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Five Frugal Things | treasure house notecards

Guys, I promise that one day in the future, I will have a little more time and space for interesting frugal things.

For now, I spend so much of my time on school and all the associated requirements, I am really doing the bare minimum in many other areas of my life.

Kristen and Chiquita.

But in about 7-8 months, if all goes well, I will be done with school!

And I am super duper positive that working three 12-hour shifts a week will not compare to the way that nursing school completely takes over one’s life. There will be more breathing room.

Anyway. Let’s see what I can come up with for this week!

1. I used Treasure House notecards for exam prep

I had a pack of slightly wrinkled index cards in my drawer (I think they got a little damp at one point at the treasure house) and I used them to make some little brain-dump info cards about hematologic disorders.


I know a LOT of things about anemia, leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma right now. 😉

nursing school notecards.

2. I bought a stethoscope on eBay

This is kind of a sad one: someone took my stethoscope at the hospital two weeks ago. 🙁 I think it was initially an accident, but still, now there’s someone at that hospital walking around with a stethoscope that has a metal cuff on it that says “Kristen”.

Kristen with a stethoscope.


Why did they not bring it back once they realized the error??

This is double sad because that stethoscope is one that a dear reader kindly sent to me before I started nursing school.

I am still holding out hope that it will turn up in the lost and found at some point. But at this moment, I need a stethoscope to use for clinical days.

So, I bought one on eBay, and I picked a light, bright color.


Many people have dark-colored stethoscopes, so I am hoping that the light color of this one will prevent future accidental mixups.

3. I went to a $10 symphony

Well, the symphony is not normally $10. I’m just milking my college student benefits for all they’re worth. I got a $70 ticket for $10 thanks to my student ID. 🙂 

I barely made it in time because I had a late Friday sim lab…but I did a quick wardrobe change in the back of my van (with the shades pulled down!), and I made it there in the nick of time.

Once I graduate, my budget will not allow symphony trips at this rate of frequency (that was my second one in a week’s time!) but for now, it is lovely.

And I do plan to get my BSN after I graduate, so that will buy me one more year of student discounts. 🙂

4. I jumped through lots of medical hoops to keep costs down

So, right now, I have sorta crappy health insurance that I bought through my state’s open market health insurance site. This is a temporary situation; once I get a job as a nurse, I will have decent insurance through the hospital.

But for now, it is a whole unpleasant experience. Lots of offices don’t accept my insurance, including my usual mammogram spot where I get my routine checkups each year.

mammogram office.

My usual mammogram place is so nice! They give you these soft fluffy half-robes to wear before they squeeze your boobs into oblivion. Heh.

If I wanted to go there I’d have to pay out of pocket but if I stay in-network with the appropriate referrals, preventive appointments like that are free.

After a lot of headache, and many phone calls, I did find a new spot to do mine, plus I got a referral for a dermatologist checkup at an office that takes my insurance, plus I scheduled an eye exam, plus I scheduled my gyn checkup.

I gave myself gold stars for hanging in there with all of that!

I booked most of the appointments for the end of the semester because heaven knows I have very little free time at the moment (and very little availability during business hours.)

5. hmmmmm….

I am still largely eating at home

I make my coffee at home.

I am spending almost nothing on entertainment (aside from the occasional $10 symphony).

Nursing school makes me too busy to do anything expensive. 😉

Your turn! What frugal things have you been up to lately?

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Tuesday 8th of October 2024

1. I sold an item on Ebay, packaged it in an envelop I already had, and sent it promptly. 2. I used some pot roast and spaghetti sauce from the freezer. At this point I think I've eaten down most of the random stuff. I can see that the next step is to make a bunch of turkey broth to get turkey carcasses out of the way. But, its still a bit warm during the day for that process; maybe Thursday. I've worked through two of three freezers so the turkey is really only blocking the last one; its just not worth the effort to pull it all out just to shove it back in even if then I can see what's behind it. 3. I ate a frozen egg patty for breakfast; I think there's one more to go. Again, easy as long as I remember it. 4. I cut the last of the cucumbers and green/wax beans from the garden. It is getting cold enough at night that the plants are dying. 5. I dug out some markers that haven't been used in at least 15 years for my kids who needed to make posters (which hasn't been done in this house in a similar length of time). Happily discovered that they worked. Also happily discovered that we already had some poster board of a similar age for them to use, and one of those foam core tri-fold things which I know a different kid will need this coming spring. One less thing to buy.

Mary Ann

Tuesday 8th of October 2024

Does staying within a budget count as frugal? I just want to keep it real. I have spent a bunch on some bucket list items. I know if I needed to do so I could cut my spending way down. I guess that is why I am posting here to remind myself that paying for less on big ticket items is still good stewardship.

1. I changed my 10 days Carolina Shores trip to 5 days in New York city. The weather was mostly my concern in that I am traveling/driving alone. The itinerary change means no additional output in money. It is using up vouchers that have an expiration and credit cards reward points. I am super excited.

2. I am spending time hunting down a $67.00 refund Big 5 owes me. So irritating but I will not be defeated. It is time or money in this retirement phase.

3. I lowered some jewelry prices on REAL REAL to move it. I will not use this service again just because it is so much slower than EBAY/ Poshmark. There is really no reason to return because I will have no more fancy jewelry to sell. Making an "engagement ring of my dreams" has been a huge lesson in ego deflation and humility. I want to move on. If it is not sold in a week, I will melt it down. Yep. Keeping it real.

4. I had to do a last minute trip on the hunt for 9 ceiling fans in the Riverhouse. I thought I would stop to get something to eat. I just stopped at my house instead. DUH!

5. I am researching a way to get a cheaper Sam's Club renewal.


Tuesday 8th of October 2024

So sorry about your stethoscope! In those cases I try to say a prayer that whoever “found” it really needs it, and maybe they be blessed by it. I try to turn it around in my head, I choose to see it not as a theft but an inadvertent gift and a blessing. Doesn’t always work but it’s about my attitude and that’s all I can control! I hope you find it though!


Tuesday 8th of October 2024

1. I cashed in rewards for 2 free iced teas for me and my husband. 2. I bought pajama pants for me and my girls. Then I happened to go back to the site over the weekend and saw that there was a sale and I saved way more so I repurchased them. The store is nearby so I'll just go and return the first order. 3. Sold a few more items on OfferUp (a costume and an office chair) 4. Turned in another expense for reimbursement to my Dependent Care Reimbursement account through my employer. 5. Can't think of a good one so I'll resort to my usual - saved money by doing things I wanted someone else to do by doing them myself: painted my nails, cleaned my house, cooked our food, bathed the dog,


Tuesday 8th of October 2024

Just one this week but it’s a doozy: I couldn’t pay my gas bill.

Not “I couldn’t afford to pay” but “The gas company wouldn’t take my money.”

Turns out that the company never switched the bill to my name when I moved last year. I’ve been paying a dummy account for 14 months. It worked, the gas flowed, I didn’t notice. But there was some weirdness in the past couple of months and as a result, the gas company and I noticed the dummy account and we changed it over to my name. Somehow, this meant the $128 owed literally disappeared from the system. I couldn’t find it online to pay it, the automated phone system couldn’t find it, and live customer service isn’t authorized to accept payment.


Tuesday 8th of October 2024

Haha, well, that worked out VERY nicely for you!

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