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Five Thankful Things

Sometimes when I’m feeling discouraged, it’s super helpful for me to write down some things I’m thankful for.   Even though nothing in my circumstances changes when I do this, my outlook changes, and that makes all the difference.


1. Sunshine is coming.

I’ve been feeling a little bluer than usual lately, and I think part of it is due to the incessant rain that’s been falling on the east coast.

It’s been cold too, which isn’t helping.


Sunshine is on the way, along with warmer temperatures, and I am super grateful for that.


2. Lots of people are lovin’ on Lisey.

Her two little cousins have brought her flowers and ice cream, another cousin came to keep her company on Saturday, my mom brought her a cute little plant, a friend invited her over to watch a movie (she was dying to get out of the house!), and you all have been so kind to send well-wishes and prayers her way.

3. Our insurance is great now that we met our deductible.

We were paying pretty high prices for the first few months of the year (thank goodness for our flexible spending account!), but now that our family deductible is met, our insurance is fabulous.

Lisey’s surgery only cost us $200 out of pocket, and all of her post-op meds have been super affordable too.

We certainly didn’t plan it this way, but it’s handy to have a surgery like this in a year where you meed your deductible, since that doesn’t happen every year.

4. School is ALMOST done.

I mentioned this yesterday, but it deserves to be on my thankful list for today too. 😉

At this point in the year, we are all pretty burnt out and ready for a break, and I’m grateful we just have a small bit of work to finish up.

5. A neighbor helped us out.

I saw some suspicious winged creatures the other day, so I brought one over to show to my neighbor, who treats pests for a living, just to make sure it wasn’t a termite.

Fortunately, it wasn’t…just a large winged ant.   Phew.

After dinner, the same neighbor showed up at the door with an ant treatment and applied it for us, which was so kind!

He wouldn’t accept any payment, so I think maybe we will bake something for him.


Do you need a little perking up today?   Make your own Five Thankful Things list in the comments, and let the gratefulness work its magic!

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    Mary Jo

    Tuesday 14th of June 2016

    I am most grateful for The Great Almighty God that has intervened in my life and saved my marriage, so that my husband and I ended up in church instead of in a divorce court. And I am grateful to have found your post, I am humbled by it, and also blessed, so I thank you and all those that have replied. I thank God for my husband and my children and grandchildren. I thank Him for my life, and pray that through Him, I have somehow helped others to know Him better. I am grateful for people like you, Kristen, who take time to help others, and I pray that He will Bless you, and all that have added what they are grateful for, and all that happen upon this post.


    Wednesday 25th of May 2016

    1) Summer (3 kids home now) 2) Road trip/next week NC beach! (visiting parents, Dad's birthday #70! (my birthday same day! 3) More time with Husband (truck driver) 4) Warmer weather (finally!) lol 5) Jesus, at my side....always


    Tuesday 24th of May 2016

    Many big picture things (health, family, freedom) but I'll comment on the small things today.

    1. Grateful that I'm up with a baby only because she's teething. This too shall pass.

    2. Grateful for rain finally here in MA. Hadn't any in almost two weeks. It washed the pollen out of the air and watered a very dry garden.

    3. Grateful that we have a stocked freezer and pantry so the fact that we missed a grocery shopping trip this weekend was no big deal and we still could feed a guest.

    4. Grateful for the little bit of me time that comes with a cup of coffee in a haired day.

    5. Grateful for friends and family who are happy to share part of their day with my girls and share the challenges of overtired kids.


    Tuesday 24th of May 2016

    I have to work diligently at improving my gratitude attitude. I am improving so.

    1. After all the doctor appointments and tests that have been needed of late I am grateful that nothing sinister has been found.

    2. Modern pain relievers have brought a little less pain stress into the house. This means that I am happier at least.

    3. While you anxiously await warmer and drier weather and I am celebrating much cooler nights that mean no air conditioning.

    4. Freedom

    5. My family.


    Tuesday 24th of May 2016

    1. My husband, who nursed me through a two and a half year bed-ridden illness with good humor and frequent reminders that this was the for worse part of for better or worse and would eventually pass. Plus he did all the cleaning and cooking and errands, always without complaint. Now we can finally do things together again---I will never be as good as I was but at least I am alive.

    2. Like many others, we had huge medical bills despite good insurance (can you believe a motorized wheelchair cost $26,000!! More than a car!). I am thankful we had enough in savings to pay for most of it and are now back to rebuilding that savings account.

    3. Two wonderful, crazy-making dogs. (One of whom, unnoticed by me, was standing by my side and eating each strawberry plant as I transplanted it into the ground this weekend.)

    4. Good weather

    5. A library that lets me reserve books and extend the due dates, all by email. They even remind me by email when a book is close to being overdue. And it is small enough that they noticed that I had difficulty with mobility and offered to have the book mobile deliver my books to my house. I need to move around even when it is painful and a hassle so I declined but I am still thankful there is a service like that and that an employee took the time to care about my needs. Librarians rock!


    Tuesday 24th of May 2016

    He ate all of your strawberry plants? Oh no!

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