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Five Things We Ate (Ok, really, it’s WIS, WWA!)

You know I had to do a title in keeping with the five things for this week.   😉

What I Spent

I spent  $114 which is on the low side, but that’s because I got a free Dinnerly box this week in prep for a giveaway post I’m doing for them this coming week.

Stay tuned for that!

August Spending

Week 1: $166

Week 2:  $100.89

Week 3: $118

Week 3:  $114

2018 Monthly Averages

(goal is $150/week)

January: $544  

February: $588

March: $641

April: $728

May: $535

June: $749

July:  $578

August:  $498

Average so far is $139/week.

What We Ate


We went grocery shopping right before dinner and I knew I wasn’t going to feel like starting on dinner when we got home.   So, we got frozen pizza from Aldi.

Cheaper than takeout, you know?


We started our Dinnerly meals.   Our first was a pasta dish with a creamy Mascarpone sauce. We’re still working through our box of bruised peaches, so we had those on the side.


We had a beef and green bean stir-fry from our Dinnerly box.   Plus peaches (OF COURSE) and cucumber slices.


It was our last Dinnerly meal…a sheet pan meal with potatoes, onions, zucchini, and sausage meatballs.


We’re having dinner with my parents again this Friday. Yay for a night off for me!


What was on your dinner table this week?

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    Tuesday 4th of September 2018

    Very odd week for us, but lots of fun and relaxation

    Monday: On vacation - Dinner Buffet

    Tuesday: On vacation - Microwavable soup

    Wednesday: Burgers on the grill

    Thursday: Burgers on the grill

    Friday: Burgers on the grill


    Tuesday 4th of September 2018

    I had a burger for lunch and for dinner on Sunday...but that's still fewer burgers than you guys ate! :)

    Mary H

    Monday 3rd of September 2018

    Just curious - what do WIS and WWA stand for?


    Monday 3rd of September 2018

    What I Spent / What We Ate


    Sunday 2nd of September 2018

    I've never tried a service like Dinnerley - we have a few similar in Aust but I think it would be great to try when I'm in a cooking/planning rut, those meals sound good - I love the Aldi pizza idea a great standby- one of my workmates told me he keeps a frozen pizza in the freezer & when there's nothing else to eat he knows it's time to go food shopping


    Friday 31st of August 2018

    I'm not great at keeping tabs weekly on what I spend, but I do keep a running idea of what things should cost (like a lowest price notebook in my brain). I buy when things are low and my freezer stays stocked when I find sales. This week I found sliced Kraft cheeses (provolone/swiss/cheddar) for $.30 each after a sale and coupon so I stocked up. I pay $1 for cereal. I really stock up when I find proteins on sale. I just checked Quicken and right now my weekly average for 2018 is $112. It was $98 for 2017 and $122 for 216. I do the majority of my shopping on a military base at a commissary so that is why it is low. My fruits/veggies come from Aldi mostly. If not, I would probably average around $150-$175.

    Ms. Frugal Asian Finance

    Friday 31st of August 2018

    Your weekly average is pretty awesome! Our go-to meals when all of us are hungry but don't have food at home are noodles and fried rice. It helps fill us up with little prep time and minimal costs! :D

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