2024

$175 in gift cards? Wow! What a blessing to find.


Sunday 16th of June 2024

I love it! So jealous of you with the low humidity days! I'm ready for cooler days already! The symphony night sounds fantastic! I love those quiet nights reading outdoors :) and enjoying a picnic dinner. I'll have to start using podcasts or music to drown out the dread I have cutting up produce. What is so difficult about this task? I have the best of intentions at the store but find myself tossing an awful lot on trash day.


Thursday 13th of June 2024

Love finding gift cards unexpectedly! It's like having a nice surprise.

My 5 Frugal Things 1) Had an inexpensive birthday celebration for me. Ate at home or with food we got from the grocery store, went to the lake and went biking with my family. Pretty much like a usual day. 2) Batch run errands. Drove to the post office as I was on the way to the library for their free kids' lunch and to attend the free kids' gardening camp so saving gas. 3) Girls get free kids lunch this summer at the playground and library. The USDA partners with our public school to provide nutritious free for kids this summer with not income requirement. 4) Girls attend a few gardening camp at the library. They've already been to a tree one and are signed up for a science one next month. They love going to these and they're free !!! 5) Been mending and fixing things at home like worn books and loose pages in magazines, broken sandal straps, a broken box that will hold a gift for my girl.


Thursday 13th of June 2024

1. We planned a road trip so that we would go to a show on a day when kids get in free. We also did lots of free and frugal activities, only one expensive experience. 2. I mended a shirt and fixed a pillow. 3. One of my kids had a birthday, which we celebrated at home with root beer floats as the treat. 4. We didn't buy a bunch of souvenirs on the trip. 5. We had to go home unexpectedly early from our road trip, but because I'm a member of the hotel's rewards program, I was able to cancel all reservations and have all our money refunded.


Wednesday 12th of June 2024

Just wanted to recommend Moroccan carrot salad to you and other readers, it a delicious way to use up a bunch of carrots, and it’s soft (husband having chewing issues at the moment) and terrific cold!


Wednesday 12th of June 2024

Ooh! Do you have a recipe link?

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