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Five (small) Frugal Things

Probably for now, my FFT are all going to be of the small variety. I don’t have time for anything very impressive right now!

(Except maybe this: I am most definitely going to pass all of my first semester classes. And passing classes is a huge financial win.)


1. I spent $0 and got $5

It’s cheating a little to say it that way. Lemme explain.

I picked up a prescription from CVS that was actually $0 out of pocket (yay for the time of year when the deductible is fully met!).

cash on top of a pink Kate Spade wallet

And because I am a member of CVS’s pharmacy rewards, I get a $5 credit for every 10 prescriptions I fill there.

This $0 prescription triggered a $5 reward, so yay!

I say that the way I phrased this is cheating because the other nine prescriptions were not all $0. But still, it’s kinda nice that the 10th was free.

Also, my prescription receipt included a $4/any purchase coupon, and I used that to buy a $5 item on my way out. So I only spent $1 out of pocket, and I didn’t even touch my $5 reward. 🙂

2. I filled up my gas tank for $3.09/gallon

My Upside app is still serving me pretty well by beating the Royal Farms price. Of course, I filled up at the lowest price station when I was already nearby because traveling specifically to save on gas is rarely worth it.

Costco gas pumping opposite side

3. I made copies at school

We have a lot of blank paperwork to bring to clinicals, and since I’d already printed out one set, I realized, “Ooh! I could just throw it all in the copier at school.”


aforementioned paperwork

The forms are given to us in something like 8-10 separate downloads, so it’s kind of annoying to print everything separately; it’s faster to just put it all in the copier at once, and the copier is in the building where I have my classes.

So, this saved me paper, ink, and time.

3. I got a free drink at Panera (by accident)

I went there after clinicals to work on some of my paperwork assignments. Because sometimes it helps to go somewhere besides home to do boring work. 🙂

Once you get home there’s other work that can be distracting. And also there is a cat that likes to walk on computer keyboards. Heh. 


This is just a medication sheet, but I’m being extra careful with the blurring just in case 🙂


Anyway, I was gonna just buy a cheap fountain drink in exchange for the privilege of using Panera as a paperwork spot, but when the manager at the cash register saw my uniform, he said, “Ah, I’m not gonna charge you for that.”

I dunno if he realized I am only a student nurse (maybe he gives free drinks to anyone in scrubs?) but I thought that was a kind gesture. 

I’m not exactly serving the community yet, but one day I will. 

4. I used $15 of credit to get a free stethoscope box

I don’t like just throwing my blood pressure cuff and stethoscope into my backpack all the time, so I ordered a little zippered box to hold both. That’ll be much easier to carry with me!

I used $15 of Amazon credit card credits, plus I picked no-rush shipping which will give me 6% back on the purchase.

5. I wore my mismatched socks

I had several pairs of Adidas socks a while back, and when one sock wore through in several places, I kept its twin in my drawer.

Then another one wore through, and I made the two other socks into a new pair.


I know my friend Katy darns her socks, but I don’t know how I would with this type of socks. Mine typically wear thin in a large area, so I can’t imagine trying to darn the hole. The end result would be rather lumpy, unless I could find some super duper thin yarn.

worn socks.

Regardless…I do NOT have time to darn socks right now. That is so far down my list of priorities, it’s, like, 5 miles below sea level.

Your turn! What frugal things have you been up to?

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Queen of Fifty Cents

Saturday 25th of November 2023

Regarding mending socks...good wool socks are usually something you want to actually darn. I hand knit socks and they are precious resources! Crew socks may not be worth mending for many people, but socks cost money and you can save them. Keep the sock with the hole, and when another sock goes use the first one to patch it. Patch, not darn. I would use a double thickness in those likely-to-wear-thin areas. You can use a glue stick to hold them in place (glue will wash out) and hand stitch around the patch. I mend socks while streaming movies. Which is also when I knit socks!


Thursday 23rd of November 2023

Just gonna recommend the Puma (10 pack?) of short socks that is currently on sale at Costco-- I've been wearing them for 5+ years and no wear like that, and I like to walk like you do plus go to the gym and use the cardio machines too!

Brenda D

Thursday 23rd of November 2023

I had to do some serious thinking to find FFT this week. My best frugal wins are that I kind of hate shopping anymore, and find I donโ€™t need much anyway, so itโ€™s easy to not spend money. 1. In cleaning out my aunts house I have found lots of things that I have used, mostly kitchen/pantry finds. I made dinner on Tuesday mostly all from her pantry, so practically a free meal. 2. Had a coupon for a free fruit cup from my grocery store. No way would I pay $3 for it, but it made a fantastic breakfast with some yogurt. 3. Make 100% of my coffee at home. 4. Used a Walgreens special offer to print pictures of my grandchildren to update the frames. 5. Bought a pair of LLBean duffel bags, one is huge, one is medium, both are in excellent condition and I paid $20 on FB marketplace!


Wednesday 22nd of November 2023

I hardly ever comment (but am a loyal reader). But when I saw the bit at the beginning about passing all of your classes being a win, it reminded me of a time with my son as he went through college.

He was a junior and failed his chemistry class. I was pretty surprised (and annoyed) because he had taken and passed AP Chem in high school and was good with science. When I expressed my surprise at this failed class, he said rather indignantly - 'I chose to fail it. I had to let go of a class'. So rather than stay on top of things, or drop before the drop deadline, he just skimmed over the class and took the fail. To illustrate the poor choice here, I did the numbers and told him how much that class had cost in tuition dollars and how taking it twice probably was not a good decision. I think he got it.

Not to sound like an unsupportive mom - he later failed an engineering class but I knew he gave it his all. The class was so difficult. In this situation, I was very supportive.

Lessons learned.


Wednesday 22nd of November 2023

I was thinking I didn't have much but....

1. Got charged wrong on 12 packs of soda that was on sale. Went back today and got $6.xx back. Like I was going to pay $9.49 for a 12 pack of soda! It was on sale for 3 packs for $12.99. It pays to go back. 2. Found a penny. 3. My library is giving away some old books and National Geographics. The National Geographics that I got are from November and December 1930. The advertising is very cool. One had an article about New York City so I'll save that for my ddil to read. 4. Bought socks, yes socks, from Yankee Candle and got another free candle. Far be for me to NOT take a freebie. 5. Picked up my Bath and Body Works at the mall so I didn't pay $6.99 for shipping. I bought 6 foaming hand soaps in Christmassy scents and they were on sale for $2.95 each. They usually are $7 each. I had a gift card that I got from my credit card points so they were free. I like to give them to my sister in law and neice. The mall is about 4 miles from me and hubby and I combined it with a trip to the Costco gas station where gas was $2.89/gallon. Holy Turkey Day!

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