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Five Frugal Things | The teeny savings edition

I have a collection of not-that-impressive things to share with you today!

But hey, over time, small savings do add up too. You can get big wins AND small wins working together.

1. I used Sonia’s work discount

A fluffy white cotton bath towel.

I found some cotton bath towels at her store for a good price and since Sonia was with me, I was able to use her work discount.

Even 10% counts as something!

Also: a fresh new towel is an inexpensive way to make your everyday experience feel more luxurious.

2. I hit the clearance shelf at Sprouts

Whenever I stop at grocery stores, I always take a peek at the clearance rack. I can’t resist!

Of course, I never buy things JUST because they’re marked down, but I find useful things for a good price, I throw them into my cart.

This time I found a marked-down natural deodorant, a marked-down bar of natural soap, and an $0.89 bag of multi-colored popcorn kernels.

3. I changed my CVS Carepass billing to annual

I realized that my CVS care pass membership could go from $5/month to $4/month if I switched billing to annual.

So, I called and got it changed over.

(with a CVS Carepass, I pay $4/month and get a $10 store credit to use each month. That’s a 60% discount, which gets even better if you use that in conjunction with coupons and sales.)

4. I submitted my out-of-network bills online

This saves an envelope, a stamp, and the cost of printing a submission form.

A medical bill in mailbox.

But mainly this is a win because it is SO STINKING EASY. It takes me under five minutes now.

Online insurance receipt submission is 100% better than mail-in submission!

5. I dumped my salad spinner water into an outdoor pot

This is indeed a tiny win because our water bill for our entire household is usually around $30/month.

Marigold seedlings in a terracotta pot.

Why yes, these seedings ARE from marigold seeds I saved last year.

So this was probably a $0.000001 savings.

But still, it seems smarter to give the water a second use.

Your turn! Share your frugal five in the comments.

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    Friday 2nd of July 2021

    I don't know if I have 5 frugal things but some of them include: 1) using my fuel points to get 50 cents off a gallon of gas, 2) got some good clothes that weren't pretty cheap at TJ Maxx, and 3) at the Hanes outlet store they have a clearance area and their bras were on sale for $5 to $10 so I stocked up. In addition, I found a few shirts for me and my mom that were marked down from $30 to $6.00. We needed new clothes desperately so I was very happy.


    Wednesday 30th of June 2021

    We are officially back in Maine full time after 9 years in Hong Kong...and honestly, the transition has felt anything but frugal, but much of that cannot be helped and is expected. At any rate, it is soooo good to be back! Yeah for transitions!!

    1) Our first night back in the US, we stayed in a hotel in LA right by the airport (free with points). Because we have "status," they gave us $50 in food vouchers since they still are not serving the free breakfast. This was to use at their grab and go restaurant. Things were really pricey, but we got 2 sandwiches and a banana each and managed to stretch that into 3 meals as one of the sandwiches was really big. 2) We stayed with our daughter in Wisconsin for a week to visit her family, which included a new 3 week old grand daughter. (Be still my heart!) Another son and his wife came also, and although we went out to eat a few times, we mostly shared kitchen duties, shopping at Walmart. We also just enjoyed being together and did inexpensive things like going for walks, and visiting parks and the capital building. 3) I picked up a member card for Irvings and updated my Walgreens card since we are back for good. 4) I picked beet greens and collards from my neighbor's garden after he invited us to do so. 5) I bought two 5£ bags of flour & 2 boxes of cereal, all for 99 cents each in the mark down bin at the local IGA.


    Wednesday 30th of June 2021

    Welcome back to the states!


    Wednesday 30th of June 2021

    1.) I paused our Netflix subscription. We currently have Amazon prime, Disney plus, HBO max, and Apple TV through various bundles - we decided to focus on watching content on those services for the time being.

    2.). I cut both our daughters’ hair and my husband cut his own.

    3.) Stopped at our local thrift shop to look for jeans and joggers for my oldest daughter. We had placed an order through Old Navy using super cash, it ended up getting lost and cancelled. I found 7 items for less than $18!

    4.) Making sure to get our pool water tested on Wednesday’s when the store offers a discount on chemicals.

    5.) Planning a Christmas in July camping trip using things we already have around the house. Including a buy noting white elephant gift exchange.


    Wednesday 30th of June 2021

    It's been a expensive week, but we had a few frugal wins: 1. Found bags of walnuts on sale at Walmart for $2/bag. I snagged 5 bags (leaving some for another lucky shopper). 2. Used a gift card to eat out on Sunday 3. Cleaned two of our cars myself. Typically, I go to the local car wash place. This saved us about $50 (probably more). 4. Finally received a refund for some clothing I purchased online and returned. 5. It's blackberry season.! We picked about 5 lbs of blackberries from our bushes this week. I froze 4 lbs and kept 1 lb out to eat now.


    Wednesday 30th of June 2021

    My five this week: Converting dress to top Making salad dressing with homegrown herbs Swimming daily in open water Making granola (your recipe!) Picking a bouquet from garden flowers.

    I hardly think of these as frugal because I do all of them for fun!

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