Hey everyone!
I’m out of town for a few days at Lake Tahoe in California, skiing with my parents and siblings. And that means my frugal activities have been few and far between.

from a trip two years ago
So, how about some not-so-frugal things?
1. I did not buy my lift tickets ahead of time
It would have been much cheaper to buy my tickets in the fall of 2021, but at that point, I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to go.
So, I ended up buying them two days before my flight left, and I basically paid the maximum price.
2. I did not use our Southwest reward points for my flight
Since this is a solo trip, and the Southwest credit card reward points are more of a jointly-owned thing, I opted to use my own personal fun money to pay for my flight.
I skipped upgrading to the early-bird check-in, though. I’m really not that pressed about where I sit on the plane.
3. I rented my skis and boots
Since I’ve only gone skiing two other times in the last 18 years, I’ve been opting to rent equipment.
In the long run, it probably would be better to buy skis and boots. But this way I don’t have to store or maintain any equipment, and I don’t have to take any of it on the airplane either.
So, I suppose this could possibly be a frugal-ish win.
It’s definitely a less-headache win!
And now for two slightly more frugal things:
4. I do own some equipment
I bought goggles, a helmet, and ski pants from Costco a few years ago.
I bought my winter coat on clearance one spring at Dick’s Sporting Goods, and I got my mittens for 50% off (also at Dick’s Sporting Goods, interestingly).
Also, my rolling travel bag was a clearance purchase. And I used my refillable toiletry containers for shampoo and such.
Does this make up for full-price lift tickets? Ummmm, no. Ha.
5. I’m mooching off my parents for lodging
They have kindly rented a condo for all of us, and they have also rented a car. So, I don’t have to cover those expenses.
Do I generally recommend mooching as a frugal strategy? Nope. But sometimes it is good to let other people bless you, particularly when they offer something as a gift.
Really, I mainly wrote this post so that there would be a place for you all to share your weekly five frugal things. I’ll be back to frugal living next week!
Hawaii Planner
Saturday 19th of February 2022
We head to Park City for ski break tomorrow, and I'm excited about it. However, like you, we were concerned about wasting money on ski passes we couldn't use, so didn't buy them when they were cheaper. And, let's just say that they are ....not cheap, right now. Not at all cheap. Like, really not cheap.
For frugal wins: 1) Saw that flights to Hawaii had dropped, and we are taking my mom for her 70th birthday. Cancelled & rebooked my flight, saving $200. 2) Sold a jacket on eBay 3) Used grocery store rewards, uploaded receipts via Fetch, cashed out Fetch rewards for Amazon credit 4) Used up chocolate almond milk (an accidental purchase) in smoothies, and everyone loves it in that usage. 5) We are renting a condo for our ski trip, and avoiding most meals out. I have two teenage skiers, however, and they will not be satisfied with packed PB&Js for lunch, no matter how big their breakfasts are. So, we will also plan for lodge lunches for them. We will bring our own snacks & drinks as well.
Friday 18th of February 2022
Late, but I had a fun frugal Aldi find made even more frugal by my lovely husband. I bought two packages of marked down bone-in pork chops. They were two dollars off and each package had three chops, so they ended up being a little less than a dollar per chop. When I got home, my husband said he would cut up two to make stirfried orange pork and peppers, and suggested I freeze the other four (putting one in a ziplock). The stir fry made enough for dinner one night plus three lunches for me, so we are definitely stretching those pork chops for all they are worth!
Other frugal things were the boring usuals: packed lunches, ate/cooked at home, wore my unexciting but soothingly predictable teaching wardrobe, drove my 18 year old car to work, batched errands, etc.
Lindsay B
Friday 18th of February 2022
FFT- New Baby Edition
1. The new baby arrived, along with both sets of parents who have been feeding us and buying miscellaneous necessary items like extra diapers. (We have cloth diapers but are waiting a while until we get into a bit more of a routine.) 2. At the hospital, we were given several onesies and swaddle wraps, along with other sundries from our room. I’ve been glad to have the extra supplies, and the swaddles are wonderful. 3. Thankfully breastfeeding is going well so far, which saves us from buying formula. 4. Grateful that our insurance covers well child visits at 100%, as well as several visits from a lactation consultant. 5. Sold a book on eBay– it wasn’t worth much, but better to have it out of my hands and go to someone who will use it. 6. Completed a short survey through my professional organization for a $5 gift card. 7. Received a large referral bonus for a friend who took a position at the company I work for- she was the one who contacted me and initiated the referral process, so that was an unexpected gift. I’ll send her a gift card as a thank you.
Lindsay B
Monday 21st of February 2022
@Kristen, thank you! We waited and prayed for Baby E for a long time, and are grateful we could afford several rounds of IVF. Being frugal in other areas allowed us to "splurge" in the IVF area, ha!
Saturday 19th of February 2022
Ohh, congrats on your new little person!!
Friday 18th of February 2022
1. I was sick during the week so didn’t order any groceries. I did a top up shop while I waited for my daughters ballet class tonight. I had $35 in supermarket points so total shop was $15. 2. I started a fridge/ freezer/ pantry challenge and found a few things that are about to expire so we are using them up. 3. Was accepted into a supermarket club where I get to try free products. 4. Cashed out $40 from a shop back app. It was mostly accumulated dollars from my Christmas shopping. 5. I was gifted free books for my baby from a buy nothing group on Facebook.
Thursday 17th of February 2022
My 5 frugal :
* I wrote Bicks companie about a defective product (food) and they sent me coupons for free items. * I stopped using hair products at work. I wear a N95 and a face shield all day long, so what's the point? Poney tail, frizzy hair, don't care! * I am (trying, for the millionth time...) calories counting in order to lose weight. Eating less = cheaper groceries * Hubby and I decided on a Stay-cation this summer. I was never a fan of travelling, and now with Covid it's even less tempting. So we will chill at home and do free/cheap activities with the kids while NOT having to pack, NOT having to travel far, NOT having to meal-prep, and be able to sleep in our own beds (with air conditionning on). Sounds like a pretty great vacation to me! * I dropped my new laptop and it didn't break